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《揭秘启示录》 第59节

(一滴水译本 2019)


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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 59

59. And was put to death. This symbolically means that the Lord was disregarded and His Divine humanity not acknowledged.

His being put to death does not mean that He was crucified and so died, but that He was disregarded in the Church and His Divine humanity not acknowledged, for thus He became dead to people.

People do indeed acknowledge the Lord's Divinity from eternity, but this is in actuality Jehovah. They do not, however, acknowledge His humanity to be Divine, even though the Divinity and the humanity in Him are like soul and body, and so are not two entities but one, in fact one person, in agreement with the doctrine accepted throughout the Christian world which has its name from Athanasius.

When people divorce the Lord's Divinity from His humanity, therefore, saying that His humanity is not Divine but like the humanity of any other person, He becomes then dead to them.

Regarding this divorce, however, and thus the death of the Lord, more may be seen in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem Regarding the Lord; and also in Angelic Wisdom Regarding Divine Providence, nos. 262, 263.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 59

59. 'And was put to death' signifies that [in the Church] He has been disregarded, and His Divine Human has not been acknowledged. By 'put to death' is not understood that He has been crucified and so is dead, but that He has been disregarded in the Church, and His Divine Human not acknowledged, for so among men He has died. His Divine from eternity is indeed acknowledged, but this is Jehovah Himself. His Human, however, is not acknowledged to be Divine, although the Divine and Human in Him is like soul and body, and thus are not two but one, yea, one Person, in accordance with the doctrine received in the whole of Christendom, which has its name from Athanasius. When, therefore, the Divine is separated from His Human by saying His Human is not Divine but like the human of another man, then among men He is dead. But concerning this separation, and making the Lord dead in such a manner, more may be seen in THE DOCTRINE OF THE NEW JERUSALEM CONCERNING THE LORD and in ANGELIC WISDOM CONCERNING DIVINE PROVIDENCE 262-263.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 59

59. And was dead, signifies that He was neglected and His Divine Human not acknowledged. By "his becoming dead" is not meant that He was crucified, and so died, but that He was neglected in the church, and His Divine Human not acknowledged, for so He is dead with men. His Divine from eternity is indeed acknowledged, but this is Jehovah Himself; but His human is not acknowledged to be Divine, although the Divine and the Human in Him are like soul and body, and therefore are not two but one, yea, one Person, according to the doctrine received throughout the whole Christian world, which has its name from Athanasius. When, therefore, the Divine in Him is separated from the Human, by saying that His Human is not Divine, but like the human of another man, in this case He is dead with men. But concerning this separation and thus making dead the Lord, more may be seen in Doctrine of the New Jerusalem concerning the Lord; and in Angelic Wisdom concerning Divine Providence, (262-263).

Apocalypsis Revelata 59 (original Latin 1766)

59. "Et factus mortuus," significat quod neglectus, ac Divinum Humanum Ipsius non agnitum. - Per "factus mortuus" non intelligitur quod crucifixus sit, et sic mortuus, sed quod neglectus; in Ecclesia, ac Divinum Humanum Ipsius non agnitum, sic enim apud homines mortuus est. Agnoscitur quidem Divinum Ipsius ab aeterno, sed hoc est Ipse Jehovah; at non agnoscitur Humanum Ipsius esse Divinum, tametsi Divinum et Humanum in Ipso est sicut Anima et Corpus, et Sic non sunt duo sed unum, imo una Persona, secundum Doctrinam in universo Christiano Orbe receptam, quae ab Athanasio nomen habet: cum itaque separatur Divinum ab Humano Ipsius, dicendo Humanum non Divinum, sed simile humano alterius hominis, tunc apud homines est mortuus. Sed de hac Separatione, et sic mortificatione Domini, videantur plura in Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Domino; et in Sapientia Angelica de Divina Providentia 262, 263.

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