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《婚姻之爱》 第101节







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Conjugial Love #101 (Chadwick (1996))

101. (xii) They are this likeness at the inmost levels, and the likeness ascends from these to the following levels, as the interiors of the mind are opened up.

Every person is composed of three elements arranged in order: soul, mind and body. The inmost is the soul, the middle the mind, the outermost the body. All influences coming from the Lord enter at the inmost level, the soul, and from there come down to the middle one, the mind, and through this reach the outermost one, the body. This is how the marriage of good and truth coming from the Lord influences a person. There is a direct influence on the soul, and this passes on to the following level, by way of which it reaches the outermost; and these working together make up conjugial love. It is plain from this concept of how influence is felt that a married couple is a model of this at the inmost level, and so also in the following ones.

Conjugial Love #101 (Rogers (1995))

101. 12. A married couple is an image of that marriage in their inmost qualities and thus in their subsequent ones as the inner faculties of their minds are opened. Every person consists of three components which follow in order in him: soul, mind, and body. The inmost one is his soul. The intermediate one is his mind. And the outmost one is his body. Everything that flows into a person from the Lord flows first into his inmost component, which is the soul, and descends from there into his intermediate component, which is the mind, and through this into his outmost component, which is the body.

A marriage of good and truth flows in from the Lord in a person in the same way. It flows into his soul directly, and continues from there into the subsequent faculties, and through these to the outmost constituents. And thus conjointly they bring about conjugial love.

It is apparent from a consideration of this influx that a married couple is an image of the marriage between good and truth in their inmost qualities and thus in their subsequent ones.

Love in Marriage #101 (Gladish (1992))

101. 12. That image is what they are in their deepest being, and as the inner reaches of their minds open up, it comes into the parts that spring from their deepest being. Every person consists of three things - soul, mind, and body - related to one another in order. The soul is the most inward part of him, the middle part of him is the mind, and the most outward part of him is the body. All that pours into a person from the Lord pours into the innermost part of him, which is his soul, descends from there into the middle part, his mind, and through this into his most outward part, his body. This is how the marriage of good and truth pours into a person from the Lord - directly into his soul, and from there through to the next things, and through these to the most outward. And this is how good and truth make married love together. The concept of this downflowing makes it clear that two partners are the image of this marriage in their most inner selves, and from this in the things that follow down from there.

Conjugial Love #101 (Acton (1953))

101. XII. THAT TWO MARRIED PARTNERS ARE THAT FORM IN THEIR INMOSTS, AND HENCE, AS THE INTERIORS OF THEIR MIND ARE OPENED, IN ALL THAT FOLLOWS THEREFROM. There are three things of which every man consists and which follow in order--soul, mind, and body. His inmost is the soul, his intermediate is the mind, and his ultimate is the body. All that flows into man from the Lord flows into his inmost, which is the soul, and descends thence into his intermediate, which is the mind, and through this into his ultimate, which is the body. It is in this way that the marriage of good and truth flows into man from the Lord. It flows immediately into his soul, from this it goes on to the parts that follow, and through these to the outmost parts. In this way all these conjointly make conjugial love. From the idea of this influx, it is evident that two married partners are that form in their inmosts and thence in all that follows therefrom.

Conjugial Love #101 (Wunsch (1937))

101. (xii) It is as the interiors of their minds are opened that two partners come into this form in their inmosts, and then in the derivations from the inmosts. Every human being consists of three things, which follow in order in him, soul, mind and body; his inmost is the soul, the mind his mediate, and the body his last. Everything that flows from the Lord into the human being flows into his inmost, the soul, and thence descends into his mediate, the mind, and by this into his last, which is the body. The marriage of good and truth from the Lord flows into man in the same way; immediately into his soul, thence into what follows, and by this to the extremes; throughout, therefore, it brings marital love. An idea of this influx will make it plain that two partners are this form in their inmosts, and thence in what follows from the inmosts.

Conjugial Love #101 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

101. (12) That two married partners are that form in their inmosts, and hence in the things that follow therefrom, according as the interiors of their mind are opened. There are three things of which every man consists, and which follow in order with him, the soul, the mind, and the body. His inmost is the soul (anima); his intermediate is the mind (mens); and his last is the body. All that flows into man from the Lord flows into his inmost which is the soul; and descends thence into his intermediate, which is the mind; and through this into his last, which is the body. In this way the marriage of good and truth flows into man from the Lord, immediately into his soul; and thence it goes on to the things that follow and through these to the extremes; and thus conjoined they make conjugial love. From this conception of the influx it is plain that two married partners are that form in their inmosts, and thence in the things that follow therefrom.

De Amore Conjugiali #101 (original Latin (1768))

101. [XII:] Quod duo Conjuges sint illa forma in intimis suis, et inde in sequentibus ex illis, sicut interiora mentis illorum aperta sunt. Sunt tria, ex quibus omnis homo consistit, et quae in ordine sequuntur apud illum, Anima, Mens, et Corpus; intimum ejus est Anima, medium ejus est Mens, et ultimum ejus est Corpus: omne quod influit a Domino in hominem, influit in intimum ejus, quod est Anima, et descendit inde in medium ejus, quod est Mens, et per hanc in ultimum ejus, quod est Corpus; ita influit Conjugium Boni et veri a Domino apud hominem; immediate in animam ejus, et inde pergit ad sequentia, et per haec ad extrema; et sic conjunctim faciunt Amorem conjugialem: ex idea hujus influxus patet, quod duo Conjuges sint illa forma in intimis suis, et inde in sequentibus ex illis.

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