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《揭秘启示录》 第282节

(一滴水译本 2019)



















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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 282

282. "Out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation." This symbolically means that the Lord has redeemed those in the church or in any other religion who are impelled by truths in respect to their doctrine and by goods in respect to their life.

Tribes mean, symbolically, the church in respect to religion. Tongues symbolize its doctrine, as we will see presently. People mean, symbolically, people impelled by doctrinal truths, and abstractly doctrinal truths themselves (no. 483). And nations mean, symbolically, people who are impelled by goods of life, and abstractly goods of life themselves (no. 483). It is apparent from this that every tribe and tongue and people and nation has the symbolic meaning stated, as it does also in no. 627.

[2] We will now confirm here that tongues in the spiritual sense symbolize the doctrine possessed by a church and by every religion. This is apparent from the following:

My tongue ponders Your righteousness, Your praise all the day long. (Psalms 35:28)

My tongue shall ponder Your righteousness all the day long. (Psalms 71:24)

Then the lame shall leap like a deer, and the tongue of the dumb sing. For waters shall burst forth in the wilderness... (Isaiah 35:6)

...the tongue of stammerers will be swift to speak... (Isaiah 32:4)

It seems as though tongue there means speech, but in the spiritual sense it means that which is spoken, which is the doctrinal truth that they will have from the Lord.

So likewise:

I have sworn... that to Me every knee shall bow, every tongue swear an oath. (Isaiah 45:23)

The time will come to gather all nations and tongues, that they may come and see My glory. (Isaiah 66:18)

In those days ten men from all the tongues of the nations shall take hold of the sleeve of a Jewish man, saying, "We will go with you, for we have heard that God is with you." (Zechariah 8:23)

These passages describe as well the Lord's conversion of the nations to doctrinal truth.

[3] On the other hand, in the following places tongues in an opposite sense symbolize doctrinal falsities:

A smooth-tongued man shall not continue to exist in the land. (Psalms 140:11)

You hide them... in Your tabernacle from the strife of tongues. (Psalms 31:20)

...I will bring a nation against you... whose language you do not know... (Jeremiah 5:15)

(To be sent to peoples heavy in tongue.) (Ezekiel 3:5-6). (To a people barbarous in tongue.) (Isaiah 33:19).

It should be known that the tongue as an organ symbolizes doctrine, while as speech it symbolizes also religion.

[4] Someone who knows that the tongue symbolizes doctrine can understand what is symbolically meant by the plea of the rich man in hell to Abraham to send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool his tongue, to keep him from being tormented in the flame (Luke 16:24). The water symbolizes truth, and the tongue doctrine, by whose falsities the rich man was being tormented, and not by any flame. For no one in hell is on fire, but a flame there is how a love of falsity appears, and fire how a love of evil appears.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 282

282. 'Out of every tribe and tongue, and people and nation' signifies that those who, in the Church or any religion, are in truths as to doctrine and in goods as to life have been redeemed by the Lord. By 'tribe' is signified the Church as to religion; by 'tongue' is signified its doctrine, of which [more will be said] presently; by 'people' are signified those who are in truths of doctrine, and abstractly the truths of doctrine (483); and by 'nations' are signified those who are in goods of life, and abstractly the goods of life (483). It is plain from these considerations that by 'out of every tribe and tongue, and people and nation' such things as have been said are signified, as also (627).

[2] Here it shall now be confirmed that by 'tongue' in the spiritual sense is signified the doctrine that is of the Church, and that of any religion. This is plain from these passages:

My tongue shall meditate on Thy justice, on Thy praise all the day. Psalms 71:24.

Then shall the lame man leap as a stag, and the tongue of the dumb shall sing, for in the wilderness shall waters break out. Isaiah 35:6.

The tongue of the stammerers shall be swift to speak. Isaiah 32:4.

It appears there as if by 'tongue' speech may be understood, but in the spiritual sense that which is spoken is understood and this is all the truth of doctrine which will be with them from the Lord. In like manner:

I have, sworn that unto Me every knee is going to bow, and every tongue is going to swear. Isaiah 45:23.

The time shall come for gathering all nations and tongues, that they may come and see My glory, Isaiah 66:18.

In those days ten men out of all the tongues of the nations shall take hold of the skirt of a man that is a Jew, saying, We will go with you, because We have heard God is with you, Zechariah 8:23.

These passages also are concerned with the conversion of the nations by the Lord to what is true of doctrine.

[3] By 'tongues' in the opposite sense, however, are signified untrue doctrines, in these passages:

A man of tongue 1shall not continue to exist in the land. Psalms 140:11; [H.B. 12].

Thou hidest them in Thy tabernacle from the strife of tongues. Psalms 31:20; [H.B. 21].

I will bring upon you a nation, whose tongue thou shalt not recognise. Jeremiah 5:15-16.

Sent to peoples harsh of tongue. Ezekiel 3:5-6.

To a people barbarous of tongue. Isaiah 33:19.

It is to be known that 'tongue' as an organ signifies doctrine, while as speech it also signifies religion.

[4] He who knows that 'tongue' signifies doctrine is able to understand what is signified by the words of the rich man in hell to Abraham, that he would send Lazarus that he might dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool his tongue, that he should not be tormented in the flame. Luke 16:24.

'Water' signifies truth, and 'tongue' doctrine, by the untruths of which he was tormented, and not by a flame; for no one in hell is in a flame, but the flame there is the appearance of a love of what is untrue and fire is the appearance of a love of evil.


