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《揭秘启示录》 第143节

(一滴水译本 2019)


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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 143

143. "'And who have not known the depths of Satan, as they say.'" This symbolically means, who do not understand the interior constituents of their tenets, which are nothing but falsities.

Satan means a hell composed of people caught up in falsities, and abstractly the falsities themselves, as may be seen in no. 97 above. Thus its depths symbolize the interior constituents of a doctrine divorced from charity, which are nothing but falsities.

The depths or interior constituents of that doctrine are those that are expressed in their books, in their lectures in the universities, and so in their sermons, whose character may be seen in the treatments preceding Chapter 1 where we presented their doctrinal tenets, in particular the section titled, "Regarding Justification by Faith, and Good Works." See our observation there that only the clergy know the mysteries of that doctrine, and not the laity. Consequently it is the latter principally that are meant by people who have not known the depths.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 143

143. 'And who have not known the depths of Satan, as they say' signifies who do not understand the interiors of those things, which are totally untrue. That by 'Satan' is understood the hell [formed] out of those who are in untruths, and abstractly the untruths, may be seen above (97). Consequently by its 'depths' are signified the interiors of the doctrine separated from charity, and these are totally untrue. The depths and interiors of that doctrine are the things that are given out in their books, also in lectures in the colleges, and thence in preachings. Of what quality these are may be seen in the things premised to Chapter 1, where their Doctrinal Tenets have been quoted, particularly there [the section treating] of JUSTIFICATION BY FAITH, and OF GOOD WORKS. There it may be seen stated that only the clergy are acquainted with the mysteries of that doctrine, but not the laity, and therefore chiefly the latter are understood by those 'who have not known the depths.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 143

143. And who have not known the depths of Satan, as they speak, signifies they who do not understand their interiors, which are mere falsities. That by "Satan" is meant the hell of those who are in falsities, and abstractly, falsities, may be seen above, (97); therefore by its "depths" are signified the interiors of the doctrine separated from charity, which are mere falsities. The depths and interiors of that doctrine are what are delivered in their books and lectures in the universities, and thence in their preachings, the nature of which is pointed out in what is prefixed to the first chapter, where their doctrines are quoted; and particularly in what is there adduced concerning Justification by Faith and concerning Good Works; where it may be seen stated that the clergy alone know the arcana of that doctrine, but not the laity, therefore the latter principally are meant by those "who have not known the depths of Satan."

Apocalypsis Revelata 143 (original Latin 1766)

143. "Et qui non cognoverunt profunda Satanae, sicut dicunt" significat qui non interiora illorum, quae mere falsa sunt,

intelligunt. Quod per "satanam" intelligatur Infernum ex illis qui in falsis sunt, et abstracte falsa, videatur supra (97); inde per "profunda" ejus significantur interiora doctrinae Separatae a charitate, quae mere falsa sunt: profunda ac interiora illius doctrinae sunt, quae in Libris eorum, ac in Praelectionibus in Gymnasiis, et inde in Praedicationibus traduntur, quae qualia sunt, videatur in Praemissis ad cap. 1, ubi Doctrinalia illorum allata sunt, in Specie ibi de Justificatione per fidem et de Bonis Operibus; ubi dictum videatur, quod solum Clerici norint arcana istius doctrinae, non autem Laici; quare hi praecipue intelliguntur per "qui non cognoverunt profunda."

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