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《揭秘启示录》 第269节

(一滴水译本 2019)




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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 269

269. A Lamb standing as though slain. This symbolizes the Lord in respect to His humanity not acknowledged in the church as Divine.

A lamb in the book of Revelation means the Lord in respect to His Divine humanity, and a lamb as though slain His humanity not acknowledged in the church as Divine - much as in chapter 1:18, where we are told, "[I] was put to death, and behold, I am alive forevermore," which means that the Lord was disregarded in the church and His humanity not acknowledged as Divine (no. 59). The reality of this may be seen in no. 294 below.

Therefore, since the Lamb means the Lord in respect to His Divine humanity, and it is said of the Lamb that it took the book out of the right hand of Him who sat on the throne, and afterward that it opened it and loosed its seven seals, and since no mortal could have done this, but God alone, it follows that the Lamb means the Lord in respect to His Divine humanity, and that being slain means that He was not acknowledged as God in respect to His humanity.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 269

269. 'A Lamb standing as if slain' signifies the Lord as to the Human not acknowledged in the Church to be Divine. By the 'Lamb' in the Apocalypse is understood the Lord as to the Divine Human, and by 'a Lamb slain' that His Human has not been acknowledged in the Church to be Divine; in like manner as [in] chapter 1:18, where it is said, 'I was put to death, and behold I am the Living One for ages of ages,' by which is understood that the Lord has been disregarded in the Church, and His Human not acknowledged to be Divine (59). That this is the case may be seen below (294). Since, therefore, the Lord as to the Divine Human is understood by the 'Lamb,' and it is said of Him that He took the book out of the right hand of the One sitting upon the throne, and afterwards that he opened it and loosed the seven seals thereof, and since no mortal (nemo mortalium) was able [to do this], but God Only, it follows that by 'a Lamb 'is understood the Lord as to the Divine Human, and by 'slain' that He is not acknowledged to be God as to His Human.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 269

269. A Lamb standing as if slain, signifies the Lord as to His Human, not acknowledged in the church as Divine. By "Lamb," in Revelation, is meant the Lord as to the Divine Human, and by "a Lamb slain," that His Human is not acknowledged in the church as Divine; in like manner as in chapter 1:18, where it is said:

I was made dead, and behold I am alive for ages of ages.

By which is meant that the Lord is neglected in the church, and His Human not acknowledged as Divine, (59); that this is the case may be seen below, (294). Since, therefore, the Lord as to the Divine Human is meant by "the Lamb," and it is said of Him, that "He took the book out of the right hand of Him that sat upon the throne," and afterwards that "He opened it, and loosed the seven seals thereof," and since no mortal could do this, but God alone, it follows, that by "the Lamb" is meant the Lord as to the Divine Human, and by "slain," that He is not acknowledged as God as to His Human.

Apocalypsis Revelata 269 (original Latin 1766)

269. "Agnum stantem tanquam occisum," significat Dominum quoad Humanum non in Ecclesia pro Divino agnitum. - Per "Agnum" in Apocalypsi intelligitur Dominus quoad Divinum Humanum, et per "Agnum occisum" quod Humanum Ipsius in Ecclesia non agnitum sit pro Divino; similiter ut cap. 1:18, 1ubi dicitur,

"Factus sum mortuus, et ecce Vivens sum in saecula saeculorum,"

per quae intelligitur quod Dominus in Ecclesia neglectus sit, et Humanum Ipsius pro Divino non agnitum (59); quod ita sit, videatur infra (294). Cum itaque Dominus quoad Divinum Humanum per "Agnum" intelligitur, et de Illo dicitur, quod "sumserit Librum e dextra Sedentis super Throno," et postea quod "aperuerit illum, et solverit septem sigilla ejus," et cum hoc nemo mortalium potuit, sed Solus Deus, sequitur quod per "Agnum" intelligatur Dominus quoad Divinum Humanum, et per "occisum" quod non Agnitus pro Deo quoad Humanum Suum.


1. 18 pro "8"

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