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《婚姻之爱》 第152节


  152、⑽贞洁不适用于那些不认为奸淫是违背宗教信仰的罪恶之人,更不适用于那些不认为奸淫对社会有害之人。贞洁之所以不适用于前者,是因为他们不知何为贞洁,甚至不知还有贞洁这回事。贞洁是婚姻的属性,如前面对第1个要点的解读。但是,凡不认为奸淫是违背宗教信仰的罪恶之人,对待婚姻也是不贞洁的;而事实上,对夫妻来说,正是宗教信仰使他们贞洁。因此,在这些人看来,没有什么东西是贞洁的,和他们谈论贞洁是枉然。这类人是确定奸淫者(confirmed adulterers)。另一方面,比起前者,那些不认为奸淫有害社会之人,更不知贞洁为何物,甚至更不知贞洁的存在;因为他们是有意奸淫者(purposeful adulterers)。他们即便声称奸淫比婚姻更不贞洁,也只是嘴上说说,并非发自内心;因为对他们来说,婚姻是冷淡的;那些出于这种冷淡谈论贞洁之热的人,对婚姻之爱的贞洁之热没有任何概念。在本书第二部分有关奸淫者的疯狂那一章我们会看到他们的秉性,以及思想观念、因而言语内在的性质。





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Conjugial Love #152 (Chadwick (1996))

152. (x) Chastity cannot be attributed to those who do not believe acts of adultery to be religious evils, much less to those who do not believe acts of adultery to be damaging to society.

The reason chastity cannot be attributed to these people is that they have no knowledge of chastity or even of its existence. For chastity is an attribute of marriage, as was shown in point (i). These people, who do not regard adultery as a religious evil, make marriages also unchaste, despite the fact that it is the religious scruples of the couples which makes them chaste. Since thus to these people nothing is chaste, it is useless to talk to them about chastity; they are confirmed adulterers.

Moreover, those who do not regard adultery as damaging to society are even less than the former group aware of chastity or even its existence; these are adulterers by design. If they say that marriages are less unchaste than acts of adultery, this is a verbal profession which does not come from the heart, since there is no warmth in their marriages. Those who base their remarks about chaste warmth on this chill can have no idea of the chaste warmth of conjugial love. It will be seen in the second part of the book, on the follies of adulterers, what such people are like, what concepts they think about, and so what their talk is like inwardly.

Conjugial Love #152 (Rogers (1995))

152. 10. Chastity cannot be ascribed to people who do not believe that adultery is an evil against religion, and still less to those who do not believe that adultery is harmful to society. Chastity cannot be ascribed to people like this because they do not know what chastity is, nor even that it is possible. For chastity has to do with marriage, as we showed under the first heading here; and although religion in married partners makes marriage chaste, people who do not believe that adultery is an evil against religion also regard marriage as unchaste. Thus nothing to them is chaste. Consequently it is pointless to speak to them of chastity. People like this are deliberate adulterers.

On the other hand, people who do not believe that adultery is harmful to society know even less than the first kind of people what chastity is or that it is possible. For they are purposeful adulterers. If they say that marriage is less unchaste than adultery, they say it with the lips but not with the heart, because marriages in their case are cold. And people who speak from this state of coldness about a state of chaste warmth cannot have any idea of the chaste warmth in conjugial love.

What these people are like, and the ideas of their thought, and therefore the interior ideas in their speech, will be seen in Part Two on the insanities of adulterers.

Love in Marriage #152 (Gladish (1992))

152a. 10. "Chastity" does not apply to those who do not think adultery is a religious evil, and still less to those who do not think adultery hurts society. You cannot apply the word "chastity" to these people because they do not know what chastity is, nor that it exists, for chastity has to do with marriage, as the first article in this discussion showed. People who do not think that adultery is a religious evil also make marriages unchaste, when on the contrary it is the religion of married partners that makes marriages chaste. So nothing is chaste to them, and so it is useless to mention chastity in their presence.

These are confirmed adulterers. Still, those who do not think adultery hurts society understand even less than the rest what chastity is - or that it exists - for they are adulterers on purpose.

If they say that marriages are less unchaste than adulteries, they say it with their mouths but not their hearts, because marriages are chilling to them. When they speak from this chill about chaste warmth, they cannot have an idea of the chaste warmth in married love.

Part 2, about the folly of adulterers, will show what these people are like and what kind of ideas they have in their minds, and therefore what they are saying to themselves.

