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《婚姻之爱》 第102节


  102、然而,只有随着心智内层(the interiors of mind)的打开,夫妻才会变成良善与真理的婚姻的形像;因为心智是从幼年到老年逐渐打开的。事实上,人生来是属肉体的,随着其紧邻身体之上的心智打开而渐渐变得理性。然后,随着这理性能力被洁净,可以说清除了从身体感官所流入的虚假观念和从肉体诱惑所流入的情欲,理性能力逐渐打开,这一过程唯有在智慧的帮助下才有可能完成。当理性心智的内层打开时,人就成为智慧的样式,该样式能接受真正的婚姻之爱。构成这个样式并接受婚姻真爱的智慧是理性的,同时也是道德的。理性智慧视从内出现在人里面的真理和良善为从主流入的,而不是这个人自己的;道德智慧则避开邪恶与虚假如大麻疯,尤其避开玷污其婚姻之爱的淫秽之事。




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Conjugial Love #102 (Chadwick (1996))

102. A married couple, however, becomes this model as the interiors of their minds are opened up, because the opening of the mind lasts from childhood to extreme old age. For a person is by birth immersed in bodily concerns and, as the levels of his mind just above the body are opened up, he becomes rational. Then, as the rational faculty is purified and as it were cleansed of the false ideas which flow in from the bodily senses, and of the lusts which flow in from the lures of the flesh, so the rational faculty is opened up, a process solely possible by the help of wisdom. When the inner levels of the rational mind have been opened up, then the person becomes a model of wisdom, and this is capable of receiving truly conjugial love.

The wisdom which forms this model and receives this love is rational, and at the same time moral, wisdom. Rational wisdom looks on the kinds of truth and good to be seen inwardly present in a person, not as its own, but as flowing in from the Lord. Moral wisdom shuns the evils and falsities which sully conjugial love, especially lewdness, as it would leprosy.

Conjugial Love #102 (Rogers (1995))

102. However, married partners become an image of the marriage between good and truth only as the inner faculties of their minds are opened, because the mind only gradually opens from infancy to late old age. For people are born carnal, and they become rational as the mind just above the body opens and as this rationality is purified and decanted, so to speak, from its dregs - from fallacious appearances that flow in from the physical senses and from urges that flow in from temptations of the flesh. Rationality thus opens, and this is accomplished only through wisdom. Then, when the inner faculties of the rational mind have been opened, the person becomes an image of wisdom, and this wisdom is the receptacle of truly conjugial love.

The wisdom which forms this image and receives this love is rational and at the same time moral wisdom. Rational wisdom views the truths and good virtues that inwardly appear in a person not as qualities belonging to him but as qualities flowing in from the Lord. And moral wisdom shuns evils and falsities as contagious diseases - especially lascivious ones which contaminate his conjugial love.

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Love in Marriage #102 (Gladish (1992))

102. The reason why partners become that image as the inner parts of their minds open up is that the mind is continually opening up from infancy to ripe old age. For people are born as bodies, and as their minds open to the next level above their body they become rational. This rationality becomes purified and, so to speak, emptied of fallacies that flood in from the bodily senses and cravings that flood in from the enticements of flesh, and as this happens one's rationality opens. This takes place only by the agency of wisdom. And when the most inward reaches of the rational mind open up, then a person becomes the image of wisdom, and this is a vessel for the genuine love in marriage.

The wisdom that makes this image and receives this love is both rational and moral wisdom. Rational wisdom looks to the true and good things that show up deep within a person - not as his own but as the Lord's influence. Moral wisdom avoids evil and false things like the plague - especially lascivious ones, which contaminate the person's love of marriage.

Conjugial Love #102 (Acton (1953))

102. That married partners become that form as the interiors of their mind are opened, is because the mind is opened successively, from infancy to extreme old age. Man is born corporeal, and, as the mind next above the body is opened, he becomes rational. As this rational is purified and, as it were, decanted from the fallacies flowing in from the bodily senses and the concupiscences flowing in from the allurements of the flesh, it is opened, this being done solely by means of wisdom; and when the interiors of the rational mind are opened, then the man becomes a form of wisdom--a form which is the receptacle of love truly conjugial. 1

The wisdom which makes this form and receives this love is rational and at the same time moral. Rational wisdom regards the truths and goods which appear interiorly in man, not as his own but as flowing in from the Lord; and moral wisdom shuns evils and falses as leprosies, shunning especially things lascivious which contaminate its conjugial love.


1. In the original, the paragraph that follows is enclosed in inverted commas.

Conjugial Love #102 (Wunsch (1937))

102. Partners become such a form, however, only as the interiors of the mind are opened. The human mind is gradually opened from infancy to advanced old age. For man is born corporeal, and as the mind next above the body is opened, he becomes rational; then as this rational is purified and as it were decanted of the fallacies inflowing from the body's senses, and of the lusts inflowing from enticements of the flesh, it, too, is opened, which is done solely through wisdom; and finally when the rational mind's interiors have been opened, the human being is a form of wisdom, and this form is the receptacle of true marital love.

The wisdom which makes this form and receives this love is rational wisdom and at the same time moral wisdom. Rational wisdom regards goods and truths, which appear interiorly in one, not as one's own, but as inflowing from the Lord. Moral wisdom shuns as leprosies evils and falsities, especially things lascivious which contaminate its marital love. 1


1. In the original Latin this paragraph is enclosed in quotation marks.

Conjugial Love #102 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

102. The reason why married partners become that form according as the interiors of their mind are opened, is that the mind is opened successively, from infancy to extreme old age. For a man is born corporeal; and as the mind next above the body is opened he becomes rational. And as this rational is purified, and as it were emptied of the fallacies that flow in by the bodily senses, and of the concupiscences that flow in from the allurements of the flesh, in this way the rational is opened, and this is done by wisdom alone. And when the interiors of the rational mind (mens) are opened the man becomes a form of wisdom; and this is the receptacle of love truly conjugial.

'The wisdom which makes this form and receives this love is rational and at the same time moral wisdom. Rational wisdom looks to the goods and truths that appear interiorly in man, not as his own, but flowing in from the Lord; and moral wisdom flees from evils and falsities as leprosies, especially those of lasciviousness, which contaminate his conjugial love.'

De Amore Conjugiali #102 (original Latin (1768))

102. Quod autem Conjuges fiant illa forma, sicut interiora mentis illorum aperta sunt, est quia Mens successive ab infantia usque ad seram senectam aperitur; homo enim nascitur corporeus, et sicut Mens aperitur proxime supra Corpus, fit rationalis; et sicut rationale hoc purificatur et quasi decantatur a fallaciis, quae influunt a sensibus corporis, et a concupiscentiis, quae influunt ex illecebris carnis; ita Rationale aperitur, et hoc fit unice per sapientiam; et cum interiora mentis rationalis aperta sunt, tunc fit homo forma sapientiae, et haec est receptaculum amoris vere 1conjugialis. 2Sapientia quae facit hanc formam, et recipit hunc amorem, est Sapientia rationalis et simul moralis; Sapientia rationalis spectat vera et bona, quae interius in homine apparent, non ut sua, sed influentia a Domino; et sapientia moralis fugit mala et falsa, ut lepras; imprimis lasciva, quae amorem suum conjugialem contaminant.


1. Prima editio: vero

2. Sequentia verba hujus paragraphi in prima editione signis citationis inclusa sunt.

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