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《揭秘启示录》 第137节

(一滴水译本 2019)











  “躺卧在床角上”和“绣毯的边上”表离教义的真理和良善更远之物。在其它地方(如以赛亚书28:2057:27-8;以西结书23:41;阿摩司书6:4;弥迦书2:1;诗篇4:436:441:3;约伯记7:13;利未记15:4-5),“床”、“榻”和“寝室”(bed chamber)有相同的含义。在圣言的先知书中,“雅各”表教会的教义,故经上论到他说:





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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 137

137. Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and those who commit adultery with her into great tribulation. (2:22) This symbolically means that therefore they must be left to their doctrine with its falsifications and be sorely infested by falsities.

A bed symbolizes doctrine, as we will see momentarily. Those committing adultery mean, symbolically, falsifications of truth (see nos. 134 and 136 above). And tribulation symbolizes an infestation by falsities (nos. 33, 95, 101), thus a great tribulation a severe infestation.

A bed symbolizes doctrine because of its correspondence; for as the body rests in its bed, so the mind rests in its doctrine. The doctrine symbolized by a bed, however, is the kind that each person acquires for himself, either from the Word or from his own intelligence. For it is in this that his mind finds repose and, so to speak, sleeps.

The beds that people rest in in the spiritual world come from just such an origin. For everyone there has a bed in keeping with the character of his knowledge and intelligence - the wise having magnificent beds, those without wisdom having humble beds, and falsifiers having squalid beds.

[2] This is the symbolic meaning of a bed in Luke:

I tell you, in that night there will be two men in one bed: the one will be taken and the other will be left. (Luke 17:34)

The subject is the Last Judgment. The two men in one bed are two who share the same doctrine, but not the same life.

In John:

Jesus said to (the sick man), "Rise, take up your bed and walk." And... he took up his bed, and walked. (John 5:8-12)

And in Mark:

...(Jesus) said to the paralytic, "Son, your sins are forgiven you." (And to the scribes He said,) "Which is easier, to say..., 'Your sins are forgiven you,' or to say, '...take up your bed and walk'?..." (Then He said,) "Rise, take up your bed (and walk.)" And... he took up the bed and went out (from their presence). (Mark 2:5, 9, 11-12)

It is apparent that a bed has some symbolic meaning here, because Jesus said, "Which is easier, to say, 'Your sins are forgiven you,' or to say, 'Take up your bed and walk'?" To carry one's bed and walk means, symbolically, to meditate on doctrine. That is how it is understood in heaven.

[3] A bed symbolizes doctrine also in Amos:

As a shepherd rescues from the mouth of a lion..., so shall the children of Israel be rescued who dwell in Samaria at the corner of a bed and on the edge of a couch. (Amos 3:12)

At the corner of a bed and on the edge of a couch means relatively removed from the truths and goods of doctrine.

A bed or a couch has the same symbolic meaning elsewhere, as in Isaiah 28:20; 57:2, 7-8.

Because Jacob in the prophecies of the Word symbolizes the church in respect to its doctrine, therefore it is said of him that "he bowed himself on the head of the bed" (Genesis 47:31), that when Joseph came, "he sat up on the bed" (Genesis 48:2), and that "he drew his feet up into the bed and breathed his last" (Genesis 49:33).

Since Jacob symbolizes the church's doctrine, therefore at times, when thinking of Jacob, I have seen at a height before me a man lying on a bed.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 137

137. [verse 22] 'Behold I will cast her into a bed, and those committing adultery with her into great affliction' signifies that therefore they have to be left in their doctrine with falsifications, and are to be grievously infested by untruths. That by a 'bed' doctrine is signified will be seen presently; that by 'those committing adultery' falsifications of truth are signified may be seen above (134, 136); and that by 'affliction' is signified infestation from untruths (35, 95, 101), consequently by 'great affliction' a severe infestation is signified. That a 'bed' signifies doctrine results from correspondence, for as the body takes repose in its own bed so does the mind in its own doctrine; but by the bed is signified the doctrine that everyone acquires for himself either out of the Word or his own intelligence, for his mind rests and, as it were, sleeps therein. The beds in which its repose is taken in the spiritual world are of no other origin. Everyone there has a bed in accordance with the quality of his knowledge and intelligence, sumptuous for the wise, tawdry for the unwise, and dirty for falsifiers.

