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《揭秘启示录》 第34节

(一滴水译本 2019)










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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 34

34. I was on the island called Patmos. This symbolizes a state and place in which he could be enlightened.

The revelation to John occurred on Patmos because it was an island in Greece, not far from the land of Canaan, and between Asia and Europe; and islands symbolize nations relatively removed from the worship of God, but which will yet accede to it, because they can be enlightened. Greece has a similar meaning. But the church itself is meant by the land of Canaan. Asia symbolizes those of the church who from the Word have the light of truth, and Europe those to whom the Word will come. The island of Patmos accordingly symbolizes a state and place in which John could be enlightened.

That islands in the Word symbolize nations relatively removed from the worship of God, but which will yet accede to it, is apparent from the following passages:

In the Urim honor Jehovah, in the islands of the sea the name of... the God of Israel. (Isaiah 24:14)

He will not extinguish nor break in pieces till He has set judgment in the earth, and the islands hope in His law... Sing to Jehovah a new song..., let the islands and the inhabitants of them... give glory to Jehovah, and declare His praise in the islands. (Isaiah 42:4, 10, 12)

Listen, O islands, to Me, and... you peoples from afar! (Isaiah 49:1)

The islands will hope in Me, and on My arm they will trust. (Isaiah 51:5)

...In Me the islands will trust, and the ships of Tarshish... (Isaiah 60:9)

Hear the words of Jehovah, O nations, and declare them in the islands afar off. (Jeremiah 31:10)

...that they may worship Jehovah, each one in his place, all the islands of the nations. (Zephaniah 2:11)

And elsewhere.

That Greece has also a similar meaning is not so apparent from the Word, because Greece is mentioned only in Daniel 8:21; 10:20; 11:2, 1as also in John 12:20, Mark 7:26. 2

That the land of Canaan means the Lord's church, which is therefore called "the Holy Land" and "the heavenly Canaan," is apparent from many places in the Word.

That Asia means those in the church who from the Word have the light of truth, may be seen in no. 11 above. And that Europe means those to whom the Word will come, follows.


1. Greece is mentioned in [NCBSP: Zechariah 9:13] too, but it was not so translated in the 1696 Latin Bible of Sebastian Schmidt, which the writer regularly used.

2. The references here, as elsewhere, are to Greeks, rather than Greece.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 34

34. Was in the isle called Patmos' signifies the state and situation in which he could be enlightened. That the Revelation of John was produced in Patmos was on account of its being an island in Greece, not far from the land of Canaan, and between Asia and Europe; and by 'isles' are signified nations more out of the way from the worship of God, but who yet are going to draw near to that worship because they can be enlightened. The like [is signified] by 'Greece.' But the Church itself [is signified] by 'the land of Canaan,' by 'Asia' those belonging to the Church [are signified] who are in the light of the truth (veritas) out of the Word, and by 'Europe' those to whom the Word is going to come. It is in consequence of this that by 'the isle Patmos' is signified the state and situation in which he could be enlightened. That by 'isles' in the Word are signified nations more remote from the worship of God, but who are yet going to draw near to that worship, is plain from these passages:

Honour Jehovah in the Urim, the Name of the God of Israel in the isles of the sea. Isaiah 24:15.

He shall not extinguish nor break in pieces, till He set judgment in the earth, and the isles hope in His law. Sing unto Jehovah a new song, the isles and the inhabitants thereof shall propose glory to Jehovah, and they will declare His praise in the islands. Isaiah 42:4, 10, 12.

Listen unto Me attentively, O isles and the peoples from afar. Isaiah 49:1.

The isles shall hope in Me, and on Mine arm shall they trust. Isaiah 51:5.

The isles shall trust in Me, and the ships of Tarshish. Isaiah 60:9.

Hear the words of Jehovah, O nations, and declare [them] in the isles from afar. Jeremiah 31:10.

That they may worship Jehovah, every one in his place, all the isles of the nations, Zephaniah 2:11 and elsewhere. That the like [is signified] by 'Greece' is not plain in this manner from the Word, since Greece has only been mentioned by name [in] Daniel 8:21; 10:20; 11:2; as also. John 12:20; Mark 7:26. That by 'the land of Canaan' the Lord's Church is understood, and this is thence called 'the Holy Land' and 'the heavenly Canaan,' is plain from many passages in the Word. It may be seen above (11) that those in the Church who are in the light of the truth (veritas) out of the Word are understood by 'Asia'; and it is consistent [with this] that those to whom the Word is going to come are understood by 'Europe.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 34

