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《揭秘启示录》 第805节

(一滴水译本 2019)

  805.启19:2.“祂的判断是真实、公义的,因祂判断了那用淫行使地败坏的大淫妇”表出于公义将那亵渎的巴比伦宗教罚入地狱,因为它通过对圣言的污秽玷污而摧毁主的教会。“祂的判断是真实、公义的”表示主实施审判所依照的圣言神性真理与良善(668689节)。这些一起被称为“公义”,因为“公义”论及主时,并非表示别的;如下面和相关的经文(启示录19:11;以赛亚书63:1;耶利米书 23:5633:1516)。“因祂判断了那大淫妇”表示因为这亵渎的巴比伦宗教已被罚入地狱,这在前一章已经论述。它因对圣言的玷污和亵渎而被称为“大淫妇”。“用淫行使地败坏”表示它通过对圣言的污秽玷污而摧毁主的教会。“她的淫行”表示对圣言的玷污(134节),“地”表示教会(285721)。

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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 805

805. 19:2 "For true and just are His judgments, because He has judged the great harlot who corrupted the earth with her licentiousness." This symbolically means, because in accordance with justice the profane Roman Catholic religion has been condemned, which by its foul adulterations of the Word destroyed the Lord's church.

"True and just are Your judgments" symbolizes the Word's Divine truths and goods, in accordance with which the Lord executes judgment (nos. 668, 689), and which together are called righteousness. For righteousness in reference to the Lord has just this symbolic meaning, as in verse 11 below, and in Isaiah 63:1, Jeremiah 23:5-6; 33:15-16. "Because He has judged the great harlot" means, symbolically, because the profane Roman Catholic religion has been condemned, as described in the preceding chapter. It is called a great harlot because of its adulteration and profanation of the Word. "Who corrupted the earth with her licentiousness" means, symbolically, which by its foul adulterations of the Word destroyed the Lord's church - its licentiousness symbolizing an adulteration of the Word (no. 134), and the earth symbolizing the church (nos. 285, 721).

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 805

805. [verse 2] 'For true and just are His judgments, for He has judged the great harlot who has corrupted the land with her whoredom' signifies because out of justice the profane Babylonian form of religion has been condemned, which has destroyed the Lord's Church by foul adulterations of the Word. By 'true and just are Thy judgments' are signified the Divine truths and goods of the Word in accordance with which judgment is effected by the Lord (668, 689). These together are called 'justice,' for by 'justice' where it treats of the Lord nothing else is signified; as [in] verse 11 below; also. Isaiah 63:1; Jeremiah 23:5-6; 33:15-16. By 'for He has judged the great harlot' is signified because the profane Babylonian form of religion has been condemned, which was treated of in the preceding chapter. That is called 'the great harlot' by reason of the adulteration and profanation of the Word. By 'who has corrupted the land with her whoredom' is signified which has destroyed the Lord's Church by foul adulterations of the Word. By 'her whoredom' is signified the adulteration of the Word (134), and by 'the land' the Church (285, 721).

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 805

805. Verse 2. For true and just are His judgments; for He hath judged the great harlot, who corrupted the earth with her whoredom, signifies because in justice the profane Babylonish religious persuasion is condemned, which has destroyed the Lord's church by foul adulterations of the Word. By "true and just are Thy judgments," the Divine truths and goods of the Word are signified, according to which judgment is executed by the Lord, (668, 689); which together are called "justice:" for by justice, in speaking of the Lord, nothing else is signified; as below (verse 11 also Isaiah 63:1; Jeremiah 23:5-6; 33:15-16). By "for he hath judged the great harlot" is signified because the profane Babylonish religious persuasion is condemned, which was treated of in the foregoing chapter. It is called "the great harlot," from the adulteration and profanation of the Word. By "who corrupted the earth with her whoredom" is signified, which has destroyed the Lord's church by foul adulterations of the Word. By "her whoredom" the adulteration of the Word is signified, (134), and by "earth" the church, (285, 721).

Apocalypsis Revelata 805 (original Latin 1766)

805. (Vers. 2.) "Quia vena et justa judicia Ipsius, quia judicavit meretricem magnam, quae corrupit terram scortatione sua," significat quia ex justitia condemnatum est prophanum Religiosum Babylonicum, quod per foedas adulterationes Verbi Ecclesiam Domini destruxit. - Per "vera et justa judicia Tua" significantur Divina vera et bona Verbi, secundum quae judicium fit a Domino (668, 689), quae simul vocantur "Justitia;" per justitiam enim, ubi de Domino, non aliud significatur, ut infra (vers. 11)

(Tum Esaias 63:1; Jeremias 23:5-6; 33:15-16);

per "quia judicavit Meretricem magnam" significatur quia condemnatum est prophanum Religiosum Babylonicum, de quo in capite praecedente actum est; dicitur illud "Meretrix magna" ex adulteratione et prophanatione Verbi: per "quae corrupit terram scortatione sua" significat quae per foedas adulterationes Verbi Ecclesiam Domini destruxit; per "scortationem ejus" significatur adulteratio Verbi (134), et per "terram" Ecclesia (285, 721).

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