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《揭秘启示录》 第923节

(一滴水译本 2019)


  我要使平安延及耶路撒冷,使列族的荣耀延及她,如同激流。(以赛亚书 66:12)之所以说教会的真理和宗教的良善,是因为教会是一回事,宗教是另一回事。教会凭教义而被称为教会,宗教凭照着教义的生活而被称为宗教。一切教义都被称为真理,它的良善也是真理,因为教义只是教导它而已;但遵行教义教导的生活的全部则被称为良善,同样,行教义的真理就是良善。这就是教会和宗教的区别。然而,哪里有教义,没有生活,就不能说那里有教会或宗教,因为教义将生活视为与自己为一,就像真理与良善,信与仁,智慧与爱,理解或认知与意愿为一;所以,哪里有教义,没有生活,哪里就没有教会。

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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 923

923. 21:26 And they shall bring the glory and the honor of the nations into it. This symbolically means that those who enter the New Jerusalem will bring with them a confession, acknowledgment and faith that the Lord is God of heaven and earth, and that every truth of the church and every good of religion comes from Him.

To bring glory and honor into the city means, symbolically, to confess the Lord and attribute to the Lord all the goodness that people possess, as may be seen in no. 921 above. The symbolism is the same here, with the difference that before it was people meant by the kings of the earth who would bring it with them, while here it is people meant by the nations. For we are told that they will bring the glory and honor of the nations into it, and nations symbolize people who live a good life and believe in the Lord (no. 920). The verse also refers to the reception of those who possess truths that spring from the goodness of love from the Lord, as said in no. 922 above. It follows, therefore, that the people's bringing the glory and the honor of the nations into the city means, symbolically, that those who enter will bring with them a confession, acknowledgment and faith that the Lord is God of heaven and earth, and that every truth of the church and every good of religion comes from Him.

Almost the same symbolism occurs in the following verse in Isaiah:

...I will spread peace over (Jerusalem)..., and the glory of the nations like a... stream. (Isaiah 66:12)

We say the truth of the church and the good of religion because the church is one thing and religion another. The church is called a church because of its doctrine, and religion is called religion because of its life in accordance with doctrine. Every teaching of doctrine is called truth, and the good of doctrine is also truth, because doctrine only teaches it. But every effect of a life in accordance with what doctrine teaches is what we call good. Putting the truths of doctrine into practice is also good. This is the distinction between the church and religion. But still, where there is doctrine and not life, neither the church nor religion can be said to exist, because doctrine regards life as united with it, altogether like truth and good, faith and charity, wisdom and love, and intellect and will. Consequently, where there is doctrine and not life, the church does not exist.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 923

923. 'And they shall bring the glory and the honour of the nations into it' signifies that those who enter will bring with them the confession, acknowledgment and faith that the Lord is the God of heaven and earth, and that every truth of the Church and every good of religion is from Him. That by 'to bring glory and honour into it' is signified to confess the Lord and to attribute to Him all the good that is with them, may be seen above (921). Here similar things are signified, with the difference that there those who are understood by 'the kings of the land' should bring it with them, [but] here that it is those who are understood by 'the nations' for it is said 'they shall bring the glory and the honour of the nations into it,' and by 'the nations' are signified those who are in good of life and believe in the Lord (920); and it also treats of the reception of those who are in truths derived from the good of love from the Lord, just above (922). It follows therefore that by 'they shall bring the glory and the honour of the nations into it' is signified that those who enter will bring with them the confession, acknowledgment and faith that the Lord is the God of heaven and earth, and that every truth of the Church and every good of religion is from Him. Almost the same things are signified by these words in Isaiah:

I will extend peace over Jerusalem. the glory of the nations like a torrent. Isaiah 66:12.

