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《揭秘启示录》 第147节

(一滴水译本 2019)


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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 147

147. "'To him I will give power over the nations.'" This symbolically means that they will overcome the evils in themselves that come from hell.

Nations in the Word mean people impelled by good, and in an opposite sense, people impelled by evil, thus abstractly goods or evils themselves, as may be seen in no. 483 below. Here, therefore, to give power over the nations means, symbolically, to make it possible for the people to overcome the evils in themselves that come from hell.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 147

147. 'To him will I give authority over the nations' signifies that they shall overcome within themselves the evils that are from hell. That by 'nations' in the Word are understood those who are in good, and in the Opposite sense those who are in evil, thus abstractly goods and evils, may be seen below (483). Here, therefore, by 'giving authority over the nations' is signified giving them [the ability] to overcome within themselves evils from hell.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 147

147. To him will I give power over the nations, signifies that they shall overcome evils in themselves which are from hell. That by "nations" in the Word are meant those who are in good, and in the opposite sense, those who are in evil, thus, abstractly, goods and evils, may be seen below, (483); therefore here by "giving power over the nations," is signified to give them to overcome the evils from hell in themselves.

Apocalypsis Revelata 147 (original Latin 1766)

147. "Dabo illi potestatem super gentes" significat quod apud se vincent mala quae ab Inferno. - Quod per "gentes" in Verbo intelligantur qui in bono sunt, et in opposito sensu qui in malo, ita abstracte bona et mala, videatur infra (483). Hic itaque per "dare potestatem super gentes" significatur dare ut apud se vincant mala ab Inferno.

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