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《揭秘启示录》 第591节

(一滴水译本 2019)






  耶和华差我去为心碎的人裹伤,报告被掳的得释放,被囚的出监牢。(以赛亚书61:1 ;路加福音4:1819












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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 591

591. 13:10 Anyone who leads into captivity shall go into captivity. This symbolically means that someone who uses that heresy to draw others away from believing rightly and living rightly is drawn by his own falsities and evils into hell.

To lead into captivity means, symbolically, to persuade and win over to one's side so that people consent to and attach themselves to that heresy meant by the dragon and the beast, and thus to draw them away from believing rightly and living rightly. To go into captivity means, symbolically, to be drawn by one's own falsities and evils into hell.

Captivity here means spiritual captivity, which is to be led astray and so to be drawn away from truths and goods into falsities and evils.

That captivity in the Word means this spiritual captivity can be seen from the following passages:

Hear now, all peoples, and behold my sorrow; my virgins and my young men have gone into captivity. (Lamentations 1:18)

(God) forsook His dwelling..., (and) the tent where He dwelt among men, and delivered His strength into captivity... (Psalms 78:60-61)

The wind shall shepherd all your shepherds, and your lovers shall go into captivity; ...then you will be ashamed... because of all your wickedness. (Jeremiah 22:22)

I will make My arrows drunk... with the blood of the slain and the captivity... (Deuteronomy 32:42)

They stooped (and) bowed down..., and their soul will go into captivity. (Isaiah 46:1-2)

(Jehovah) has sent Me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, ...to the bound, ...to the blind... (Isaiah 61:1, Luke 4:18-19)

I will stir him up in righteousness...; he shall... let My captives go free, not for price nor reward... (Isaiah 45:13)

You have ascended on high, You have led captivity captive... (Psalms 68:18)

Shall... the captivity of the righteous be delivered? ..."Even the captivity of the strong shall be taken away, and the captured of the violent be delivered." (Isaiah 49:24-25)

Shake yourself from the dust...; sit, O Jerusalem! Loose yourself from the bonds of your neck, O captive daughter of Zion! (Isaiah 52:1-2)

And so on elsewhere, as in Jeremiah 48:46-47; 50:33-34, Ezekiel 6:1-10; 12:1-12, Obadiah 1:11, Psalms 14:7; 53:6.

The captivities of the children of Israel by their enemies described in the book of Judges, in 2 Kings 25, and in the prophets represented and so symbolized spiritual captivities, as discussed elsewhere.

The bound have the same symbolic meaning as captives in the following places:

...by the blood of your covenant I will set the bound free from the... pit. (Zechariah 9:11)

The groaning of the bound shall come to You. (Psalms 79:11)

...the bound shall be gathered in the pit, and will be shut up in the prison. (Isaiah 24:22)

He made the world a wilderness..., He did not open the house to his bound ones. (Isaiah 14:17)

(The king said, "I was) in prison and you did not come to Me." (Matthew 25:43)

(Jesus said,) "Ought not this... daughter of Abraham, whom Satan has bound..., be loosed from this bond on the Sabbath?" (Luke 13:16)

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 591

591. [verse 10] 'If anyone leads a captivity he shall go into captivity' signifies that he who by means of this heretical [doctrine] leads others away from believing well and living well is led away by his own untruths and evils into hell. By 'to lead a captivity' is signified to persuade and draw over to his own party, in order that they may consent and adhere to that heresy which is understood by 'the dragon and the beast,' and thus to lead away from believing well and living well. By 'to go into captivity' is signified to be led away into hell by his own untruths and evils. By 'captivity' here is understood spiritual captivity, which is to be led astray, and thus led away from truths and goods and led into untruths and evils. That by 'captivity' in the Word this spiritual captivity is understood can be established from the following passages:

Hear all you people, and see my sorrow, my virgins and my young men have gone into captivity, Lamentations 1:18.

God forsook His habitation and His tent, where He dwelt among men, and delivered His strength into captivity. Psalms 78:60-61.

The wind shall shepherd all thy pastors, and thy lovers shall go away into captivity; then thou shalt be ashamed for all thy wickedness. Jeremiah 22:22.