It is said 'the truth of the Church' and 'the good of religion' because the Church is one thing and religion another. The Church is termed 'the Church' by virtue of a doctrine and religion is termed 'religion' by virtue of a life in accordance with a doctrine. Everything of a doctrine is called a truth, and the good thereof is also truth because it only teaches it; but everything of a life in accordance with the things that the doctrine teaches is called good. In fact to do the truth of a doctrine is good. In this way the Church and religion are distinguished. Nevertheless, where there is doctrine and not life there cannot be said to be either the Church or religion, because doctrine regards life as one with itself, exactly as truth and good, as faith and charity, wisdom and love, and as understanding and will; and therefore where there is doctrine and not life the Church does not exist.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 923

923. And they shall bring the glory and honor of the nations into it, signifies that they who enter will bring with them the confession, acknowledgment, and faith, that the Lord is the God of heaven and earth, and that every truth of the church and every good of religion is from Him. That by "bringing glory and honor into it" is signified to confess the Lord, and to ascribe to Him all the good that is with them, may be seen above, (921); here the same is signified, with the difference, that they who are there meant by "the kings of the earth" are to bring it with them, but here that they who are meant by "the nations;" for it is said, "they shall bring the glory and honor of the nations into it" and by "nations" are signified they who are in the good of life, and believe in the Lord, (920), and also the reception of those who are in truths from the good of love from the Lord is treated of, see above, (922). Hence it follows that by "they shall bring the glory and honor of the nations into it" is signified that they who enter in will bring with them the confession, acknowledgment, and faith that the Lord is the God of heaven and earth, and that all the truth of the church, and all the good of religion is with him. Nearly the same is signified by these things in Isaiah:

I will extend peace over Jerusalem, the glory of the nations like a torrent, (Isaiah 66:12).

It is said the truth of the church and the good of religion, because the church is one thing and religion is another. The church is called a church from doctrine, and religion is called religion from a life according to doctrine. All doctrine is called truth, and also its good is truth because it only teaches it; but the all of life according to the things which doctrine teaches, is called good, likewise to do the truths of doctrine is good. This is the distinction between the church and religion. But yet where there is doctrine and not life, there it cannot be said that there is either the church or religion, because doctrine regards life as one with itself, just like truth and good, faith and charity, wisdom and love, understanding and will; wherefore where there is doctrine and not life, there is no church.

Apocalypsis Revelata 923 (original Latin 1766)

923. "Et afferent gloriam et honorem gentium in illam," significat quod qui intrant secum ferent confessionem, agnitionem et fidem, quod Dominus sit Deus Caeli et Terrae, et quod omne verum Ecclesiae et omne bonum Religionis sit ab Ipso. - Quod per "afferre gloriam et honorem in illam" significetur confiteri Dominum, et addicare Ipsi omne bonum, quae apud se sunt, videatur supra (921); hic similia significantur, cum differentia quod illi qui per "reges terrae" ibi intelliguntur, id ferent secum; hic, quod qui per "gentes" intelliguntur; nam dicitur, "afferent gloriam et honorem gentium in illam," et per "gentes" significantur qui in bono vitae sunt, et credunt in Dominum (920); et quoque agitur de receptione illorum qui in veris ex bono amoris a Domino sunt (mox supra, 922); inde sequitur, quod per "afferent gloriam et honorem gentium in illam" significetur quod qui intrant secum ferent confessionem, agnitionem et fidem, quod Dominus sit Deus Caeli et Terrae, et quod omne verum Ecclesiae et omne bonum Religionis sit ab Ipso. Similia paene significantur per haec apud Esajam:

"Ego expandam super Hierosolymam pacem, sicut torrentem Gloriam Gentium," (66:12).

Dicitur verum Ecclesiae et bonum Religionis, quia aliud est Ecclesia et aliud Religio. Ecclesia dicitur Ecclesia ex doctrina, et Religio dicitur Religio ex vita secundum doctrinam. Omne doctrinae vocatur verum, et quoque bonum ejus est verum, quia modo docet illud; at omne vitae secundum illa quae docet doctrina, vocatur bonum; etiam facere vera doctrinae est bonum. Ita distinguitur Ecclesia et Religio. Sed usque ubi doctrina est et non vita, ibi non dici potest Ecclesia nec Religio; quia doctrina spectat vitam ut unum secum, prorsus sicut verum et bonum, sicut fides et charitas, sapientia et amor, et sicut intellectus et voluntas; quare ubi doctrina est et non vita, non est Ecclesia.

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