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《揭秘启示录》 第940节

(一滴水译本 2019)







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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 940

940. 22:5 There shall be no night there: They have no need of a lamp or the light of the sun, for the Lord God gives them light. This symbolically means that in the New Jerusalem there will be no falsity in its faith, and the people in that church will not acquire their concepts of God from any natural sight, namely from their own intelligence, or out of a desire for glory springing from conceit, but they will acquire those concepts from the Lord alone in a state of spiritual light from the Word.

There being no night there has the same symbolic meaning as verse 25 in chapter 21, which says, "Its gates shall not be shut by day, for there shall be no night there," which symbolically means that the New Jerusalem continually receives into it people who possess truths that spring from the goodness of love from the Lord, because it has no falsity in its faith (no. 922).

The people's having no need of a lamp or the light of the sun, for the Lord God gives them light, has the same symbolic meaning as verse 23 in chapter 21, which says, "The city had no need of the sun or of the moon to shine in it, for the glory of God illuminated it, and the Lamb is its lamp," which symbolically means that people of the New Church will not be caught up in self-love and their own intelligence so as to possess a natural sight only, but from the Word's Divine truth will possess a spiritual light from the Lord alone (no. 919). Only instead of the moon there, the verse here says a lamp, and instead of the sun there, the verse here says the light of the sun, and a lamp, like the moon, symbolizes the natural sight of one's own intelligence, and the light of the sun symbolizes a natural sight out of a desire for glory springing from conceit.

[2] But we must briefly explain what we mean by a natural sight out of a desire for glory springing from conceit:

A natural sight may be due to a desire for glory springing from conceit, or it may be due to a desire for glory that does not spring from conceit. A sight out of a desire for glory springing from conceit is found in people caught up in a love of self and so in evils of every kind. If they do not do those evils for fear of losing their good name, and if they also condemn them as being destructive of morality and the public good, still they do not regard them as sins. Such people possess a natural sight due to a desire for glory springing from conceit; for a love of self in the will becomes conceit in the intellect, and this conceit, owing to that love, is capable of raising the intellect even into the light of heaven. Such a capability is granted to a person in order for him to be human and to be capable of being reformed.

I have seen and heard many absolute devils who, when they heard them or read them, understood secrets of angelic wisdom as well angels themselves. Yet as soon as they returned to their self-love and their accompanying conceit, not only did they not understand any of those secrets, but they had the opposite sight in the light of the affirmation of falsity in them.

On the other hand, a natural sight due to a desire for glory that does not spring from conceit is present in people who find a delight in useful endeavors out of a genuine love for the neighbor. Their natural sight is also a rational sight that has inwardly in it a spiritual light from the Lord. The desire for glory in them comes from the brilliance of the light flowing in from heaven, where everything is radiant and harmonious, for all useful endeavors in heaven shine. From them arises a gratification in the ideas of their thoughts which they perceive as a glorious one. The glory enters through the will and its goods into the intellect and its truths and presents itself in them.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 940

940. [verse 5] 'And night shall not be there, and they have no need of a lamp and of the light of the sun, for the Lord [God] enlightens them' signifies that in the New Jerusalem there will not be any untruth of faith, and that the men will not be in cognitions of God there out of the natural light that is derived from self-intelligence and from the glory arising from pride, but they will be in spiritual light out of the Word from the Only Lord. By 'night shall not be there' much the same is signified as above (chapter 21) where are these words:

The gates thereof shall not be closed during the day, for night shall not be there (verse 25); by which is signified that those who are in truths derived from the good of love from the Lord are continually being received into the New Jerusalem, because there is no untruth of faith there (922). By 'they have no need of a lamp and of the light of the sun, for the Lord God enlightens them' is signified much the same as above (chapter 21) where are these words:

And the city has no need of the sun and of the moon to shine in it, for the glory of God has enlightened it, and the lamp thereof is the Lamb (verse 23); by which is signified that the men of that Church will not be in the love of self and in self-derived intelligence, and consequently in natural light only, but in spiritual light out of the Divine Truth of the Word from the Only Lord (919). But instead of 'the moon' there it is here said 'a lamp,' and instead of 'the sun' there it is here said 'the light of the sun'; and by 'the moon' just as by 'a lamp' is signified natural light derived from self-intelligence, and by 'the light of the sun' is signified natural light derived from the glory arising from pride.

[2] But what the natural light derived from the glory arising from pride is shall be expounded in a few words. There is given a natural light derived from the glory arising from pride, and also not from pride. Those have a natural light derived from the glory arising from pride who are in the love of self and consequently in evils of every kind; and if they do not do them out of fear of the loss of reputation, and if they also condemn them because they are. against morality and the public good, they still do not consider them as sins. These are in a natural light derived from the glory arising from pride, for the love of self in the will becomes pride in the understanding, and the pride from that love can raise the understanding even into the light of heaven. This [faculty] is given to the man because he is a man, and so that he can be reformed. I have seen and heard many absolute devils, who understood the arcana of angelic wisdom when they heard and read them, just as the angels themselves do; but immediately on their returning to their own love and their own pride therefrom, they not only understood nothing about those arcana but also saw contrary things by reason of the light of the confirmation of untruth with themselves. But a natural light derived from the glory that is not from pride is with those who are in a delight of uses derived from a genuine love towards the neighbour. Their natural light is also a rational light in which there is inwardly spiritual light from the Lord. The glory with them is derived from the brightness of the light inflowing out of heaven where all things are bright and harmonious, for all the uses in heaven shine brightly. By reason of these uses the pleasantness in the ideas of the thoughts with them is perceived as a glory. It enters in through the will and its goods into the understanding and its truths, and is presented in the latter.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 940

940. Verse 5. And there shall be no night there, and they have no need of a lamp and the light of the sun, for the Lord 1giveth them light, signifies that there will not be any falsity of faith in the New Jerusalem, and that men there will not be in knowledges concerning God from natural light which is from their own intelligence, and from glory arising from pride, but will be in spiritual light from the Word from the Lord alone. By "there shall be no night there," the like is signified as above (chapter 21), where are these words:

The gates of it shall not be shut by day, for there shall be no night there, (Revelation 21:25).

