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《婚姻之爱》 第99节






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Conjugial Love #99 (Chadwick (1996))

99. (x) When conjugial love has been implanted, sexual love turns upside down and becomes chaste sexual love.

Sexual love is then said to turn upside down, because when conjugial love reaches its source, located in the inner levels of the mind, it sees sexual love not in front of but behind itself, or not above but below itself, and thus as something it left behind as it passed. This is like what happens when anyone has risen from one post to another until he reaches a position of the highest rank, and then looks back at the posts below him through which he has passed. Or when anyone has in mind a journey abroad to visit a king's court, and after his arrival turns his gaze back to what he saw on the way. In these circumstances sexual love lasts, becoming chaste, yet sweeter than before to those who have truly conjugial love. This can be seen from the way it is described by people in the spiritual world in the two accounts of experiences there (44, 55).

Conjugial Love #99 (Rogers (1995))

99. 10. When conjugial love has been implanted, love for the opposite sex turns around and becomes a chaste love for the opposite sex. We say that love for the opposite sex then turns around, because when conjugial love comes to its source, which lies in the inner recesses of the mind, it sees love for the opposite sex not before it but behind it, or not above it but below it, thus viewing it as something it has left in passing. It is similar to what happens when someone rises from position to position in his work, finally reaching one much higher in rank, and then looks back at the positions behind or below him through which he passed. Or to what happens when someone plans a journey to the court of some king, then after his arrival turns and looks back on the things he saw on the way.

Testimony that love for the opposite sex still remains then and becomes chaste, and yet sweeter than before to people who are in a state of truly conjugial love - this may be seen from the description of it by people who are in the spiritual world, recorded in two accounts from that world in nos. 44 and 55.

Love in Marriage #99 (Gladish (1992))

99. 10. When the love in marriage has been implanted, sexual love turns around and becomes a chaste sexual love. I say that then sexual love turns around because when love of marriage comes to its source, in the inner parts of the mind, it sees sexual love as being not before itself, but behind - not above itself but below - and in this way something it left behind in passing, so to speak.

It is the same as when someone scrambles from job to job up to some towering rank and from there looks back or down at the jobs he came up through. Or when someone travels to the court of some king. After arriving he turns a look back at the things he saw on the way.

The two stories in nos. 44 and 55 show that then sexual love remains and becomes chaste and even sweeter than before for those who have true married love. This is shown through a description of it by people in the spiritual world.

Conjugial Love #99 (Acton (1953))

99. X. THAT WHEN CONJUGIAL LOVE HAS BEEN IMPLANTED, LOVE OF THE SEX IS INVERTED AND BECOMES CHASTE LOVE OF THE SEX. It is said that love of the sex is then inverted, because, while conjugial love is coming to its origin which is in the interiors of the mind, it sees love of the sex not in front of itself but behind, that is, not above itself but below. Thus it sees it as something which it leaves behind in passing, in like manner as is the case when one climbs from one office, through other offices, to an office of supereminent dignity, and then looks back or below to the offices through which he has passed; or, as when one intends a journey to the court of some king, and after his arrival, turns his gaze back to the things which he saw on the way. That with those who are in love truly conjugial, love of the sex then remains and becomes chaste, and yet sweeter than the former love, can be seen from its description by those who are in the spiritual world, as given in the two Memorable Relations therefrom, nos. 42, 44.

Conjugial Love #99 (Wunsch (1937))

99. (x) When marital love has been implanted, love for the sex alters and becomes chaste love of the sex. It is said that love for the sex is changed, even inverted , because when marital love rises to its origin, which is in the mind's interiors, it sees sexual love not before it but behind it, not above it but below it, and thus as something which it leaves in passing. It is much as when one mounts by a number of offices to one of especial prestige, and from it sees behind or below him the offices he has passed through. Or as when one makes a journey to the court of some king, and after arrival looks back over what he saw along the way. That love for the sex remains then and becomes chaste, and yet is sweeter than before to those who are in marital love, can be seen from the description of it in two Memorabilia (nn. 44, 55) given from the spiritual world by dwellers in that world.

Conjugial Love #99 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

99. (10) That while conjugial love is being implanted the love of the sex inverts itself and becomes the chaste love of the sex. It is said that the love of the sex inverts itself, because while conjugial love is coming to its origin, which is in the interiors of the mind (mens), it sees the love of the sex not before itself but after it, or not above but below itself, and thus as a thing that in passing is left behind. It is similar as when anyone by service climbs from office through office up to some supreme dignity, and then looks behind him or below him to the offices through which he has passed: Or as when anyone purposes a journey to the court of some king, and after his arrival turns his view back to the things that he saw on the way. That the love of the sex still remains with those who are in love truly conjugial, and becomes chaste and yet sweeter than before, may be seen from the description of it, by those who are in the spiritual world, in the two Relations thence, in n. 44 and 45.

De Amore Conjugiali #99 (original Latin (1768))

99. X: Quod dum Amor conjugialis implantatus est, Amor sexus invertat se, et fiat Amor sexus castus. Dicitur quod tunc Amor sexus invertat se, quia dum Amor conjugialis venit ad suam originem, quae est in interioribus mentis, videt Amorem sexus non ante se sed post se, seu non supra se sed infra se, et sic sicut id quod in transeundo reliquit. Similiter ut fit, dum quis scandit ab officio per officia ad quoddam supereminens dignitate, et deinde respicit post se seu infra se officia quae pertransierat: aut dum quis intendit peregrinationem ad Aulam cujusdam Regis, post adventum invertit aspectum ad illa quae viderat in via. Quod tunc Amor sexus permaneat, et fiat castus, et tamen priori suavior illis qui in Amore vere conjugiali sunt, ex descriptione ejus ab illis qui in Spirituali Mundo sunt, in binis Memorabilibus inde 44 et 55. videri potest.

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