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《揭秘启示录》 第627节

(一滴水译本 2019)


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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 627

627. To every nation, tribe, tongue, and people. This symbolically means, to all people who, owing to religion, are prompted by goods, and owing to doctrine are guided by truths.

A nation symbolizes people prompted by goods, and in an abstract sense the goods themselves (no. 483). A tribe symbolizes the church as regards religion (no. 349). A tongue symbolizes doctrine (no. 282). And a people symbolizes people guided by truths, and in an abstract sense the truths themselves (no. 483). Consequently to preach to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people means, symbolically, to announce to all people who, owing to religion, are prompted by goods, and owing to doctrine are guided by truths. For these and no others accept the gospel.

This is the symbolic meaning of these words in the spiritual sense.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 627

627. 'And to every nation and tribe and tongue and people' signifies to all who are in goods as the result of religion, and in truths as the result of doctrine. By 'nation' are signified those who are in goods, and abstractly, goods (483); by 'tribe' is signified the Church as to religion (349); by 'tongue' is signified doctrine (282); and by 'people' those who are in truths are signified, and abstractly, truths (483). Therefore by 'to declare the gospel to every nation and tribe and tongue and people' is signified to announce it to all who are in goods as the result of religion, and in truths as the result of doctrine; for these and no others receive the gospel. These things are signified by these words in the spiritual sense.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 627

627. And unto every nation, and tribe, and tongue, and people, signifies to all who from religion are in goods and from doctrine in truths. By "nation" are signified they who are in goods, and abstractly goods, (483); by "tribe" is signified the church as to religion, (349); by "tongue" is signified doctrine, (282); and by "people" are signified they who are in truths, and abstractly truths, (483). Therefore by "proclaiming unto every nation, and tribe, and tongue, and people" is signified to announce it to all who are in goods from religion, and in truths from doctrine; for these and no others receive the gospel. Such is the signification of these words in the spiritual sense.

Apocalypsis Revelata 627 (original Latin 1766)

627. "Et omni genti et tribui et linguae et populo," significat cunctis qui ex religione in bonis sunt, et ex doctrina in veris. - Per "gentem" significantur qui in bonis sunt, et abstracte bona (483); per "tribum" significatur Ecclesia quoad religionem (349); per "linguam" significatur doctrina (282); et per "populum" significantur qui in veris sunt, et abstracte vera (483); quare per "evangelizare omni genti et tribui et linguae et populo," significatur annuntiare cunctis qui in bonis ex religione, et ex doctrina in veris sunt; hi enim Evangelium recipiunt et non alii: haec significantur per illa verba in Sensu spirituali.

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