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《婚姻之爱》 第151节






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Conjugial Love #151 (Chadwick (1996))

151. 1(ix) Chastity cannot be attributed to those born eunuchs, or to those made eunuchs.

Those born eunuchs means in particular those who from birth lack the lowest level of love. Since then the first and intermediate stages are without a basis to rest on, they do not come into existence. If they do, these people are not interested in distinguishing between chastity and unchastity, both being to them matters of indifference. But there are many different kinds of people in this class. It is almost the same with those made eunuchs as with those born eunuchs. But since those who are made eunuchs are both men and women, they cannot help looking on conjugial love as a fantasy and its delights as a fairy-tale. If they have any such inclination, it becomes neuter, 2being neither chaste nor unchaste. What is neuter has no name derived from one side or the other.

Conjugial Love #151 (Rogers (1995))

151. 9. Chastity cannot be ascribed to people who are born eunuchs or who have been made eunuchs. 1By people who are born eunuchs we mean chiefly people in whom the outmost impulse of love is missing from birth. And because the highest and intermediate impulses then lack a foundation on which to rest, neither do these impulses develop. Or if they do, the people are not concerned with distinguishing between chaste and unchaste states, since either one is a matter of indifference to them. The diversities among people like this, however, are many.

The case with people who have been made eunuchs is almost the same, as with some who are born eunuchs; only that having become eunuchs, and being such, whether men or women, therefore they cannot help but regard conjugial love as a fantasy and its delights as fairy tales. If anything of the inclination remains in them, it becomes silent, which is neither chaste nor unchaste; and being neither, it is incapable of being classed in one category or the other.


1. Cf. Matthew 19:12.

Love in Marriage #151 (Gladish (1992))

151a. 9. 1"Chastity" does not apply to born eunuchs nor to those who are made eunuchs. "Born eunuchs" primarily means those who from birth lack love's bodily member. The beginning and middle lack a basis to build on, so they cannot emerge. And if they do emerge there is no point distinguishing between chaste and unchaste, for to them there is no difference between the two. But there are many differences.

It is almost the same with made eunuchs as with born eunuchs.

But made eunuchs - they are both men and women - can only observe the love of marriage like a fantasy, and its delights like fables. If they have any inclination in them it is neuter - which is neither chaste nor unchaste. Since it is neuter, you cannot call it chaste or unchaste.


1. [The numbers 151-156 are used twice in the first edition; here the first sections are listed as 151-156a, and sections 151b-156b are included in section 156a.]

Conjugial Love #151 (Acton (1953))

151. IX. THAT CHASTITY CANNOT BE PREDICATED OF EUNUCHS BORN SUCH, NOR OF EUNUCHS MADE SUCH. By eunuchs born such are meant especially those with whom the ultimate of love has been lacking from birth; and because the first and the middle are then without a foundation on which to rest, they do not stand forth, and if they do, it is of no concern to such persons to distinguish between the chaste and the unchaste, for to them, both are indifferent. Among such persons, however, there are many differences. With eunuchs made such, it is almost the same as with some eunuchs who are born such. But eunuchs made such, being both men and women, cannot but regard conjugial love as a fantasy and its delights as mere words. If there is anything of inclination within them, it becomes neuter, 1that is, neither chaste nor unchaste; and that which is neuter has no name either from the one side or from the other.


1. The Latin is mutum (mute), clearly a misprint for neutrum as in the translation.

Conjugial Love #151 (Wunsch (1937))

151. (ix) Chastity cannot be predicated of eunuchs, so born or made. By those born eunuchs are meant chiefly those in whom from birth what is ultimate in love is lacking. What is first and what is mediate, having no basis then on which to subsist, do not come into existence; or if they do, are not concerned to distinguish between chaste and unchaste, for both these are indifferent to them; yet there are many distinctions between the two. With those who are made eunuchs it is almost the same as with those born eunuchs; but these castrated, being both men and women, cannot but regard marital love as a phantasy, and its delights as fables. Anything of inclination thereto is rendered neuter in them and is neither chaste nor unchaste; what is neuter cannot be called one or the other.

Conjugial Love #151 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

151 (1). (9) That chastity cannot be predicated of those born eunuchs; nor of those made eunuchs. By those born eunuchs are meant especially those with whom from birth the ultimate of love is wanting. And as in such case the first and mediate are without a foundation on which to subsist, they cannot come to exist; or if they do exist, such have no care to distinguish between the chaste and the unchaste, for both are indifferent to them. But among these there are many differences. The case is nearly similar with those made eunuchs as with those born eunuchs. But those made eunuchs, because they are both men and women, cannot but regard conjugial love as a phantasy and its delights as fables. If there is anything of inclination in them it becomes mute, that is neither chaste nor unchaste; and being neither, it takes no name either from the one or from the other.

De Amore Conjugiali #151 (original Latin (1768))

151. IX: Quod Castitas non praedicari possit de Eunuchis natis; nec de Eunuchis factis. Per Eunuchos natos intelliguntur imprimis illi, apud quos a nativitate ultimum amoris deficit, et quia tunc primum et medium carent fundo, super quo subsistant, nec existunt; et si existunt, non illorum curae est discernere inter castum et incastum, est enim utrumque illis indifferens: sed sunt horum plura discrimina. Cum Eunuchis factis paene simile est, ut cum quibusdam Eunuchis natis; at Eunuchi facti, quia sunt et viri et foeminae, ideo non possunt aliter quam amorem conjugialem spectare sicut phantasiam, et delitias ejus sicut logos: si aliquid ex inclinatione illis inest, fit hoc mutum, quod non est castum nec incastum; et quod est neutrum, non est alicujus denominationis ab uno aut ab altero.

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