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《揭秘启示录》 第804节

(一滴水译本 2019)


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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 804

804. "Salvation and glory and honor and power to the Lord our God!" This symbolically means that salvation by the Lord is now possible because a reception of Divine truth and goodness is now possible in consequence of His Divine power.

Salvation to the Lord our God symbolizes an acknowledgment and confession that salvation is made possible by the Lord. Glory and honor to the Lord our God symbolizes an acknowledgment and confession that the Lord is the source of Divine truth and Divine good, thus that these are received from Him (nos. 249, 629, 692). Power to the Lord our God symbolizes an acknowledgment and confession that the power is the Lord's.

To say that salvation, glory, honor and power are the Lord's accords with the sense of the letter, as we read also elsewhere that blessing is the Lord's. But in the spiritual sense this becomes a declaration that, because these are in the Lord, they also come from the Lord, and here, that they are now present in angels and people, because those Roman Catholics have been removed and expelled who interrupted, weakened, and impeded their influx from the Lord. The case is like that in the world when dark clouds intervene between the sun and people, for as the intervening dark clouds interrupt, weaken, and impede the light of the world's sun, so too do the black falsities interposed by Roman Catholics interrupt, weaken, and impede the light of the sun in heaven, which is the Lord. The case is entirely the same, except that one is natural and the other spiritual. Falsities in the spiritual world also appear as clouds, murky or black depending on their character.

This, too, is the reason that the spiritual sense of the Word was not revealed until after the Last Judgment, and the fact that the Lord alone is God of heaven and earth. For by the Last Judgment those Roman Catholics were removed, and likewise those Protestant Reformed who confessed faith alone, whose falsities were like dusky clouds interposed between the Lord and people on earth. Their falsities were also like cold winds that dispelled spiritual warmth, which is the love of goodness and truth.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 804

804. 'Salvation and glory and honour and power unto the Lord our God' signifies that now there is salvation from the Lord, because now there is the reception of Divine Truth and Divine Good out of His Divine authority. By 'let there be salvation unto the Lord our God' is signified the acknowledgment and confession that from the Lord there is salvation. By 'let there be glory and honour to the Lord our God' is signified the acknowledgment and confession that from the Lord there is Divine Truth and Divine Good, thus the reception of them (249, 629, 693). By 'let there be power unto the Lord our God' is signified the acknowledgment and confession that authority belongs to the Lord. To say that salvation, glory, honour and authority belong to the Lord is in accordance with the sense of the letter, as also elsewhere that blessing belongs to the Lord; but in the spiritual sense this is [to say] that because those things are in the Lord they are also from the Lord. Here [the spiritual sense] is that now they are with angels and men. This is because of the removal and rejection of the Babylonians who altered, weakened and impeded their influx from the Lord. This is like black clouds in the world [coming] between the sun and men, for just as the light of the sun of the world is altered, weakened and impeded by the interposition of black clouds, so likewise is the light of the Sun of heaven, which is the Lord, by the dark black falsities interposed from the Babylonians. The case is entirely similar, except that the one is natural and the other spiritual. In the spiritual world also falsities appear as clouds, dark and black in accordance with their quality. This is also the reason why not before but after the last judgment was the spiritual sense of the Word revealed, and [the truth] that the Only Lord is the God of heaven and earth. For by means of the last judgment the Babylonians were removed, and also the Reformed who made confession of faith alone. Their falsities were like dusky clouds interposed between the Lord and the men on earth, and also were like frosts that took away spiritual heat, which is the love of good and truth.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 804

804. Salvation, and glory, and honor, and power, unto the Lord our God, signifies that now there is salvation from the Lord, because now there is a reception of Divine truth and Divine good from His Divine power. By salvation to the Lord our God, is signified the acknowledgment and confession that there is salvation from the Lord; by "glory and honor to the Lord our God," is signified acknowledgment and confession, that there is Divine truth and Divine good from the Lord, thus the reception thereof, (249, 629[1-2], 693). By "power unto the Lord our God," is signified the acknowledgment and confession, that the Lord has power. To say that salvation, glory, honor, and power belong unto the Lord, is according to the sense of the letter; as also in other places, that to the Lord belongeth blessing, but this, when considered in the spiritual sense, means that these things, being in the Lord, are also from the Lord, here, that now they are communicated by Him to angels and men in consequence of the Babylonians being removed and rejected, who intercepted, weakened, and prevented the influx of those things from the Lord; in like manner as black clouds in the world, when they come between the sun and men; for as the light of the sun of this world is intercepted, weakened, and obstructed by the interposition of black clouds, so is the light of the sun of heaven, which is the Lord, by the black falsities interposed by the Babylonians. The thing is altogether similar, only that one is natural, and the other spiritual. Falsities also in the spiritual world appear like clouds, dark and black according to their quality. This is likewise the cause, that not until after the Last Judgment was the spiritual sense of the Word revealed, and that the Lord alone is the God of heaven and earth. For by the Last Judgment the Babylonians were removed, and also the Reformed who confessed faith alone; whose falsities were like dusky clouds interposed between the Lord and men on earth; and were likewise like cold, that takes away spiritual heat, which is the love of good, and truth.

Apocalypsis Revelata 804 (original Latin 1766)

804. "Salus et Gloria et Honor et Potentia Domino Deo nostro," significat quod nunc a Domino salvatio, quia nunc receptio Divini Veri et Divini Boni ex Divina Potestate ipsius. - Per "salus sit Domino Deo nostro" significatur agnitio et confessio quod a Domino sit salvatio; per "gloria et honor sit Domino Deo nostro" significatur agnitio et confessio quod a Domino sit Divinum Verum et Divinum Bonum, ita receptio eorum (249, 629, 693); per "potentia sit Domino Deo nostro" significatur agnitio et confessio quod Domino sit potestas. Dicere quod Domino sit salus, gloria, honor et potestas, est secundum Sensum literae; ut quoque alibi, quod Domino sit benedictio; sed hoc in Sensu spirituali fit quod illa, quia in Domino sunt, etiam a Domino sint, hic quod nunc angelis et hominibus sint; ex causa, quia remoti et rejecti sunt Babylonii, qui influxum illorum a Domino interpolaverunt, debilitaverunt et impediverunt: similiter ut in mundo nubes nigrae inter solem et homines; nam sicut lux solis mundi interpolatur, debilitatur et impeditur per interpositas nigras nubes, similiter lux Solis Caeli, qui est Dominus, per interpositas atras falsitates a Babyloniis; prorsus similis res est, modo quod unum sit naturale et alterum spirituale: etiam falsitates in mundo spirituali apparent sicut nubes, obscurae ac atrae secundum quale earum. Haec quoque causa est, quod non prius quam post Ultimum Judicium revelatus sit Sensus spiritualis Verbi, et quod Solus Dominus sit Deus Caeli et Terrae; per Ultimum enim Judicium remoti sunt Babylonii, et quoque Reformati qui solam Fidem confessi sunt, quorum falsitates fuerunt sicut furvae nubes interpositae inter Dominum et inter homines super terris; et quoque fuerunt sicut frigora, quae calorem spiritualem, qui est amor boni et veri, sustulerunt.

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