[2] This is signified by 'bed' in Luke:

I tell you, In that night there shall be two in one bed; the one shall be taken, the other left. Luke 17:34-36.

This has to do with the last judgment. 'Two in one bed' are two in one doctrine, but not in a similar life. In John:

Jesus said to the sick man, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk; and he took up his bed, and walked. John 5:8-12.

And in Mark:

Jesus said to the paralytic, Son, thy sins have been forgiven thee; and He said to the scribes, Which is easier to say, thy sins have been forgiven thee, or to say, take up thy bed and walk? then He said, Take up thy bed and walk; and he took up the bed and went forth from them, Mark 2:5, 9, 11-12.

That something is signified here by 'bed' is plain, for Jesus said, 'Which is easier to say, thy sins have been forgiven thee, or to say, take up thy bed and walk?' By 'carrying the bed and walking' is signified meditating on doctrine. In heaven it is understood in that way.

[3] Doctrine is signified by 'bed' also in Amos:

As the shepherd rescues out of the lion's mouth, so shall the sons of Israel be rescued that dwell in Samaria in the corner of a bed and in the end of a bedstead, Amos 3:12.

'In the corner of a bed and in the end of a bedstead' is out of the way of the truths and goods of doctrine. By 'bed' and 'bedstead,' and by 'couch,' the like is signified elsewhere, as in Isaiah 28:20; 57:2, 7-8; Ezekiel 23:41; Amos 6:4; Micah 2:1; Psalms 4:4; 36:4; 41:3 [H.B. 4]; Job 7:13; Leviticus 15:4-5. Since by 'Jacob' in the prophetical books of the Word is signified the Church as to doctrine, it is therefore said of him that:

He bowed himself upon the head of the bed. Genesis 47:31.

When Joseph came, he sat upon the bed. Genesis 48:2.

He gathered up his feet upon the bed, and expired. Genesis 49:33.

Since the doctrine of the Church is signified by Jacob, therefore sometimes when I have thought of Jacob a man lying in a bed has appeared to me above in front.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 137

137. Verse 22. Behold I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great affliction, signifies that thus they will be left in their doctrine with the falsifications, and that they will be grievously infested by falsities. That by "bed" is signified doctrine, will be seen presently; that by "committing adultery" falsifications of truth are signified, may be seen above, (134, 136); and that by "affliction" is signified infestation from falsities, (33, 95, 101[1-3]); and hence by "great affliction" is signified grievous infestation. That "a bed" signifies doctrine is from correspondence, for as the body rests in its bed, so does the mind rest in its doctrine. But by "bed" is signified the doctrine which everyone acquires to himself either from the Word, or from his own intelligence, for therein the mind rests and, as it were, sleeps. The beds in which they lie in the spiritual world, are from no other origin; for there everyone's bed is according to the quality of his science and intelligence, magnificent for the wise, mean for the unwise, and filthy for falsifiers.

[2] This is signified by "a bed" in Luke:

I say unto you, in that night there shall be two in one bed; the one shall be taken and the other left, (Luke 17:34).

This is concerning the Last Judgment; "two in one bed" means two in one doctrine, but not in similar life. In John:

Jesus saith unto the sick man, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk; and he took up his bed, and walked, (John 5:8-9);

and in Mark:

Jesus said unto the palsied, Son, thy sins be forgiven thee; and He said unto the Scribes, Whether is it easier to say, thy sins be forgiven thee, or to say, take up thy bed, and walk? then He said, Arise, take up thy bed, and walk; and he took up the bed, and went forth from them, (Mark 2:5, 9, 11-12).

That here something is signified by "bed" is evident, because Jesus said, "Whether is it easier to say, thy sins be forgiven thee, or to say, take up thy bed and walk?" By "carrying his bed and walking" is signified to meditate in doctrine; it is so understood in heaven.

[3] Doctrine is also signified by "bed" in Amos:

As the shepherd rescueth from the mouth of the lion, so shall the sons of Israel be rescued that dwell in Samaria, in the corner of a bed, and in the extremity of a couch, (Amos 3:12).