1. AV 'an evil speaker.'

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 282

282. Out of every tribe, and tongue, and people, and nation, signifies that they in the church or in any religion, who are in truths as to doctrine, and in goods as to life, are redeemed by the Lord. By "tribe" is signified the church as to religion; by "tongue" is signified its doctrine, of which we shall speak presently; by "people" are signified they who are in truths of doctrine, and, abstractly, truths of doctrine, (483); and by "nation" are signified they who are in the goods of life, and, abstractly, the goods of life, (483); from hence it appears that by these words, "Out of every tribe, and tongue, and people, and nation," such things are signified as were said above (see also 627).

[2] It shall now be proved that "tongue," in the spiritual sense, signifies the doctrine of the church, or of any religion; this is evident from the following passages:

My tongue also shall meditate of Thy justice, all the day Thy praise, (Psalms 35:28; 71:24).

Then shall the lame leap as a stag, and the tongue of the dumb shall sing, for in the wilderness shall waters break out, (Isaiah 35:6).

The tongue of the stammerers shall be swift to speak, (Isaiah 32:4).

It appears as if in these instances, by "tongue" was meant speech, but in the spiritual sense that which is spoken is meant, which is truth of doctrine, which they will have from the Lord. In like manner:

I have sworn that unto Me every knee shall bow and every tongue shall swear, (Isaiah 45:23).

The time shall come to gather all nations and tongues, that they may come and see My glory, (Isaiah 66:18).

In those days ten men out of all the tongues of the nations, shall take hold of the skirt of a man that is a Jew, saying, We will go with you, for we have heard that God is with you, (Zechariah 8:23).

This is also concerning the conversion of the Gentiles by the Lord to the truth of doctrine.

[3] But by "tongues," in the opposite sense, are signified false doctrines in the following passages:

A man of tongue shall not subsist on the earth, (Psalms 140:11).

Thou shalt hide them in Thy tabernacle from the strife of tongues, (Psalms 31:20).

I will bring a nation upon you, whose tongue thou knowest not, (Jeremiah 5:15).

To be sent to people of heavy tongue, (Ezekiel 3:5-6).

To people of barbarous tongue, (Isaiah 33:19).

It is to be known that "tongue," as an organ, signifies doctrine, but, as speech, it also signifies religion.

[4] He who knows that "tongue" signifies doctrine, may understand what is meant by the words of the rich man in hell to Abraham:

That he would send Lazarus that he might dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool his tongue, that he should not be tormented in the flame, (Luke 16:24).

"Water" signifies truth, and "tongue" doctrine; by the falsities of which he was tormented, and not by the flame; for no one in hell is in flames, but flames there are appearances of the love of falsity; and fire is the appearance of the love of evil.

Apocalypsis Revelata 282 (original Latin 1766)

282. "Et omni tribu et lingua, et populo at gente" significat quod a Domino redempti sint, qui in Ecclesia aut in aliqua Religione in veris quoad doctrinam et in bonis quoad vita in sunt. - Per "tribum" significatur Ecclesia quoad religionem; per "linguam" significatur doctrina ejus, de qua mox; per "populum" significantur qui in veris doctrinae sunt, et abstracte vera doctrinae (483); et per "gentem" significantur qui in bonis vitae sunt, et abstracte bona vitae (483); ex his patet, quod per "ex omni tribu et lingua, et populo et gente," talia quae dicta sunt significentur (ut quoque 627). Hic nunc confirmabitur, quod per "linguam" in spirituali Sensu significetur doctrina quae est Ecclesiae, et quae est cujusvis Religionis; hoc patet ex his:

Lingua mea meditatur justitiam Tuam, omni die laudem Tuam," (Psalms, (35:28); 71:24);

"Tunc saliet sicut cervus claudus, et cantabit Lingua muti, quia erumpent in deserto aquae," (Esaias 35:6);

"Lingua balborum velox erit ad loquendum," (Esaias 32:4);

apparet sicut ibi per "linguam" intelligatur loquela; sed in Sensu spirituali intelligitur id quod loquuntur, quod est verum doctrinae, quod illis erit a Domino. Similiter,

"Juravi quod Mihi se incurvaturum sit omne genu, et juratura omnis Lingua," (Esaias 45:23);

"Veniet tempus ad congregandum omnes gentes et Linguas, ut veniant et videant gloriam Meam," (Esaias 66:18);

"In diebus illis apprehendent decem viri ex omnibus Linguis gentium alam viri Jehudaei, dicendo, Ibimus vobiscum, quia audivimus Deum cum vobis," (Sacharias 8:23);

haec quoque de conversione gentium a Domino, ad verum doctrinae. Per "linguas" autem in opposito sensu significantur doctrinae falsae in his:

"Vir Linguae non subsistet in terra," (Psalm 140:12 (B.A. 11)); 1

"Occultas eos in Tabernaculo Tuo a lite Linguarum," (Psalm 31:21 (B.A. 20));

"Adducam super vos gentem, cujus non cognosces Linguam," (Jeremias 5:15); 2

"Mitti ad populos graves Lingua," (Ezechiel 3:5-6);

"Ad populum barbarum Lingua," (Esaias 33:19).

Sciendum est quod "lingua" ut organum significet doctrinam, ac ut sermo significet etiam religionem. Qui scit quod "lingua" significet doctrinam, intelligere potest quid significatur per verba divitis in Inferno ad Abrahamum,

"Ut mitteret Lazarum, ut intingeret extremum digiti in aquam, et refrigeraret linguam ejus, ne cruciaretur in flamma," (Luca 16:24);

"aqua" significat verum, et "lingua" doctrinam, a cujus falsis cruciabatur, et non a flamma; non enim aliquis in Inferno est in flamma, sed flamma ibi est apparentia amoris falsi, et ignis apparentia amoris mali.


1. cxl. pro "cxlv."

2. 15 pro "15, 16"

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