Conjugial Love #152 (Acton (1953))

152. X. THAT CHASTITY CANNOT BE PREDICATED OF THOSE WHO DO NOT BELIEVE ADULTERIES TO BE EVILS OF RELIGION, AND STILL LESS OF THOSE WHO DO NOT BELIEVE ADULTERIES TO BE HURTFUL TO SOCIETY. That chastity cannot be predicated of the former is because they do not know what chastity is, nor even that it is; for, as shown in the first article of the present chapter, chastity pertains to marriage, and those who do not believe adulteries to be evils of religion make marriages also unchaste, when yet, with married partners, it is religion that makes their chastity. Thus, to them nothing is chaste, and therefore it is vain to speak to them of chastity. Such men are adulterers from conviction.

As to those who do not believe adulteries to be hurtful to society, these know still less than the former what chastity is, or even that it is; for they are adulterers from purpose. If they say that marriages are less unchaste than adulteries, they say this with the mouth, not from the heart; for with them marriages are cold, and those who, from this cold, speak of chaste heat, can have no idea of chaste heat with respect to conjugial love. Their character and the nature of the ideas of their thoughts and hence of the interiors of their speech, will be seen in Part II respecting the insanities of adulterers.

Conjugial Love #152 (Wunsch (1937))

152. (x) Chastity cannot be predicated of those who do not believe that adulteries are evils in religion's view, and still less of those who do not believe that adulteries are a damage to society. Chastity cannot be predicated of either of these because they do not know what chastity is or that it exists. For chastity belongs to marriage (as was shown in the first proposition above); and those who do not believe that adulteries are evils in religion's view, make marriages unchaste, when nevertheless religion in partners brings about the chastity of marriages. It is vain to name chastity to those to whom nothing is chaste. These are adulterers 'by confirmation. But those who do not believe that adulteries are a damage to society, know even less than the former what chastity is or that it exists. For they are adulterers 'from purpose. If they say that marriages are less unchaste than adulteries, they do so with the mouth and not from the heart. The fact is that marriages turn cold with them; and those who speak from this cold about chaste heat, can have no idea of chaste heat about marital love. It will be seen in Part II, on the insanities of adulterers, what their character is, and what the character of the ideas of their thoughts is.

Conjugial Love #152 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

152 (1). (10) That chastity cannot be predicated of those who do not believe adulteries to be evils of religion; and still less of those who do not believe adulteries to be hurtful to society. The reason why chastity cannot be predicated of these is that they do not know what chastity is, nor that there is chastity; for chastity is of marriage, as was shown in the first section of this chapter. And they that do not believe adulteries to be evils of religion make marriages also unchaste, and yet religion in married partners makes their chastity. Thus nothing is chaste to them, and chastity is therefore, named to them in vain. They are adulterers by confirmation. But those that do not believe adulteries to be hurtful to society know still less than the former what chastity is, or that there is chastity, for they are adulterers of purpose. If they say that marriages are less unchaste than adulteries, they say this with the mouth and not from the heart, for marriages with them are cold; and they who from this cold speak of chaste heat can have no idea of the chaste heat of conjugial love. Of what character they are, what are the ideas of their thought, and what therefore, are the interiors of their speech, will be seen in Part 2, respecting the Insanities of Adulterers.

De Amore Conjugiali #152 (original Latin (1768))

152. X: Quod Castitas non praedicari possit de illis, qui non credunt adulteria esse mala Religionis; et adhuc minus de illis, qui non credunt adulteria esse damna Societatis. Quod Castitas non praedicari possit de illis, est quia non sciunt quid Castitas, nec quod sit, castitas enim est Conjugii, ut in Primo Articulo hic ostensum est; et illi, qui non credunt adulteria esse mala religionis, faciunt etiam Conjugia incasta, cum tamen Religio apud conjuges facit castitatem illorum; sic illis nihil castum est, quare coram illis frustra nominatur castitas; hi sunt ex confirmato adulteri: qui autem non credunt adulteria esse damna Societatis, illi adhuc minus quam priores sciunt quid castitas, nec quod sit; sunt enim ex proposito adulteri. Si dicunt, quod Conjugia minus incasta sint quam adulteria, dicunt hoc ore, sed non corde, quia Conjugia apud illos frigent, et illi qui ex hoc frigore loquuntur de Calore casto, non possunt ideam caloris casti habere de Amore conjugiali: quales illi sunt, et quales ideae cogitationis illorum, et inde qualia interiora loquelae illorum, in Parte Secunda de Insaniis adulterorum videbitur.

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