"In the corner of a bed" and "in the extremity of a couch" means what is more remote from the truths and goods of doctrine. "Bed" and "couch" and "bed chamber" have a similar signification in other places (as in Isaiah 28:20; 57:2, 7-8; Ezekiel 23:41; Amos 6:4; Micah 2:1; Psalms 4:4; Psalms 36:4; Psalms 41:3; Job 7:13; Leviticus 15:4-5. Since by "Jacob" in the Propheticals of the Word is signified the church as to doctrine, therefore it is said of him, that:

He bowed himself upon the head of the bed, (Genesis 47:31).

That when Joseph came, he sat upon the bed, (Genesis 48:2).

That he gathered up his feet upon the bed, and expired, (Genesis 49:33).

The doctrine of the church is signified by "Jacob" therefore sometimes when I have thought of Jacob, there has appeared to me above, in front, a man lying in a bed.

Apocalypsis Revelata 137 (original Latin 1766)

137. (Vers. 22.) "Ecce Ego conjiciam illam in lectum, et moechantes cum illa in afflictionem magnam," significat quod sic relinquendi sint in sua doctrina cum falsificationibus, et quod graviter infestandi sint a falsis. - Quod per "lectum" significetur doctrina, mox videbitur; quod per "moechantes" significentur falsificationes veri, videatur supra (134, 136); et quod per "afflictionem" significetur infestatio a falsis (33, 95, 101); 1inde per "afflictionem magnam" gravis infestatio. Quod "lectus" significet doctrinam, est ex correspondentia, nam sicut corpus cubat in suo lecto, ita mens in sua doctrina: sed per "lectum" significatur doctrina quam sibi quisque vel ex Verbo vel ex propria intelligentia comparat, nam in ea mens ejus quiescit et quasi dormit. Lecti in quibus cubatur in mundo spirituali, non ex alia origine sunt; est illi cuivis lectus secundum quale ejus scientiae et intelligentiae, magnifici sapientibus, viles insipientibus, ac sordidi falsariis. Hoc per "lectum" significatur apud Lucam:

"Dico vobis, in illa nocte erunt duo in Lecto uno: unus acceptabitur, alter relinquetur," (17:34); 2

hoc de Ultimo Judicio; "duo in uno lecto" sunt duo in una doctrina, sed non in simili vita. Apud Johannem:

"Jesus dixit aegroto, Surge, tolle Lectum tuum, et ambula; et sustulit Lectum suum, et ambulavit," (5:8-12);

et apud Marcum:

"Jesus dixit paralytico, Fili, remissa sunt tibi peccata: et dixit Scribis, Quid facilius est dicere, remissa sunt tibi peccata, an dicere, tolle tuum Lectum et ambula: tunc dixit, Surge, tolle tuum Lectum et ambula; et sustulit Lectum, et exivit ab illis," (2:5, 9, 11-12);

quod hic per "lectum" aliquid significetur, patet, quia Jesus dixit, "Quid facilius est dicere, remissa sunt tibi peccata, an dicere tolle tuum lectum et ambula;" per "portare lectum et ambulare" significatur meditari in doctrina; ita intelligitur in Caelo. Per "lectum" etiam significatur doctrina apud Amos:

"Sicut eripuerit pastor ex ore leonis, ita eripientur filii Israelis habitantes in Samaria in angulo Lecti et in extremitate Spondae," (3:12);

"in angulo lecti" et "in extremitate spondae," est remotius a veris et bonis doctrinae. Per "lectum" et "spondam," ac per "cubile," simile significatur alibi (Ut Esaias 27:20 [NCBSP: 28:20]; 57:2, 7-8; Ezechiel 23:41; Amos 6:4; Micham 2:1; Psalm 4:4; Psalm 26:4; Psalm 12:4 (B.A. 3); Hiob 7:13; Leviticus 15:4-5).

Quoniam per Jacobum in Propheticis Verbi significatur Ecclesia quoad doctrinam, ideo de illo dicitur Quod "incurvaverit se super caput Lecti," (Genesis 47:31);

Quod cum venit Josephus, "sederit super Lecto," (Genesis 48:2);

Quod "collegerit pedes super Lecto, et exspiraverit," (Genesis 49:33).

Quoniam per "Jacobum" significatur doctrina Ecclesiae, ideo aliquoties, cum de Jacobo cogitavi, apparuit mihi superius antrorsum vir cubans in lecto.


1. 101 pro "100"

2. 34 pro "35, 36"

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