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《揭秘启示录》 第922节

(一滴水译本 2019)

  922.启21:25.“城门白昼总不关闭,在那里原没有黑夜”表那些处于来自主源于爱之良善的真理之人不断被接进新耶路撒冷,因为那里没有任何信之虚假。“城门白昼总不关闭”表示那些渴望进入的人不断被允许进入。“白昼”表示不断,因为白天一直有光,如前所述(21: 11,23);“没有黑夜”如后面所述。那些处于来自主源于爱之良善的真理之人之所以不断被接纳,是因为新耶路撒冷之光就是源于爱之良善的真理,而爱之良善来自主,如前面频繁所示;除了那些处于来自主源于良善的真理之人外,其他人都不能进入那光。即便外人进入,他们也不会被接纳,因为他们格格不入,要么由于无法忍受那光而自动离开,要么被打发走。“在那里原没有黑夜”表示那里没有任何信之虚假;因为“黑夜”表示光的反面,而“光”表示来自主源于爱之良善的真理,如前所述;因此,“黑夜”表示那并非来自主源于爱之良善的,这就是信之虚假;约翰福音中的“黑夜”也表示信之虚假:





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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 922

922. 21:25 Its gates shall not be shut by day, for there shall be no night there. This symbolically means that the New Jerusalem continually receives into it people who possess truths that spring from the goodness of love from the Lord, because it has no falsity in its faith.

Its gates not being closed by day means, symbolically, that people who wish to enter are continually being let in. By day means, symbolically, continually, because there is always light then, as described in verses 11 and 23 above, and no night, as said next.

People who possess truths that spring from the goodness of love from the Lord are continually received because the light of the New Jerusalem is truth springing from the goodness of love, and the goodness of love comes from the Lord, as we have often shown above. And the only people who can enter into that light are people who possess truths that spring from goodness received from the Lord. If any others enter, they are not welcomed, because they are of a discordant character, and they then either leave of their own accord because they cannot endure that light, or they are sent away.

There being no night there symbolically means that there is no falsity in its faith, for night symbolizes the opposite of light, and light, as we have said, symbolizes truth that springs from the goodness of love from the Lord. Night therefore symbolizes something that does not spring from the goodness of love from the Lord, and that is falsity in people's faith. Falsity in people's faith is also meant by night in John:

(Jesus said,) "I must work the works of (God) while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work." (John 9:4)

And in Luke:

...in that night there will be two people in one bed: the one will be taken and the other will be left. (Luke 17:34)

The subject there is the final period of the church, when faith will have in it nothing but falsity. The bed symbolizes doctrine (no. 137).

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 922

922. [verse 25] 'And the gates thereof shall not be closed during the day, for night shall not be there' signifies that those who are in truths derived from the good of love from the Lord are continually being received into the New Jerusalem, because there is no untruth of faith there. By [the statement] that 'the gates shall not be closed during the day' is signified that those who wish to enter in are being continually admitted. By 'during the day' is signified continually, because it is always light there, as above (verse 11, 23), and there is not any 'night,' as it follows on. The reason why those who are in truths derived from the good of love from the Lord are continually being received is because the light of the New Jerusalem is truth derived from the good of love, and the good of love is from the Lord, as has been frequently shown above; and into that light no others can enter but those who are in truths derived from good from the Lord. If strangers enter they are not received because they are not in agreement, and then they either go out voluntarily because they find that light unendurable, or they are sent out. By [the statement] that 'night shall not be there' is signified that there shall be no untruth of faith; for by 'night' is signified what is opposite to the light, and by 'the light' is signified truth derived from the good of love from the Lord, as has been said. Consequently by 'night' is signified that which is not derived from the good of love from the Lord, and this is untruth of faith. Untruth of faith is also understood by 'night' in John:

Jesus said, I must work God's works while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work. John 9:4; and in Luke:

In that night there shall be two men in one bed, the one shall be taken, the other shall be left. Luke 17:34.

It treats there of the last time of the Church when there shall be nothing but untruth of faith. By 'a bed' is signified a doctrine (137).

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 922

922. Verse 25. And the gates of it shall not be shut by day; for there shall be no night there, signifies that they will be continually received into the New Jerusalem who are in truths from the good of love from the Lord, because there is not any falsity of faith there. By "its gates shall not be shut by day" is signified that they are continually admitted who desire to enter in. By "day" is signified continually, because there is always light there (as above, verses 11, 23), and "no night" as is said afterwards. The reason why they are continually received who are in truths from the good of love from the Lord is because the light of the New Jerusalem is truth from the good of love, and the good of love is from the Lord, as has been frequently shown above; and into that light no others can enter but they who are in truths from good from the Lord. If aliens enter, they are not received, because they do not agree, and they either depart of their own accord, because they cannot bear that light, or they are sent out. By "there is no night there" is signified that there is no falsity of faith; for by "night" is signified the opposite to light, and by "light" is signified truth from the good of love from the Lord, as was said; hence by "night" is signified that which is not from the good of love from the Lord, and this is the falsity of faith; the falsity of faith is also meant by "night" in John:

Jesus said, I must work the works of Him that sent Me while it is day; the night cometh when no one can work, (John 9:4).

And in Luke:

In that night there shall be two in one bed; the one shall be taken and the other left, (Luke 17:34).

It there treats of the last time of the church, when there will be nothing but falsity of faith; by "bed" is signified doctrine, (137).

Apocalypsis Revelata 922 (original Latin 1766)

922. (Vers. 25.) "Et portae ejus non claudentur interdiu, nox enim non erit ibi," significat quod in Novam Hierosolymam jugiter recipiantur qui in veris ex bono amoris a Domino sunt, quia non ibi est falsum fidei. - Per quod "portae non claudentur interdiu" significatur quod jugiter admittantur qui volunt introire; per "interdiu" significatur jugiter, quia semper ibi lux (ut supra, vers. 11 et 23), et non aliqua nox, ut sequitur. Quod jugiter recipiantur qui in veris ex bono amoris a Domino sunt, est quia lux Novae Hierosolymae est verum ex bono amoris, et bonum amoris (est) a Domino, ut saepius supra ostensum est; et in illam lucem non intrare possunt alii, quam qui in veris ex bono a Domino sunt. Si intrant alieni, non recipiuntur, quia non concordant; et tunc vel sua sponte exeunt, quia non sustinent illam lucem, vel emittuntur. Per quod "nox non erit ibi" significatur quod non falsum fidei; per "noctem" enim significatur oppositum luci, et per "lucem" significatur verum ex bono amoris a Domino, ut dictum est; inde per "noctem" significatur id quod non ex bono amoris a Domino est, et hoc est falsum fidei. Falsum fidei etiam intelligitur per "noctem" apud Johannem:

Jesus dixit, "Me oportet operari opera Dei, quousque dies est; venit Nox quando nemo poterit Operari," (9:4); 1

et apud Lucam:

"In illa Nocte erunt duo super lecto uno; unus acceptabitur alter deseretur," (17:34);

agitur ibi de ultimo tempore Ecclesiae, quando non erit nisi falsum fidei; per "lectum" significatur doctrina (137).


1. 4 pro "14"

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