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《婚姻之爱》 第124节





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Conjugial Love #124 (Chadwick (1996))

124. The reason the church is thus formed for a person by the Lord is that he is then linked with the Lord, receiving good from Him, and truth as if from himself. So a person is in the Lord and the Lord is in him as His words in John (John 15:4-5) show. It is the same if charity is substituted for good and faith for truth, because good belongs to charity and truth to faith.

Conjugial Love #124 (Rogers (1995))

124. In this way the church is formed in the person by the Lord, because he is then in conjunction with the Lord, being in a state of good from the Lord and in a state of truth apparently originating with himself. Thus the person is in the Lord and the Lord in him, according to the Lord's words in John 15:4-5. It is the same if we say charity instead of good and faith instead of truth, since good has to do with charity and truth has to do with faith.

Love in Marriage #124 (Gladish (1992))

124. The Lord forms a church in a person in this way because then he is joined with the Lord in good from Him and in truth that seems to come from himself. So the person is in the Lord and the Lord in him, according to His words in John 15:4-5. It is the same if we say "charity" for "good," and "faith" for "truth," because good relates to charity, and truth relates to faith.

Conjugial Love #124 (Acton (1953))

124. That the Church is thus formed with man by the Lord is because then he is in conjunction with the Lord, being in good from Him and in truth as if from himself. Thus man is in the Lord and the Lord in him, according to His words in John 15:4, 5. It is the same if for good we say charity, and for truth, faith; for good pertains to charity, and truth to faith.

Conjugial Love #124 (Wunsch (1937))

124. In this way the Church is formed in a man by the Lord, because the man is then in conjunction with the Lord - in good from the Lord and in truth as if from himself; in other words, he is in the Lord, and the Lord in him, according to the Lord's words in John (John 15:4-5). It amounts to the same thing if we say "in charity" instead of "in good," and "in faith" instead of "in truth," for good is of charity, and faith is of truth.

Conjugial Love #124 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

124. The reason why the church is thus formed with man by the Lord is, that then he is in conjunction with the Lord, in good from Him, and in truth as if from himself; so that the man is in the Lord and the Lord in him, according to His words in John 15:4-5. It is similar if for good we say charity, and for truth, faith; for good is of charity and truth is of faith.

De Amore Conjugiali #124 (original Latin (1768))

124. Quod sic Ecclesia apud hominem a Domino formetur, est quia tunc est in conjunctione cum Domino, in Bono ab Ipso, et in Vero sicut a se, ita homo est in Domino et Dominus in illo, secundum Ipsius verba apud Johannem 15:4-5. Simile est si pro Bono dicatur Charitas, et pro Vero Fides, quia Bonum est Charitatis, et Verum est Fidei.

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