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《揭秘启示录》 第597节

(一滴水译本 2019)


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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 597

597. And causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose mortal injury was healed. This symbolically means that in this way, by supporting arguments, the clergy have established that it be acknowledged as a sacred tenet of the church that because no one can do any good work of himself and fulfill the law, the only means of salvation is faith in the righteousness and merit of Christ, who suffered for mankind and thereby took away the condemnation of the law.

We skip an explanation of these words because their meanings follow from the explanations above in nos. 566, 577, 578, 579, 580, 581, 582. The earth and those who dwell in it symbolize the Protestant Reformed Church, as before. To worship means, symbolically, to acknowledge as a sacred tenet of the church, as before too. That is what is meant here by the beast from the sea whose mortal injury was healed, and it is something we explained above.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 597

597. 'And causes the land and those dwelling in it to adore the former beast, the stroke of whose death was healed' signifies that as a result of the confirmations it has been established that it should be acknowledged as a holy thing of the Church that, because no one can do a good work from himself and fulfil the law, the one and only means of salvation is faith in the justice and merit of Christ, Who suffered on man's behalf and thereby endured the damnation of the law. It is unnecessary to expound these things because they follow from those expounded above (566, 577-582). By 'the land and those dwelling in it' are signified the Churches of the Reformed, as above; by 'to adore' is signified to acknowledge as a holy thing of the Church, as also above; here, to acknowledge what is understood by 'the beast out of the sea' after 'the stroke of his death was healed'; and that is what has been set forth above.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 597

597. And He causeth the earth and them that dwell therein to adore the first beast the stroke of whose death was healed, signifies that thus by confirmations they have established this, that it is to be acknowledged as a holy thing of the church, that because no one can do a good work from himself and fulfill the law, the only means of salvation is faith in the justice and merit of Christ, who suffered for man, and thereby took away the condemnation of the law. It is unnecessary to explain this any further, because it follows from the explanations given above, (566, 577-582). By "the earth and them that dwell therein," are signified the churches of the Reformed as above; "to adore" signifies to acknowledge as a holy thing of the church, as appears also above; here this is meant by "the beast coming up out of the sea, after the stroke of his death was healed;" and this has been explained already.

Apocalypsis Revelata 597 (original Latin 1766)

597. "Et facit ut terra et habitantes in illa adorent Bestiam priorem, cujus sanata est plaga mortis ejus, significat quod sic ex confirmationibus constabilitum sit, quod pro sancto Ecclesiae agnosceretur, quod quia nemo potest facere bonum opus a se, ac implere legem, unicam medium salutis sit fides in justitiam et meritum Christi, Qui passus est pro homine, et per id damnationem legis sustulit. - Supersedetur haec explicare, quia sequuntur a supra explicatis (566, 577-582); per "terram et habitantes in illa" significantur Ecclesiae Reformatorum, ut supra; per "adorare" significatur pro sancto Ecclesiae agnoscere, ut quoque supra; hic illud, quod per "Bestiam ex Mari," postquam "sanata est plaga mortis ejus," intelligitur; et hoc est, quod supra expositum est.

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