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《婚姻之爱》 第100节







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Conjugial Love #100 (Chadwick (1996))

100. (xi) Male and female were created to be a true likeness of the marriage of good and truth.

This is because the male was created to be the understanding of truth, and so a model of truth; and woman was created to be the willing of good, and so a model of good. Each had implanted at the inmost level a tendency to become joined into one (88 above). So the two of them make up a single model, which imitates the model of the marriage of good and truth. The term 'imitates' is used because it is not the same, but resembles it. For the good which links itself with truth in the man comes directly from the Lord; but the wife's good, which links itself with truth in the man, comes to him indirectly from the Lord by way of the wife. There are, therefore, two kinds of love, one inward, one outward, which link themselves with truth in the husband. These ensure that the husband remains constantly able to understand truth, and so by means of truly conjugial love to be wise. But this will be discussed further in the following pages.

Conjugial Love #100 (Rogers (1995))

100. 11. Male and female were created to be the very image of the marriage between good and truth. This is because the male was created to be an expression of the understanding of truth, thus a picture of truth, and the female was created to be an expression of the will of good, thus a picture of good, and implanted in both from their inmost beings is an inclination to conjunction into one (see above, no. 88). Thus the two together form a single image, which imitates the conjugial model of good and truth.

We say that it imitates this model, because it is not identical to it but similar. For the good that attaches itself to the truth in a man comes directly from the Lord, whereas the wife's good that attaches itself to the truth in a man comes from the Lord indirectly through the wife. Consequently there are two kinds of good, one internal, one external, which attach themselves to the truth in a husband and cause the husband to remain constant in an understanding of truth and so in a state of wisdom through the agency of truly conjugial love.

But more on this subject later.

Love in Marriage #100 (Gladish (1992))

100. 11. Man and woman were created to be precisely the image of a marriage between good and truth. This is because a man is created to be a grasp of truth - that is, the image of truth - and a woman is created to be a desire for good - which is to say the image of good.

And both are gifted, from deep inside, with an inclination to join together into one (see no. 88 above), so the two make one image that is like the image of the marriage between good and truth. I say it is "like" this because it is not that identical thing but similar to it. The good that joins itself with truth in a man, you see, comes directly from the Lord, and a wife's good that joins itself with truth in a man comes from the Lord indirectly through the wife, so that there are two kinds of good, one inner and the other outward, that join themselves with the truth in a husband. And these give a husband a steady grasp of truth and the wisdom that comes from it through the real love in marriage. But more about this is coming later.

Conjugial Love #100 (Acton (1953))

100. XI. THAT THE MALE AND FEMALE WERE CREATED TO BE THE VERY FORM OF THE MARRIAGE OF GOOD AND TRUTH. The reason is because the male was created to be the understanding of truth, thus truth in form, while the female was created to be the will of good, thus good in form; from their inmosts, both are endowed with an inclination to conjunction into a one (see above, no. 88). The two thus make one form, which emulates the conjugial form of good and truth. It is said that it emulates this form, because it is not the same but is like it; for, with the man, the good which conjoins itself with truth is from the Lord immediately, while the wife's good which conjoins itself with truth in the man is from the Lord mediately through the wife. Thus there are two goods, one internal, the other external, which conjoin themselves with truth in the husband, and by means of love truly conjugial make the husband to be constantly in the understanding of truth and thence in wisdom. But more on this subject in what follows.

Conjugial Love #100 (Wunsch (1937))

100. (xi) Male and female were created to be Me very form of Me marriage of good and truth, for the reason that the male was created to be an understanding of truth, thus truth in embodiment, and the female to be a will of good, thus good in form, and on both there has been impressed inmostly an inclination to conjunction into one (see above, n.88). The two thus make one form, which emulates the marital form of good and truth. It is said to emulate it, for it is not identical with it, but like it. For while the good which is conjoined with truth in the husband is immediately from the Lord, the wife's good which conjoins itself with truth in the husband, is from the Lord mediately through the wife. There are accordingly two goods, one internal, the other external, which conjoin themselves with truth in the husband; and they bring it about that the husband is constantly in an understanding of truth and so in wisdom through true marital love; but of this more in what follows.

Conjugial Love #100 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

100. (11) That the male and the female were created to be the very form of the marriage of good and truth. The reason is that the male was created to be the understanding of truth, thus truth in form; and the female was created to be the will of good, thus good in form; and to both was imparted from the inmosts an inclination to conjunction into one, as may be seen above, n. 88. The two thus make one form, which emulates the conjugial form of good and truth. It is said that it emulates this, because it is not the same but similar to it. For the good that conjoins itself with truth with the man is from the Lord immediately; but the good of the wife which conjoins itself with truth with the man is from the Lord mediately through the wife. Therefore, there are two goods, one internal the other external, which conjoin themselves with truth with the husband; and these effect that the husband is constantly in the understanding of truth and thence in wisdom through love truly conjugial. But more will be said on this subject hereafter.

De Amore Conjugiali #100 (original Latin (1768))

100. XI: Quod Mas et Foemina creati sint, ut sint ipsa Forma Conjugii boni et veri, est quia Mas creatus est, ut sit Intellectus veri, ita Verum in forma, et Foemina creata est ut sit Voluntas boni, ita Bonum in forma, ac utrique ab intimis indita est inclinatio ad conjunctionem in unum, videatur supra 88; 1ita faciunt duo unam formam, quae aemulatur Formam conjugialem boni et veri. Dicitur quod hanc aemuletur, quia non eadem est, sed ei similis; Bonum enim quod se conjungit cum Vero apud virum, est a Domino immediate, at Bonum uxoris quod conjungit se cum Vero apud virum, est a Domino mediate per uxorem, quare sunt duo Bona, unum internum, alterum externum, quae conjungunt se cum Vero apud maritum; ac faciunt, ut maritus constanter sit in intellectu veri, et inde sapientia per Amorem vere conjugialem: sed de his in sequentibus plura.


1. Prima editio: 88.

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