I will make thine arrows drunk with the blood of the pierced and of the captivity. Deuteronomy 32:42.

They have stooped and bowed down, and their soul shall go into captivity. Isaiah 46:1-2.

Jehovah has sent Me to bind up the broken-hearted, to preach liberty to the captives, and to the bound, to the blind one. Isaiah 61:1; Luke 4:18-19.

I have raised Him up in justice: He shall let go My captivity not for price nor reward. Isaiah 45:13.

Thou hast ascended on high, Thou hast led captivity captive. Psalms 68:18; [H.B. 19].

Shall the captivity of the just be delivered? Even the captivity of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the violent shall be delivered. Isaiah 49:24-25.

Shake thyself out of the dust, sit down, O Jerusalem, open the bands of thy neck, O captive daughter of Zion. Isaiah 52:1-2; besides elsewhere, as Jeremiah 48:46-47; 50:33-34; Ezekiel 11:1-10; 12:1-12; Obadiah 1:11; Psalms 14:7; 53:6 [H.B. 7]. By the captivities of the sons of Israel by their enemies, treated of in the book of Judges and, 2 Kings 25 and in the Prophets, were represented and consequently signified spiritual captivities, of which elsewhere. The like is also signified by 'the bound' as by 'captives' in the following passages:

By the blood of thy covenant I will send forth the bound out of the pit, Zechariah 9:11.

Let the sighing of the bound come to Thee. Psalms 79:11.

The bound shall be gathered in the pit, and shall be shut up in the prison. Isaiah 24:22.

He has made the world (orbis) into a wilderness, he has not opened the house to his bound. Isaiah 19:17.

The king said, I was in prison and you did not come to me. Matthew 25:43.

Jesus said, Ought not this daughter of Abraham, whom Satan has bound, to be loosed from this bond on the sabbath day? Luke 13:16.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 591

591. Verse 10. If anyone shall lead into captivity he shall go into captivity, signifies that he who by means of this heretical doctrine leads others away from believing well and living well, will himself be led away into hell by his own falsities and evils. By "leading into captivity" is signified to persuade and draw over to his own party, that they may consent and adhere to that heresy, which is meant by "the dragon" and "the beast," and so to lead away from believing well and from living well. By "going into captivity" is signified to be led away into hell by his own falsities and evils. By "captivity" is here meant spiritual captivity, which is to be seduced, and thus led away from truths and goods, and led into falsities and evils. That by "captivity" in the Word is meant this spiritual captivity, may appear from the following passages:

Hear all ye people, and see my sorrow; my virgins and my young men have gone into captivity, (Lamentations 1:18).

God forsook His habitation and tent where He dwelt among men, and gave his strength into captivity, (Psalms 78:60-61).

The wind shall feed all thy pastors, and thy lovers shall go away into captivity; then shalt thou be ashamed for all thy wickedness, (Jeremiah 22:22).

I will make Mine arrows drunk with the blood of the pierced and of the captivity, (Deuteronomy 32:42).

They bend down and bow down, and their soul will go into captivity, (Isaiah 46:1-2).

Jehovah hath sent Me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, to the bound, to the blind, (Isaiah 61:1; Luke 4:18-19).

I have raised him up in justice; and he shall let go my captivity, not for price nor reward, (Isaiah 45:13).

Thou hast ascended on high, Thou hast led captivity captive, (Psalms 68:18).

Shall the just captive be delivered? Even the captivity of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the violent shall be delivered, (Isaiah 49:24-25).

Shake thyself from the dust, sit down, O Jerusalem, open the bands of thy neck, O captive daughter of Zion, (Isaiah 52:2; besides other passages, (Jeremiah 48:46-47; 50:33-34; Ezekiel 6:1-10; 12:1-12; Obadiah 1:11; Psalms 14:7; Jeremiah 50:33-34; Psalms 53:6).

By the captivities of the sons of Israel by their enemies, spoken of in the book of Judges, and 2 Kings 25 and in the prophets, were represented, and thence signified, spiritual captivities, of which elsewhere; similar things are signified by "the bound," as by "captives," in the following passages:

By the blood of thy covenant I have sent forth the bound out of the pit, (Zechariah 9:11).

