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《婚姻之爱》 第122节







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Conjugial Love #122 (Chadwick (1996))

122. (v) From the marriage of good and truth proceeding and flowing in from the Lord a person receives truth, to which the Lord links good. This is how the church with a person is formed by the Lord.

The reason why a person receives truth from the good and truth which come forth as one from the Lord is that he receives it as of himself. For he thinks it as if of himself, and likewise employs it to speak. This happens because truth enjoys the light of the intellect and consequently a person sees it. Anything he sees in himself, that is, in his mind, cannot have its source known, for its influence is invisible, just as are the things which impinge on the eyesight, so that the impression is given that they are inside it. This appearance is God's gift to a person, thus enabling him to be a human being and to be linked in return.

Another reason is that a person is by birth able to know, understand and be wise, and this ability receives the truths that give him knowledge, intelligence and wisdom. Since woman was created by means of man's truth, and after marriage is more and more formed to love it, it follows that she too receives the husband's truth in herself and joins it to her own good.

Conjugial Love #122 (Rogers (1995))

122. 5. From the marriage of good and truth that emanates and flows in from the Lord, a person acquires truth, to which the Lord joins good, and in this way the church is formed in the person by the Lord. A person acquires truth from the good and truth that emanate as one from the Lord, because he receives it and assimilates it into himself as if it were his own; for he thinks of truth as though it originated with him, and he speaks from truth in the same way. This comes about because truth is seen in the light of the understanding and is therefore visible to him; and he does not know the origin of whatever he sees inside himself or in his mind, since he does not see it flowing in like the phenomena that strike the vision of the eye. Consequently he supposes that truth exists in him.

This appearance has been granted to people by the Lord in order that they may be human beings and have the means of reciprocating necessary for conjunction.

In addition, man is born with a faculty for knowing, understanding and becoming wise, and this faculty receives truths, by which he gains knowledge, intelligence and wisdom. And since the female was created through the truth of the male and is formed into a love of it more and more after marriage, it follows that she also receives her husband's truth into herself and joins it to her good.

Love in Marriage #122 (Gladish (1992))

122. 5. From the marriage of good and truth that comes from the Lord and flows down, humans receive truth, and the Lord joins good to it, and in this way the Lord makes a church within people. The reason why people accept truth, although good and truth leave the Lord as one thing, is that they accept it as their own and make it like a part of themselves. For they mull over the truth as if it came from themselves and speak from it the same way. This happens because truth is under the light of their intellect that they see it with, and everyone sees it in himself, or in his mind. People do not know where it comes from because they do not see it pouring in the way they see what is in front of their eyes, so they think it is in themselves.

The Lord lets it seem this way to people so that they can be human and so that they can have a reciprocal relationship with Him. Add that by birth people are an ability to find out, comprehend, and become wise, and this ability receives the truth that knowledge, comprehension, and wisdom come from. A woman is created by means of the truth that goes with masculinity and is molded into love of it more and more after marriage, so it follows that she, too, receives truth - from her husband - in herself and joins it with her good.

Conjugial Love #122 (Acton (1953))

122. V. THAT FROM THE MARRIAGE OF GOOD AND TRUTH WHICH PROCEEDS AND FLOWS IN FROM THE LORD, MAN RECEIVES TRUTH, AND TO THIS THE LORD CONJOINS GOOD; AND THAT THUS THE CHURCH IS FORMED BY THE LORD WITH MAN. That from the good and truth which proceed as one from the Lord, man receives truth, is because he receives it as his own, and appropriates it to himself as his own; for he thinks it as if of himself, and speaks from it in like manner. This is the case because truth is in the light of the understanding, therefore he sees it; and when one sees anything in himself or in his own mind, he knows not whence it is, for he does not see its influx as he sees the things which come into the sight of his eye; therefore he supposes it to be in himself. That it so appears is granted man by the Lord, that he may be a man and that he may have a reciprocal of conjunction. Add to this, that man is born a faculty of knowing, understanding, and being wise, and this faculty receives the truths whereby he has knowledge, intelligence, and wisdom. And because the female was created by means of the truth of the male and after marriage, is formed more and more into the love thereof, it follows that she also receives her husband's truth into herself and conjoins it with her good.

Conjugial Love #122 (Wunsch (1937))

122. (v) From the marriage of good and truth, proceeding and inflowing from the Lord, the human being receives truth; to this the Lord conjoins good; and so the Church is formed with man by the Lord. The human being receives truth from the good and truth which proceed as one from the Lord, because truth he receives as his own, appropriating it as his, for he thinks it as of himself and in like manner speaks from it. For truth stands in the light of the understanding, and hence he sees it; and whatever he sees in himself or in his mind, of that he does not know the source, for he does not see the influx, as he does of those things which fall into the sight of the eye. Hence he thinks of truth as in himself. Man is given by the Lord to see truth in this way, in order that he may be a human being and have the power of reciprocal conjunction. Add to this, that man is born a faculty of knowing and being intelligent and wise, and that this faculty receives the truths by which one has knowledge, intelligence and wisdom. As woman was created by means of the truth of the male, and after marriage is formed more and more fully into love of this truth, she also receives the husband's truth in her, and conjoins it with her good.

Conjugial Love #122 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

122. (5) That from the marriage of good and truth which proceeds and flows in from the Lord, man receives truth, and to this the Lord conjoins good; and that thus the Church is formed with man by the Lord. The reason why, from the good and truth that proceed as one from the Lord, man receives truth, is that he receives it as his own, and appropriates it to himself as his own. For he thinks it as if of himself, and speaks from it in like manner, and this because truth is in the light of the understanding and thence he sees it; and what a man sees within himself, or in his mind, he knows not whence it is, for he does not see the inflowing, as he does things that fall into the sight of the eye; and therefore, he supposes it to be in himself. It is given man of the Lord that it should so appear, in order that he may be man, and that there may be in him a reciprocal of conjunction. Add to this, that man is born a faculty of knowing, understanding, and becoming wise, and this faculty receives the truths whereby it has knowledge, intelligence, and wisdom. And as the female was created by means of the truth of the male, and is formed into the love of it more and more after marriage, it follows that she also receives her husband's truth in herself, and conjoins it with her good.

De Amore Conjugiali #122 (original Latin (1768))

122. V. Quod ex Conjugio boni et veri, quod procedit a Domino, et influit, homo recipiat verum, et Dominus huic conjungat 1bonum; et quod sic Ecclesia formetur a Domino apud hominem. Quod homo ex bono et vero, quae ut unum procedunt a Domino, recipiat verum, est quia hoc recipit ut suum, ac appropriat sibi ut suum, nam cogitat illud sicut a se, et similiter loquitur ex illo; et hoc fit quia verum est in luce intellectus, et inde videt illud, et quodcunque videt in se, seu in sua mente, non scit unde est, non enim videt influxum, sicut illa quae in visum oculi incidunt, inde opinatur quod sit in se. Quod ita appareat, datum est homini a Domino, ut sit homo, utque sit ei reciprocum conjunctionis: accedit, quod homo natus sit Facultas sciendi, intelligendi, et sapiendi, et haec Facultas recipit vera, per quae ei scientia, intelligentia, et sapientia: et quia foemina creata est per Verum masculi, et formatur in amorem ejus plus et plus post conjugium, sequitur quod haec etiam recipiat verum mariti in se, et conjungat illud cum suo bono.


1. Prima editio: conjugat

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