By which is signified that those are continually received into the New Jerusalem, who are in truths from the good of love from the Lord, because there is no falsity of faith there, (922). By "they have no need of a lamp and of the light of the sun, because the Lord God giveth them light" the same is signified as above (chapter 21), where are these things:

The city had no need of the sun and of the moon to shine in it, for the glory of God did lighten it, and the lamp thereof is the Lamb, (Revelation 21:23);

by which is signified that the men of that church will not be in the love of self and in their own intelligence, and thence in natural light alone, but in spiritual light from the Divine truth of the Word from the Lord alone, (919). But instead of "the moon" it is here said "a lamp;" and instead of "the sun" there, "the light of the sun" is here spoken of; and by "the moon," as by "a lamp," natural light from one's own intelligence is signified; and by "the light of the sun" is signified natural light from the glory arising from pride.

[2] But it shall be explained in few words what natural light from the glory arising from pride is. There is given natural light from glory arising from pride, and also not from pride. Those have light from the glory arising from pride, who are in the love of self, and thence in evils of every kind; and if they do not do them from fear of the loss of reputation, and if they likewise condemn them because they are against morality and against the public good, they still do not repute them as sins. These are in natural light from the glory arising from pride, for the love of self in the will becomes pride in the understanding; and this pride from that love can elevate the understanding even into the light of heaven. This is given to man, that he may be a man, and that he may be capable of being reformed. I have seen and heard many who were in the highest degree devils, who understood as the angels themselves do, the arcana of angelic wisdom, when they heard and read them; but instantly when they returned to their love, and thence to their pride, they not only understood nothing about them, but also saw the opposites, from the light of the confirmation of falsity, in them. But natural light from glory that is not from pride is with those who are in the delight of uses from genuine love towards the neighbor. The natural light of these is also rational light, within which there is spiritual light from the Lord; the glory with them is from the brightness of the inflowing light from heaven where all things are splendid and harmonious, for all uses in heaven are resplendent. From these uses the pleasantness in the ideas of the thought with such is perceived as glory. It enters through the will and its goods, into the understanding and its truths, and in the latter becomes manifest.


1. The original omits "God."

Apocalypsis Revelata 940 (original Latin 1766)

940. (Vers. 5.) "Et nox non erit ibi, et non opus habent lucerna et luce solis, quia Dominus (Deus) illustrat illos," significat quod in Nova Hierosolyma non erit aliquod falsum fidei, et quod homines in cognitionibus de Deo ibi non erunt ex lumine naturali quod est ex propria intelligentia, et ex gloria oriunda ex fastu, sed erunt in luce spirituali ex Verbo a Solo Domino. - Per "nox non erit ibi" significatur simile quod supra, 21, ubi haec:

"Portae ejus non claudentur interdiu, non enim nox erit ibi," (vers. 25);

per quae significatur quod in Novam Hierosolymam jugiter recipiantur qui in veris ex bono amoris a Domino sunt, quia non ibi est falsum fidei (922); per "non opus habent lucerna et luce solis, quia Dominus Deus illustrat illos" simile significatur quod supra, 21, ubi haec:

"Urbs non opus habet sole et luna, ut luceant in ea, quia gloria Dei illustravit eam, et Lucerna ejus Agnus," (vers. 23);

per quae significatur quod homines illius Ecclesiae non erunt in amore sui et in propria intelligentia, et inde in lumine solo naturali, sed ex Divino vero Verbi a solo Domino in luce spirituali (919); sed pro "luna" ibi, hic dicitur "lucerna;" et pro "sole" ibi, hic dicitur "lux solis:" ac per "lunam" sicut per "lucernam" significatur lumen naturale ex propria intelligentia, et per "lucem solis" significatur lumen naturale ex gloria oriunda ex fastu. Sed paucis explicabitur quid lumen naturale ex gloria oriunda ex fastu. Datur lumen naturale ex gloria oriunda ex fastu, et quoque ex non fastu; lumen ex gloria oriunda ex fastu est illis qui in amore sui sunt, et inde in malis omnis generis; quae si non faciunt ex timore jacturae famae, et quoque si damnant quia contra moralitatem et contra bonum publicum, usque illa non reputant ut peccata; hi in lumine naturali sunt ex gloria oriunda ex fastu, nam amor sui in voluntate fit fastus in intellectu, et hic fastus ex illo amore elevare potest intellectum usque in lucem Caeli: hoc datum est homini, ut sit homo, ac ut possit reformari. Vidi et audivi plures summe diabolos, qui intellexerunt arcana sapientiae angelicae cum audiverunt et legerunt illa, sicut ipsi angeli; sed actutum cum redierunt ad amorem suum et inde fastum suum, non modo nihil de illis intellexerunt, sed etiam viderunt contraria ex luce confirmationis falsi apud se. At lumen naturale ex gloria a non fastu, est apud illos qui in jucundo usuum ex genuino amore erga proximum sunt: illorum lumen naturale est quoque lumen rationale in quo intus est lux spiritualis a Domino; gloria apud illos est ex splendore lucis influentis ex Caelo ubi omnia splendida et harmonica sunt, omnes enim usus in Caelo splendent; ex his amoenitas in cogitationum ideis apud illos percipitur ut gloria; intrat per voluntatem et ejus bona in intellectum et ejus vera, et in his sistitur.

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