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《揭秘启示录》 第602节

(一滴水译本 2019)




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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 602

602. 13:15 It was also granted it to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast might speak. This symbolically means that the clergy were permitted to use the Word to defend the doctrine, so as to cause the doctrine to be seemingly animated by it.

Its being granted means symbolically that it was permitted. For all doctrinal falsities, like evil life practices, come about by permission (on which subject, see Angelic Wisdom Regarding Divine Providence, nos. 234-274 275-284, 296). The image of the beast symbolizes the doctrine (no. 601). To give breath to the image of the beast means, symbolically, to defend the doctrine by the Word, for no church doctrine has any spirit or life from any other source. That the image of the beast might speak means symbolically that this caused the doctrine to be seemingly animated.

To give breath to the image of the beast that it might speak has this meaning because there is a spirit and life in every part of the Word. For the Lord spoke the Word. Therefore He is present in it, and He spoke it such that every particular there has a communication with heaven and through heaven with the Lord. It contains a spiritual meaning which makes the communication possible. That is why the Lord says, "The words that I speak to you are spirit and life" (John 6:63).

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 602

602. [verse 15] 'And it was given him to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast may both speak' signifies that it was permitted them to confirm that doctrine by means of the Word, whereby it is taught as if made alive. By 'given' is signified that it was permitted; for all untruths of doctrine, as well as evils of life, are the result of permission, concerning which ANGELIC WISDOM CONCERNING DIVINE PROVIDENCE 234-284, 296 may be seen. By 'the image of the beast' that doctrine is signified (601); by 'to give breath to the image of the beast' is signified to confirm in out of the Word, for the spirit and life of any doctrine of the Church is from no other source. 'That the image of the beast may speak' signifies that in this manner it is taught as if made alive. These things are signified by 'to give breaths to the image of the beast so that he may speak,' because in all things of the Word there is spirit and life, for the Lord has spoken the Word, therefore He Himself is in it, and He has so spoken it that the single things there have communication with heaven, and through heaven with Himself. It is the spiritual sense there through which the communication is given. The Lord therefore says:

The words than I speak to you are spirit and life. John 6:63.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 602

602. Verse 15. And it was granted to him to give breath unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should also speak, signifies that it was permitted them to confirm that doctrine by the Word, from which it is as it were vivified when it is taught. By "granted" is signified that it was permitted; for all falsities of doctrine, as well as evils of life, are done from permission, concerning which see Angelic Wisdom concerning Divine Providence, (234-284, 296). By "the image of the beast," that doctrine is signified, (601); by "giving breath to the image of the beast" is signified to confirm it from the Word, for there is no spirit and life to any doctrine of the church from any other source. That "the image of the beast might speak," signifies that thus it is as it were vivified when it is taught. That this is meant by "giving breath to the image of the beast, that it might speak," is, because in every particular of the Word there is spirit and life, for the Lord spoke the Word, therefore He Himself is in it, and He so spoke the Word as that everything therein should have communication with heaven, and through heaven with Himself. There is a spiritual sense there by which communication is effected; wherefore the Lord says:

The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit and life, (John 6:63).

Apocalypsis Revelata 602 (original Latin 1766)

602. (Vers. 15.) "Et datum ei dare spiritum imagini Bestiae, ut at loquatur imago Bestiae," significat quod permissum illis confirmare doctrinam illam per Verbum, ex quo sicut vivificata docetur. - Per "datum" significatur quod permissum sit; omnia enim falsa doctrinae, sicut mala vitae, fiunt ex permissione, de qua videatur sapientia Angelica de Divina Providentia 234-274, 275-284, 296; 1per "imaginem Bestiae" significatur doctrina illa (601); per "dare spiritum imagini Bestiae" significatur confirmare illam ex Verbo, nam non aliunde est spiritus et vita alicui doctrinae Ecclesiae; "ut loquatur imago Bestiae" significat quod ita sicut vivificata doceatur. Quod haec intelligantur per "dare spiritum imagini Bestiae, ut loquatur," est quia in omnibus Verbi est spiritus et vita, Dominus enim locutus est Verbum, inde Ipse est in illo; ac ita locutus est Verbum, ut singula ibi communicationem habeant cum Caelo, et per Caelum cum Ipso; Sensus spiritualis ibi est, per quem datur communicatio; quare Dominus dicit,

"Verba quae Ego loquor vobis, Spiritus et vita sunt," (Johannes 6:63).


1. 284 pro "285"

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