Let the sighing of the bound come to thee, (Psalms 79:11).

The bound shall be gathered in the pit, and shall be shut up in the prison, (Isaiah 24:22).

That made the world as a wilderness, he opened not the house to his bound, (Isaiah 14:17).

The King said, I was in prison, and ye came not unto me, (Matthew 25:36, 43).

Jesus said, Ought not this daughter of Abraham, whom Satan hath bound, be loosed from this bond on the Sabbath day? (Luke 13:16).

Apocalypsis Revelata 591 (original Latin 1766)

591. (Vers. 10.) "Si quis captivitatem duxerit in captivitatem abibit," significat quod qui per haereticum illud alios a bene credendo et a bene vivendo abducit, a suismet falsis et malis in Infernum abducatur. - Per "captivitatem ducere" significatur persuadere et in partes suas trahere, ut haeresi isti, quae per "Draconem" et "Bestiam" intelligitur, consentiant et adhaereant, et sic abducere a bene credendo et a bene vivendo; per "in captivitatem abire" significatur a suismet falsis et malis abduci in Infernum: per "captivitatem" hic intelligitur captivitas spiritualis, quae est seduci, et sic abduci a veris et bonis, ac induci in falsa et mala. Quod per "captivitatem" in Verbo intelligatur captivitas illa spiritualis, constare potest a sequentibus locis:

"Audite omnes populi, et videte dolorem meum, virgines meae et juvenes mei iverunt in Captivitatem," (Threni 1:18);

"Deus deseruit Habitaculum et Tentorium Suum, ubi habitavit inter homines, et dedit in captivitatem robur ejus," (Psalm 78:60-61);

"Omnes Pastores tuos pascet ventus, et amasii tui in Captivitatem abibunt; tunc pudefies ob omnem malitiam tuam," (Jeremias 22:22); 1

"Ebria faciam tela Mea, a sanguine confossi et Captivitatis," (Deuteronomius 32:42);

"Inflexi sunt et incurvati, et anima eorum in Captivitatem abibit," (Esaias 46:1-2);

"Jehovah misit Me ad obligandum fractos corde, ad praedicandum Captivis libertatem, et Vinctis, oculis capto," (Esajas 61:(1); Luca 4:18-19);

"Ego excitabo Illum in justitia; Ille Captivitatem Meam dimittet, non pretio neque munere," (Esaias 45:13);

"Ascendisti in altum, Captivam duxisti Captivitatem," (Psalm 68:19 (B.A. 18));

"Num Captivitas justi eripietur, etiam Captivitas fortis sumetur, e Captura violenti eripietur," (Esaias 49:24-25);

"Excute te e pulvere, sede Hierosolyma, aperire vinculis colli tui Captiva filia Sionis," (Esaias 52:2). 2

(Praeter alibi, ut Jeremias 48:46-47; 50:33-34; 3Ezechiel 6:1-10; 12:1-12; Obadias 1:11; Psalm 14:7; Psalm 53:7 (B.A. 6).)

Per captivitates filiorum Israelis ab hostibus suis, de quibus in libro Judicum, et 2 Regnum 25 4et apud prophetas, repraesentatae sunt et inde significatae captivitates spirituales, de quibus alibi. Simile quod per "captivos" etiam significatur per "vinctos" in sequentibus locis:

"Per sanguinem foederis tui emittam Vinctos e fovea," (Sacharias 9:11);

"Veniet ad te gemitus Vincti," (Psalm 79:11);

"Colligetur Vinctus in fovea, et claudentur in claustro," (Esaias 24:22);

"Posuit Orbem in desertum, Vinctis suis non aperuit domum," (Esaias 14:17); 5

"Rex dixit, "In carcere fui, et non venistis ad me," (Matthaeus 25:36, 43); 6

Jesus dixit, "Hanc filiam Abrahami, quam Vinxit Satanas, nonne oportet solvi e vinculo hoc die Sabbathi," (Luca 13:16).


1. 22 pro "12"

2. 2 pro "1, 2"

3. Jerem. pro "Psalm." (Hic est iteratio; vide mox supra.)"

4. xxv. pro "xxx."

5. 17 pro "7"

6. 43 pro "36"

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