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《揭秘启示录》 第596节

(一滴水译本 2019)


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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 596

596. 13:12 And it exercises all the authority of the first beast in its presence. This symbolically means that the clergy have defended the dogmas symbolized by the dragon and accepted by the laity, and that those dogmas prevail in consequence of it.

That this is the symbolic meaning can be seen from the explanations above regarding the authority that the dragon gave to the beast that rose up from the sea (nos. 575, 579). And because this beast here, which is a false prophet, exercised that authority in the presence of the dragon, nothing else is symbolically meant than that they have caused those dogmas to prevail through their defenses of them.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 596

596. [verse 12] 'And he exercises all the authority of the former beast in his presence' signifies that they have confirmed the dogmas that are signified by 'the dragon' and have been received by the laity, and that by this they [the clergy] are influential. That these things are signified can be seen from the things expounded above concerning the authority given by the dragons to the beast coming up from the sea (575, 579); and because this beast, which is the false prophet, exercises that authority in the presence of the dragon, nothing else is signified than that they caused these dogmas to be influential by means of confirmations.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 596

596. Verse 12. And he exerciseth all the authority of the first beast before him, signifies that they have confirmed the dogmas which are signified by "the dragon," and are received by the laity, and that through it they prevail. That this is signified, may be seen from the explanation above concerning the authority given by the dragon to the beast coming up out of the sea, (575, 579); and because this beast, which is the false prophet, exercised that authority before the dragon, nothing else is signified than that they caused them to prevail by confirmations.

Apocalypsis Revelata 596 (original Latin 1766)

596. (Vers. 12.) "Et potestatem prioris Bestiae omnem facit coram illo," significat quod confirmaverint dogmata, quae per "Draconem" significantur, et a Laicis recepta sunt, et quod per id illa valeant. - Quod haec significentur, videri potest a supra explicatis de potestate a Dracone data Bestiae a Mari ascendenti (575, 579); et quia haec Bestia, quae est Pseudopropheta, fecit illam potestatem coram Dracone, non aliud significatur quam quod fecerint illa valere per confirmationes.

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