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《揭秘启示录》 第148节

(一滴水译本 2019)







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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 148

148. "'He shall rule them with a rod of iron.'" (2:27) This symbolically means, by truths drawn from the literal sense of the Word and at the same time by rational considerations from a natural sight.

A rod or staff of iron has this symbolic meaning because a rod or staff in the Word symbolizes power, and iron symbolizes natural truth, consequently the natural sense of the Word, and at the same time a person's natural sight. It is in these two that the power of truth resides.

To be shown that Divine truth exists in its power in the Word's natural meaning, which is its literal sense, see The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem Regarding the Sacred Scripture, nos. 37-49 the reason being that the sense of the letter is the foundation, containing vessel, and buttress of its spiritual sense, nos. 27-36. And to be shown that all power resides in final elements, called natural, see Angelic Wisdom Regarding Divine Love and Wisdom, nos. 205-221. Consequently it resides in the natural sense of the Word's letter, and in a person's natural sight. These, then, are the rod of iron with which he who overcomes will rule the nations, that is to say, with which he will overcome the evils that come from hell.

A rod of iron has similar symbolic meanings in the following passages:

You shall crush (the nations) with a rod of iron; You shall shatter them like a potter's vessel. (Psalms 2:9)

(The woman) bore a male Child who would rule all nations with a rod of iron. (Revelation 12:5)

Out of the mouth (of Him who sat on the white horse) went a sharp sword, that with it He should strike the nations. And He Himself will rule them with a rod of iron. (Revelation 19:15)

(Jehovah) shall strike (the wicked) with the rod of His mouth. (Isaiah 11:4)

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 148

148. [verse 27] 'And he shall rule them with an iron rod' signifies by means of truths out of the sense of the letter of the Word, and at the same time by means of rational things out of natural light. These things are signified by a rod or staff of iron, because by a 'rod' or 'staff' in the Word power is signified, and by 'iron' is signified natural truth, consequently the natural sense of the Word, and at the same time a man's natural light. The power of the Word resides in these two. That the Divine Truth is in its power in the natural sense of the Word, which is the sense of its letter, may be seen in THE DOCTRINE OF THE NEW JERUSALEM CONCERNING THE SACRED SCRIPTURE 37-49. This is because the sense of the letter is the basis, containant, and support of its spiritual sense (27-36). That all power is in the ultimates that are called natural, may be seen also Its ANGELIC WISDOM CONCERNING DIVINE LOVE AND WISDOM 205-221; consequently [it is in] the natural sense of the letter of the Word, and in a man's natural light. These, therefore, are the 'iron rod' with which 'he shall rule the nations,' that is, shall overcome the evils that are from hell. Similar things are signified by 'iron rod' in these passages:

Thou shalt bruise the nations with an iron rod, thou shalt shatter them like the vessel of a potter. Psalms 51:9.

The woman brought forth a male [who was] going to rule all nations with an iron rod. Revelation 12:5.

Out of the mouth of Him Who sat upon the white horse went a sharp sword, that with it He should smite the nations; but He shall rule them with an iron rod. Revelation 19:15.

Jehovah shall smite the wicked with the rod of His mouth. Isaiah 11:4.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 148

148. Verse 27. And He shall rule them with a rod of iron, signifies by truths from the literal sense of the Word, and at the same time by rational things from natural light. These things are signified by "a rod or staff of iron" because "a rod or staff" in the Word signifies power, and "iron" signifies natural truth, consequently the natural sense of the Word, and at the same time the natural light of man; in these two consists the power of truth. That Divine truth in the natural sense of the Word, which is the sense of its letter is in its power, may be seen in Doctrine of the New Jerusalem concerning the Sacred Scripture 37-49; from this cause the literal sense is the basis, container, and support of its spiritual sense, (27-36). And that all power is in the ultimates which are called things natural, may be seen in Angelic Wisdom concerning Divine Love and Wisdom 205-221; consequently in the natural sense of the letter of the Word, and in the natural light of man. These, therefore, are "the rod of iron" by which He shall "rule the nations" that is, overcome the evils which are from hell. The like is signified by a "rod of iron" in these passages:

Thou shalt break the nations in pieces with a rod of iron, thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel, (Psalms 2:9).

The woman brought forth a male who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron, (Revelation 12:5).

Out of the mouth of Him that sat upon the white horse went a sharp sword, that with it He should smite the nations; but He shall rule them with a rod of iron, (Revelation 19:15).

Jehovah shall smite the wicked with the rod of His mouth, (Isaiah 11:4).

Apocalypsis Revelata 148 (original Latin 1766)

148. (Vers. 27.) "Et reget eas virga ferrea" significat per vera ex Sensu literae Verbi, et simul per rationalia ex naturali lumine. - Quod haec per "virgam" seu baculum "ferri" significentur, est quia per "virgam" seu baculum in Verbo significatur potentia, et per "ferrum" significatur verum naturale, proinde naturalis Sensus Verbi, et simul naturale lumen hominis; in his duobus consistit potentia veri. Quod vinum Verum in Sensu naturali Verbi, qui est Sensus literae ejus, sit in sua potentia, videatur in Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Scriptura Sacra 37-49; 1ex causa, Sensus literae est basis, continens et firmamentum Sensus spiritualis ejus (27-36); et quod omnis potentia sit in ultimis, quae vocantur naturalia, in Sapientia Angelica Divino Amore et Divina Sapientia 205-221, consequenter in naturali Sensu literae Verbi, et in naturali lumine hominis. Haec itaque sunt "virga ferrea," qua "reget gentes," hoc est, vincet mala quae ab Inferno. Similia per "virgam ferream" significantur 2in his locis:

"Conteres gentes Virga ferrea, sicut vas figulinum disperges eas," (Psalm 2:9);

Mulier peperit masculum recturum omnes gentes Virga ferrea, (Apocalypsis 12:5); 3

Ex ore Sedentis super Equo albo "prodibat romphaea acuta, ut illa percuteret gentes; Ipse autem reget illas Virga Ferrea," (Apocalypsis 19:15) 4

"Jehovah percutiet impios Virga oris Sui," (Esaias 11:4).


1. 37-49 pro "205 ad 221"

2. significantur pro "significatur"

3. 5 pro "15"

4. 15 pro "5"

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