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《揭秘启示录》 第589节

(一滴水译本 2019)

  589.“从创世以来,被杀”表自教会建立时主的神性人就没有得到承认。 “羔羊被杀”表示主的神性人不被承认(参看59269节),那里解释了这些话:




  “创世”表示自教会建立时,无论是犹太人还是基督徒。犹太人不承认主的神性人,这是众所周知的。天主教也不承认,这也是众所周知的。改革宗同样不承认(参看294节)。“创世”在此不是指世界的创造,而是指教会的建立;因为从最广泛的意义上说,“世界”表示整个世界,其中既有善人也有恶人,有时只有恶人;但从狭义上说,“世界”与“地球”(globe)并“大地”(earth)所表相同,因而表示教会(参看551节),“地”也表示教会(285节)。“立地球和大地的根基”(laying the foundation of the globe and the earth)表示建立教会,“立”(the founding)和其“根基”(foundation)表示教会的建立,这一点从相关经文明显看出来(如以赛亚书24:1840:2148:12-1351:16-1758:12;耶利米书31:37;弥迦书6:1-2;撒迦利亚书12:1;诗篇18:71524:282:589:11)。“世界”也表示教会(参看马太福音13:37-39;约珥书1:910);主因着对祂的信而被称为“世界的救主”(约翰福音3:16-194:426:33518:129:4-512:46-47)。“世界”还表示教会的人(约翰福音12:1918:20)。由此可见“创世”(包括马太福音25:34;路加福音11:50;约翰福音17:24;启示录17:8中的)表示什么。

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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 589

589. Slain from the foundation of the world. This symbolizes the Lord's Divine humanity unacknowledged from the inception of the church.

To be shown that the Lamb slain means symbolically that the Lord's Divine humanity was not acknowledged, see nos. 59, 269, where the following declaration is explained:

I am the First and the Last, and am He who lives, and was put to death, and behold, I am alive forevermore. (Revelation 1:17-18)

And also this:

And I looked, and behold, in the midst of the throne... a Lamb standing as though slain... And they sang a new song, saying, "You are worthy to take the book..., because You were slain and have redeemed us to God... (Revelation 5:6, 9)

From the foundation of the world means, symbolically, from the inception of the church, both Jewish and Christian. That Jews did not acknowledge the Lord's Divine humanity is something people know. They also know that Roman Catholics did not. That the Protestant Reformed did not either may be seen in no. 294 above.

The foundation of the world does not mean the creation of the world, but the establishment of the church. For in its broadest sense the world means the whole world, including both good people and evil, and sometimes only the evil. But in a narrower sense the world has the same meaning as the earth, namely the church. That the world symbolizes the church may be seen in no. 551, and that the earth does in no. 285.

That to lay the foundation of the world or the earth means, symbolically, to establish the church, and that the foundation or founding of these symbolizes its establishment, may be seen from Isaiah 24:18; 40:21; 48:12-13; 51:16-17; 58:12.

That the world symbolizes the church may be seen from Matthew 13:37-39, John 1:9-10.

That the world is also the people of the church may be seen from John 12:19; 18:20.

It can be seen from this what the foundation of the world symbolizes. See also Matthew 25:34, Luke 11:50, John 17:24, Revelation 17:8.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 589

589. 'Slain from the foundation of the world' signifies the Lord's Divine Human not acknowledged from the setting up of the Church. That by 'the Lamb slain' is signified that the Lord's Divine Human has not been acknowledged may be seen above (59, 269) where these words are expounded:

I am the First and the Last, and am the Living One, and was put to death, and behold I am the Living One for ages of ages. Revelation 1:17-18; also this:

And I saw, and behold in the midst of the throne a Lamb standing as if slain; and they were singing a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, because Thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God. Revelation 10:6, 9.

'From the foundation of the world' signifies from the setting up of the Church, both the Jewish and the Christian. That the Jews did not acknowledge the Lord's Divine Human is known. That the Roman Catholics do not is also known and that neither do the Reformed may be seen above (294). By 'the foundation of the world' is not here understood the creation of the world, but the setting up of the Church, for by 'the world (mundus) in the broadest sense is understood the whole world, and the good as well as the evil there, and sometimes the evil only; but in a less wide sense by 'the world' is understood the same as by 'world' (orbis) and by 'land' (terra), thus the Church. That the Church is signified by 'world' (orbis) may be seen (551); also by 'land' (terra) (285). That by 'to found the world and the land' is signified to set up a Church, and by the 'founding' and 'foundation' thereof the setting up is signified, can be established from. Isaiah 24:18; 40:21; 48:12-13; 51:13, 16; 58:12; Jeremiah 31:37; Micah 6:1-2; Zechariah 12:1; Psalms 18:7, 15 [H.B. 8, 16]; 24:2-3; 82:5; 89:11 [H.B. 12]. 'The world' (mundus) also signifies the Church (Matthew 13:37-39; John 1:9-10); and the Lord by virtue of faith in Him is termed 'the Saviour of the world' (John 3:16-19; 4:42; 6:33, 51; 8:12; 9:4-5; 12:46-47. 'The world' is also the people of the Church (John 12:19; 18:20). From these passages it can be seen what is signified by the 'foundation of the world' (also, Matthew 25:34; Luke 11:50; John 17:24; Revelation 17:8).

