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《婚姻之爱》 第123节







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Conjugial Love #123 (Chadwick (1996))

123. The reason the Lord attaches and joins good to the truths a person receives is that a person cannot grasp any good as it were by himself, since it is hardly visible to his sight. This is because it is not a product of light, but of heat, and heat is felt, not seen. When therefore a person sees truth in his thought, he rarely reflects on the good which influences it and gives it life as the result of love on the part of the will. Neither does a wife reflect on the good she has, but on her husband's propensity towards her, which depends on how far his intellect has risen towards wisdom. She attaches the good she has from the Lord without her husband being aware of the attachment. These facts establish the truth of the proposition that a person receives truth from the Lord, and the Lord attaches good to that truth, the more so the more the truth is applied to a purpose, that is, in proportion to a person's will to think wisely and so to live wisely.

Conjugial Love #123 (Rogers (1995))

123. The Lord attaches and joins good to the truths a person acquires, because a person cannot take goodness as though it originated with him, since it is invisible to his sight. The reason is that goodness is a matter of warmth rather than light, and warmth is not seen but felt. Consequently, when a person sees truth in his thinking, he rarely reflects on the good that flows into it from the love in his will and gives it life.

A wife also does not reflect on the goodness in herself, but on her husband's inclination toward her, which depends on the ascent of his understanding to wisdom. She influences him with the goodness that is in her from the Lord without the husband's having any awareness of that influence.

From this the truth now appears, that a person acquires truth from the Lord, and that the Lord joins good to that truth according as the truth is put to use, thus as a person tries to think wisely and so live wisely.

Love in Marriage #123 (Gladish (1992))

123. The Lord joins good to the truths that people accept from Him,. because a person cannot grasp good as if on his own resources.

In fact, he cannot see it in front of his face, because it is not light but heat, and heat is felt, not seen. So when a person is thinking and sees a truth he rarely reflects about the good that is pouring into it from the love that he is disposed to, and that is giving it life. Neither does a wife reflect about the good she has, but about her husband's favor for her, which keeps pace with his intellect's ascent toward wisdom. Without her husband's knowing it she works good into truth - good that she receives from the Lord.

Now a truth comes out of all this - that a person receives truth from the Lord, and the Lord adds good to this truth to the extent that the person applies truth in his actions, which means, according to how much he wants to think wisely and therefore live wisely.

Conjugial Love #123 (Acton (1953))

123. That to the truths which man receives, the Lord adjoins and conjoins good, is because man cannot take good as of himself, since it is not seen by him, and this because it is not a matter of light but of heat, and heat is felt not seen. Wherefore, when man sees a truth in his thought, he rarely reflects upon the good which flows into it from the love of the will and gives it life. Nor does the wife reflect upon the good with herself, but upon the inclination of her husband towards her, which is according to the ascent of his understanding to wisdom. The good which is with her from the Lord, she applies without the husband knowing anything of the application. From this, the truth is now manifest that man receives truth from the Lord, and that the Lord adjoins good to that truth according to the man's application of the truth to use, thus according as he wills to think wisely and thence to live wisely.

Conjugial Love #123 (Wunsch (1937))

123. The Lord joins and unites good to the truths man receives, because man cannot take good as it were of himself; it is not a visible quantity to him, being an entity not of light but of heat, and heat is felt, and not seen. When therefore a man sees truth in thought, he rarely reflects upon the good which flows into it from the love of the will and gives it life. Nor does the wife reflect on the good with herself, but on the husband's inclination toward her, which is according to the ascent of his understanding toward wisdom; the good which she has from the Lord she also brings to bear without the husband's realizing it. From this it is plain that man receives truth from the Lord, and that the Lord adjoins good to that truth in the measure in which truth is applied to use, thus as the man wills to think wisely and thence to live wisely.

Conjugial Love #123 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

123. That the Lord adjoins and conjoins good to the truths which man receives, is because man cannot take good as of himself, for it is not seen by him. The reason is that it is not a matter of light but of heat, and heat is felt and not seen. Therefore, when in thought man sees truth, he rarely reflects upon the good that, from the love of the will, flows into it and gives it life. Nor does the wife reflect upon the good with her, but upon the inclination of the husband towards her, which is according to the ascent of his understanding to wisdom. The good that is with her from the Lord she applies without the husband knowing anything of the application. From these considerations the truth is now manifest, that man receives truth from the Lord, and that the Lord adjoins good to that truth according to his application of the truth to use, thus, as man wills to think wisely, and thence to live wisely.

De Amore Conjugiali #123 (original Latin (1768))

123. Quod Dominus veris, quae homo recipit, adjungat et conjungat bonum, est quia homo non potest sumere bonum sicut a se, est enim coram illo inconspicuum; causa est, quia non est lucis, sed caloris, et calor sentitur, et non videtur; quare cum homo videt verum in cogitatione, raro reflectit super bono, quod in illud ex amore voluntatis influit, et dat ei vitam. Uxor nec reflectit super bonum apud se, sed super inclinationem Mariti erga se, quae est secundum ascensum intellectus ejus ad sapientiam; bonum, quod est apud illam a Domino, applicat, praeter quod maritus de applicatione illa aliquid sciat. Ex his nunc constat veritas, quod homo ex Domino recipiat verum, et quod Dominus adjungat vero isti bonum, secundum applicationem veri ad usum, ita sicut homo vult sapienter cogitare, et inde sapienter vivere.

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