34. I was in the island called Patmos, signifies a state and place in which he could be enlightened. The reason that the Revelation was made to John in Patmos, was, because it was an island in Greece, not far from the land of Canaan, and between Asia and Europe; and by "islands" are signified the Gentiles more remote from the worship of God, but yet which are about to draw near to it, because they can be enlightened. The same is signified by Greece; but the church itself is signified by "the land of Canaan;" by "Asia," those of the church who are in the light of truth from the Word; and, by "Europe," those to whom the Word is about to come; thence it is, that by "the island of Patmos," is signified a state and place in which he could be enlightened. That by "islands" in the Word are signified the nations which are more remote from the worship of God, but which yet will draw near to it, is evident from these passages:

Honor Jehovah in the Urim, the name of the God of Israel in the Islands of the sea, (Isaiah 24:15).

He shall not extinguish nor break until He set judgment in the earth, and let the islands hope in His law. Sing unto Jehovah a new song, the islands and the inhabitants thereof shall give glory unto Jehovah; and proclaim His praise in the islands, (Isaiah 42:4, 10, 12).

Attend O Islands unto Me; and ye peoples from afar, (Isaiah 49:1).

The islands shall hope in Me, and on Mine arm shall they trust, (Isaiah 51:5).

The islands shall trust in Me, and the ships of Tarshish, (Isaiah 60:9).

Hear the Words of Jehovah, O ye nations, and proclaim it in the Islands from afar, (Jeremiah 31:10).

And that they should adore Jehovah everyone in his place, all the Islands of the nations, (Zephaniah 2:11);

and elsewhere. That the same is signified by "Greece," is not so evident from the Word, because Greece is mentioned only in Daniel 8:21; 10:20; 11:2; as also in John 12:20; Mark 7:26. That by "the land of Canaan" is meant the Lord's church, which is thence called "the Holy Land," and "the heavenly Canaan," is evident from many passages in the Word; that by "Asia" are meant those in the church who are in the light of truth from the Word, may be seen above, (11); and that by "Europe," those to whom the Word is about to come, is evident.

Apocalypsis Revelata 34 (original Latin 1766)

34. "Eram in Insula vocata Patmos," significat statum et locum, in quo illustrari potuit. -Quod Revelatio Johanni facta sit in Patmo, fuit quia erat Insula in Graecia, non procul a terra Canaane, ac inter Asiam et Europam, et per "Insulas" significantur Gentes remotiores a cultu Dei, sed usque quae ad illum accessurae sunt, quia illustrari possunt: similiter per "Graeciam;" ipsa autem Ecclesia per "terram Canaanem;" per "Asiam" illi ab Ecclesia qui ex Verbo in luce veritatis sunt; et per "Europam" illi ad quos Verbum venturum est; inde est quod per "Insulam Patmos" significetur status et locus, in quo illustrari potuit. Quod per "Insulas" in Verbo significentur Gentes remotiores a cultu Dei, sed quae usque ad illum accessurae sunt, patet ex his locis:

"In Urim honorate Jehovam, in Insulis maris Nomen Dei Israelis," (Esaias 24:15); 1

"Non exstinguet, neque confringet, donec ponat in terra judicium, et in Lege Ipsius Insulae sperent. Cantate Jehovae canticum novum, Insulae et habitatores illarum ponent Jehovae gloriam; et laudem Ipsius in Insulis annuntiabunt," (Esaias 42:4, 10, 12);

"Attendite Insulae ad Me, et populi e longinquo," (Esaias 49:1);

"In Me Insulae sperabunt, et super brachio Meo confident," (Esaias 51:5); 2

"Mihi Insulae confident, navesque Tharschish," (Esaias 9:9);

"Audite verba Jehovae Gentes, et annuntiate in Insulis e longinquo," (Jeremias 31:10);

"Ut adorent Jehovam quisque in suo loco, omnes Insulae gentium, (Zephanias 2:11); et alibi;

quod etiam per "Graeciam" similiter, non ita ex Verbo patet, quia Graecia solum nominata est Daniel 8:21; 10:20; 11:2; ut et Johannes 12:20; Marcus 7:26; quod per "Terram Canaanem" intelligatur Ecclesia Domini, quae inde vocatur "Terra sancta" et "Canaan caelestis," patet a multis locis in Verbo; quod per "Asiam" intelligantur illi in Ecclesia, qui ex Verbo in luce veritatis sunt, videatur supra (11); et quod per "Europam," illi ad quos Verbum venturum est, constat.


1. 24:15 pro "20:25"

2. 5 pro "1"

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