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 589

589. Slain from the foundation of the world, signifies the Lord's Divine Human not acknowledged from the establishment of the church. By "the Lamb slain" is signified that the Lord's Divine Human is not acknowledged, may be seen above, (59, 269), where these words are explained:

I am the First and the Last, and am He that liveth, and was dead, and behold I am alive for ages of ages, (Revelation 1:17-18).

And the following:

And I saw, and behold, in the midst of the throne, a Lamb standing as it were slain; and they sang a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, for Thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God, (Revelation 5:6, 9).

"From the foundation of the world," signifies from the establishment of the church, both the Jewish and the Christian. That the Jews did not acknowledge the Lord's Divine Human, is known. That the Roman Catholics do not, is also known. And that the Reformed do not, may be seen above, (294). By "the foundation of the world" is not here meant the creation of the world, but the establishment of the church; for by "the world," in the most extensive sense, is meant the whole world, and the good as well as the evil therein, and sometimes the evil only; but in a less extensive sense, by "the world" is meant the same as by "the globe" and "the earth," thus the church. That by "the globe" is signified the church, may be seen, (551), and the same by "the earth" (285). That by "laying the foundation of the globe and the earth" is signified to establish the church, and that by "the founding" and "foundation" thereof, its establishment is signified, may appear from Isaiah 24:18; 40:21; 48:12-13; 51:16-17; 58:12; Jeremiah 31:37; Micah 6:1-2; Zechariah 12:1; Psalms 18:7, 15; 24:2; 82:5; 89:11. That "the world" also signifies the church, may be seen in Matthew 13:37-39; Joel 1:9-10; and that the Lord from faith in Him is called "the Savior of the world" (John 3:16-19; 4:42; 6:33, 51; 8:12; 9:4-5; 12:46-47). That "the world" also means the people of the church, (John 12:19; 18:20). From this it may be seen what is signified by "the foundation of the world" (also in Matthew 25:34; Luke 11:50; John 17:24; Revelation 17:8).

Apocalypsis Revelata 589 (original Latin 1766)

589. "Occisi a fundatione mundi," significat Divinum Humanum Domini non agnitum ab instauratione Ecclesiae. - Quod per "Agnum occisum" significetur quod Divinum Humanum Domini non agnitum sit, videatur supra (59, 269), ubi explicata sunt haec:

"Ego sum Primus et Ultimus, et Qui sum Vivens, et fui Mortuus, et ecce Vivens sum in saecula saeculorum," (1:17-18);

tum hoc,

"Et vidi et ecce in medio Throni Agnum stantem tanquam Occisum: et canebant Canticum novum, dicentes, Dignus es accipere Librum, quia Occisus es, et redemisti Deo nos," (5:6, 9);

"a fundatione mundi" significat ab instauratione Ecclesiae tam Judaicae quam Christianae; quod Judaei non agnoverint Divinum Humanum Domini, notum est; quod non Romano Catholici, etiam notum est; et quod nec Reformati, videatur supra (294). Per "fundationem mundi" non intelligitur hic creatio mundi, sed instauratio Ecclesiae; per "mundum" enim in latissimo sensu intelligitur totus mundus, et ibi tam boni quam mali, et quandoque solum mali; at in sensu non latissimo per "mundum" intelligitur simile quod per "orbem" et per "terram," ita Ecclesia; quod per "orbem" significetur Ecclesia, videatur (551), et quod per "terram (285); quod per "fundare orbem et terram" significetur instaurare Ecclesiam, et quod per "fundationem" et "fundamentum" eorum, instauratio, constare potest Ex Esaias 24:18; 40:21; 48:12-13; 51:16-17; 58:12; 1Jeremias 31:37; Micham 6:1-2; Sacharias 12:1; Psalm 18:8, 16 (B.A. 7, 15); Psalm 24:2; 2Psalm 82:5; Psalm 89:12 (B.A. 11).

Quod "mundus" etiam significet Ecclesiam, (Matthaeus 13:37-39; Joel 1:9-10);

et quod Dominus ex fide in Ipsum dicatur "Salvator Mundi"

(Johannes 3:16-19; 4:42; 6:33, 51; 38:12; 9:4-5; 12:46-47).

Quod "mundus" etiam sit populus Ecclesiae, (Johannes 12:19; 18:20).

Ex his videri potest, quid significatur per "fundationem mundi," etiam Matthaeus 25:34; Luca 11:50; Johannes 17:24; Apocalypsis 17:8. 4


1. lviii. pro "li."

2. 2 pro "2, 3"

3. cap. 8:12 pro "cap. 51 8:12"

4. 8 pro "18"

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