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《揭秘启示录》 第590节

(一滴水译本 2019)


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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 590

590. 13:9 If anyone has an ear, let him hear. This symbolically means, let people who wish to be wise pay attention to this.

To have an ear and to hear means, symbolically, to perceive and obey, and also to pay attention (see no. 87 above). It follows that the verse also means people who wish to be wise.

We are told here, "If anyone has an ear, let him hear," in order that people may pay attention to what goes before. Otherwise they are not wise.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 590

590. [verse 9] 'If anyone has an ear, let him hear' signifies that those who wish to be wise pay attention to these things. That by 'to have an ear to hear' is signified to perceive and obey, and also to pay attention, may be seen above (87). It follows that it also means those who wish to be wise. Here it is said, 'if anyone has an ear, let him hear,' in order that they may pay attention to the foregoing things, and that otherwise they are not wise.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 590

590. Verse 9. If anyone hath an ear, let him hear, signifies that they should attend to this, who desire to attain wisdom. That by "having an ear to hear" is signified to perceive and obey, and also to attend, may be seen above, (87); that it also means those who desire to be wise, follows. Here it is said, "If anyone hath an ear let him hear," in order that they may attend to what goes before, and that otherwise they are not wise.

Apocalypsis Revelata 590 (original Latin 1766)

590. (Vers. 9.) "Si quis habet aurem audiat," significat quod ad haec attendant qui volunt sapere. - Quod per "habere aurem audire" significetur percipere et obedire, et quoque attendere, videatur supra (87); quod etiam sit, qui volunt sapere, sequitur. Hic dicitur, "Si quis habet aurem audiat," ut attendant ad antecedentia, et quod alioquin non sapiant.

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