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《揭秘启示录》 第921节

(一滴水译本 2019)







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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 921

921. And the kings of the earth shall bring their glory and honor into it. This symbolically means that all those people who possess truths of wisdom springing from spiritual goodness will in the New Church confess the Lord and attribute to Him all the truth and all the goodness that they possess.

Kings of the earth symbolize people governed by truths that spring from a goodness received from the Lord (nos. 20, 854). Here, therefore, they are people impelled by truths of wisdom springing from the goodness of a spiritual love, because nations are mentioned first, which symbolize people impelled by the goodness of a celestial love, as described in the previous number. To bring their glory and honor into the city, or into the New Jerusalem, means, symbolically, to confess the Lord and attribute to Him all the truth and goodness that they possess. That this is the symbolic meaning of bringing or giving glory and honor, see nos. 249, 629, 693. For glory is mentioned in reference to the Lord's Divine truth, and honor in reference to His Divine goodness (no. 249).

Nations and kings have the same symbolic meaning as nations and peoples, as explained in no. 483 above, nations symbolizing people impelled by the goodness of love, and peoples those who are impelled by truths of wisdom. The same is the case also in an opposite sense. Consequently nations and kings are mentioned as frequently in the Word as nations and peoples, as in the following places:

All kings shall prostrate themselves before Him, and all nations shall serve Him. (Psalms 72:11)

You shall suck the milk of nations, and suck the nipples of kings. (Isaiah 60:16)

...many nations and great kings shall make them serve... (Jeremiah 25:14)

The Lord at Your right hand shall smite kings in the day of His wrath. He shall judge among the nations... (Psalms 110:5-6)

And so on elsewhere.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 921

921. 'And the kings of the land shall bring their glory and honour into it' signifies that all who are in truths of wisdom derived from spiritual good will confess the Lord there and ascribe to Him all the truth and all the good that are with them. By 'the kings of the land' are signified those who are in truths derived from good from the Lord (20, 854), here therefore those who are in truths of wisdom derived from the good of spiritual love, because 'the nations' are mentioned first, by which are signified those who are in the good of celestial love, treated of in the preceding paragraph. By 'to bring glory and honour into it,' or into the New Jerusalem, is signified to confess the Lord and to ascribe to Him all the truth and all the good that are with them. That these things are signified by 'to bring and give glory and honour' may be seen (249, 629, 693), for 'glory' is predicated of the Divine Truth, and 'honour' of the Divine Good, of the Lord (249). By 'the nations' and 'the kings' similar things are signified as by the' nations and peoples' treated of above (483), by 'nations' those who are in the good of love and by 'peoples' those who are in the truths of wisdom; also in the opposite sense. Therefore in different places in the Word they are termed 'nations and kings,' just as they are termed 'nations and peoples,' as in these places:

All kings shall bow down to Him, and all nations shall serve Him. Psalms 72:11.

Thou shalt suck the milk of the nations, and shalt suck the breasts of kings. Isaiah 60:16.

Many nations and great kings shall make them serve. Jeremiah 25:14.

The Lord at thy right hand has smitten kings in the day of wrath, He has judged between the nations. Psalms 110:5-6; besides elsewhere.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 921

921. And the kings of the earth shall bring their glory and honor into it, signifies that all who are in the truths of wisdom from spiritual good, will there confess the Lord, and ascribe to Him every truth and every good that is with them. By "the kings of the earth" are signified they who are in truths from good from the Lord, (20, 854); here, therefore, they who are in the truths of wisdom from the good of spiritual love, because "the nations" are mentioned before, by which are signified they who are in the good of celestial love, of whom in the foregoing article; by "bringing glory and honor into it," or into the New Jerusalem, is signified to confess the Lord, and ascribe to Him all the truth and good which are with them; that this is what is signified by bringing and giving "glory and honor" may be seen, (249, 629[1-2], 693), for "glory" is predicated of the Divine truth, and "honor" of the Divine good of the Lord, (249). By "nations and kings" the same is signified as by "nations and peoples" mentioned above, (483), by "nations" they who are in the good of love, and by "peoples" they who are in the truths of wisdom, and also in the opposite sense. Therefore in many parts of the Word "nations and kings" are mentioned, as well as "nations and peoples," as in the following passages:

All kings shall bow down to Him, and all nations shall serve Him, (Psalms 72:11).

Thou shalt suck the milk of the nations, and thou shalt suck the breast of kings, (Isaiah 60:16).

For many nations and great kings shall make them serve, (Jeremiah 25:14).

The Lord at thy right hand shall smite kings in the day of His anger, He shall judge among the nations, (Psalms 110:5-6), besides other places.

Apocalypsis Revelata 921 (original Latin 1766)

921. "Et reges terrae afferent gloriam et honorem suum in illam," significat quod omnes qui in veris sapientiae sunt ex bono spirituali, ibi confitebuntur Dominum, et Ipsi addicabunt omne verum et omne bonum, quae apud se sunt. - Per "reges terrae" significantur qui in veris ex bono a Domino sunt (20, 854); hic itaque qui in veris sapientiae ex bono amoris spiritualis, quia prius nominantur "gentes," per quas significantur qui in bono amoris caelestis sunt, de quibus in praecedente Articulo; per "afferre gloriam et honorem in illam," seu Novam Hierosolymam, significatur confiteri Dominum et addicare Ipsi omne verum et bonum, quae apud se sunt; quod haec significentur per afferre et dare "gloriam et honorem," videatur 249, 629, 693, "gloria" enim praedicatur de Divino Vero, et "honor" de Divino Bono Domini, (249). Per "gentes et reges" similia significantur quae per "gentes et populos" (de quibus supra, 483); per "gentes" illi qui in bono amoris sunt, et per "populos" qui in veris sapientiae sunt; etiam in opposito sensu: quare in Verbo passim dicuntur "gentes et reges," sicut dicuntur "gentes et populi," ut in his:

"Incurvabunt se Illi omnes Reges, et omnes Gentes servient illi," (Psalm 72:11);

"Suges lac Gentium, et ubera Regum suges," (Esaias 60:16);

"Servire facient eos Gentes multae, et Reges magni," (Jeremias 25:14);

"Dominus ad dextram tuam percussit in die irae Reges, judicavit inter Gentes," (Psalm 110:5-6). 1

(Praeter alibi.)


1. cx. pro "xc."

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