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《揭秘启示录》 第144节

(一滴水译本 2019)


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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 144

144. "'I will put upon you no other burden.'" This symbolically means, only let them guard themselves against those people.

The reason is that those people support their falsities with reasonings issuing from their natural self, and with some statements from the Word which they falsify. For these enable them to lead others astray. They are like snakes in the shrubbery that bite passers-by, or hidden poisons that kill the unaware.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 144

144. 'I do not put upon you another burden' signifies only so that they may be on their guard against them. This is because they confirm their untruths by reasonings derived from the natural man, and by some things out of the Word which they falsify, for by means of these they are able to seduce. They are like snakes in the grass that bite passers-by, or like concealed poisons that kill the unwary.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 144

144. I will put upon you none other burden, signifies, only that they should beware of them. The reason is, because they confirm their falsities by reasonings from the natural man, and by some things from the Word which they falsify, for by these they can seduce. They are like serpents in the grass which bite those that pass by; or like concealed poisons which kill the unwary.

Apocalypsis Revelata 144 (original Latin 1766)

144. Non impono super vos aliud onus," significat solum ut sibi caveant ab illis. - Causa est, quia falsa sua per ratiocinia ex naturali homine confirmant, et per aliqua ex Verbo quae falsificant, per haec enim possunt seducere; sunt sicut serpentes in herbis qui transeuntes mordent; aut sicut venena abscondita quae ignaros necant.

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