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《婚姻之爱》 第153节














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Conjugial Love #153 (Chadwick (1996))

153. (xi) Chastity cannot be attributed to those who refrain from acts of adultery only for various outward reasons.

Many people think that refraining in body from acts of adultery is chastity, though it is not so unless one also refrains in spirit. It is a person's spirit, here meaning his mind as regards affections and thoughts, which makes him chaste or unchaste, and it is this which determines how he behaves in body. For the body is exactly what the mind or spirit is. It follows from this that those who refrain from acts of adultery in body, but not in spirit, and those who refrain from them in spirit for bodily reasons, are neither of them chaste. There are many reasons which make a person refrain from them in body, and also in spirit for bodily reasons; but someone who fails to avoid them in body for spiritual reasons is still unchaste. For the Lord says:

If he has looked upon someone else's wife so as to desire her, he has already committed adultery with her in his heart. Matthew 5:28.

[2] It is impossible to list all the reasons for refraining from acts of adultery merely in the body, because they differ depending on the state of a person's marriage and his bodily condition. There are those who refrain for fear of the law of the land and its penalties; for fear of loss of reputation and thus of position; for fear of picking up diseases; for fear of quarrelling with one's wife at home, and being unable to live in peace; for fear of a husband or relative seeking revenge; for fear of being beaten by servants. There are also those who refrain because of poverty, greed, or weakness arising from disease, self-abuse, age or impotence. Some among these, since they are unable or do not dare to commit adultery in body, therefore condemn such acts in spirit, so that they speak out against adultery as immoral and praise marriage. But if these do not disavow adultery in spirit, and their spirit is not motivated by religion, they are still adulterers who commit the act in spirit even if not in body. After death, therefore, when they become spirits, they speak openly in favour of adultery. From these considerations it is plain that even an irreligious person can shun acts of adultery as damaging, but no one but a Christian can shun them as sins, This is now enough to establish the truth of the proposition that chastity cannot be attributed to those who refrain from adultery only for various outward reasons.

Conjugial Love #153 (Rogers (1995))

153. 11. Chastity cannot be ascribed to people who abstain from adulterous relationships only for various external reasons. Many people believe that chastity is simply abstinence from adultery physically, even though this is not chastity unless it is also at the same time abstinence in spirit. For a person's spirit - meaning here his mind in its affections and thoughts - is what makes him chaste or unchaste, chastity or unchasteness being in the body as a result of the spirit. For what the body is like depends entirely on the mind or spirit. It follows from this that people who abstain from adultery physically and not as a result of the spirit are not chaste, nor those who abstain from it in spirit for the sake of the body.

There are many reasons which cause a person to refrain from adulterous relationships physically, and also in spirit for the sake of the body. But still, a person who does not refrain from them physically as a result of the spirit is unchaste. For the Lord says:

(If anyone) looks at (another's) woman so as to lust for her, (he) has already committed adultery with her in his heart. (Matthew 5:28)

[2] We cannot list all the reasons for people's abstaining from adulterous relationships only physically, since these reasons vary according to the states of their marriage and also according to the states of their body.

For example, there are some who abstain from adulterous relationships because they are afraid of the civil law and its penalties; because they are afraid of losing reputation and thus respect; because they are afraid of diseases resulting from such relationships; because they are afraid of being railed at by their wives at home and of having no peace in their lives on account of it; because they are afraid the husband or a relative will take revenge; or because they are afraid of being beaten by the servants.

There are also some who abstain because they are too poor, or too stingy, or because they are too feeble owing either to illness, or to their abusing themselves, or to age, or to impotence.

There are some among them as well who, because they cannot or dare not do it physically, also for that reason condemn adultery in spirit and so speak in a moral fashion against it and in favor of marriage. But if these people do not renounce adultery in spirit and of the spirit in accordance with religion, they are still adulterers, for even though they do not do it physically, still they commit it in spirit. And after death, when they become spirits, they therefore speak openly in favor of it.

It is apparent from this that even an irreligious person can abstain from adulterous relationships as harmful, but that only a Christian can abstain from them as sins.

This now establishes the truth of the argument, that chastity cannot be ascribed to people who abstain from adulterous relationships only for various external reasons.

Love in Marriage #153 (Gladish (1992))

153a. 11. "Chastity" does not apply to those who abstain from adulteries just for various superficial reasons. Many people believe that mere bodily abstinence from adulteries is chastity, when in fact it is not chastity unless it is in your spirit, too, at the same time. A person's spirit, which in this case means the response of his mind to feelings and thoughts, is what makes something chaste or unchaste, because chastity or unchastity in his body comes from his spirit. For his body is exactly the same as what his mind or spirit is like. So this means that people who abstain from adulteries bodily and not in spirit, or who abstain from them in spirit for bodily reasons, are not chaste.

There are many reasons that make a person abstain from bodily adulteries, and refrain in spirit for bodily reasons, but really, whoever does not quit bodily adulteries for spiritual reasons is unchaste. For the Lord says that if anyone looks at someone else's woman with a desire for her he has already committed adultery with her in his heart (Matthew 5:28).

It is impossible to list all the reasons for abstaining from adulteries in body only, for they vary with the condition of a marriage and also according to bodily condition. That is to say, some people abstain from them for fear of civil law and its penalties, others for fear of losing their reputation and therefore its honors, others for fear of the diseases from them, others for fear of disagreements at home with their wives and the disquiet that results in their life, others for fear of vengeance from a husband or relative, and still others for fear of being beaten up by the servants.

And then, some people abstain out of poverty, or avarice, or because of weakness due to disease, because they are worn out, or because of age or impotence. Some of them, because they cannot or dare not commit bodily adulteries, condemn spiritual adulteries too. Thus they speak morally against them and in favor of marriages. But if they do not disavow adulteries in spirit, and in spirit because of religion, they are still adulterers, for they still commit adultery, in mind if not in body. When they are spirits after death, they speak openly in favor of adulteries.

This all shows that even the ungodly can avoid adultery as harmful, but only a Christian can avoid it as a sin. So now the truth of the proposition stands - that "chastity" has nothing to do with those who abstain from adulteries for various superficial reasons.

Conjugial Love #153 (Acton (1953))

153. XI. THAT CHASTITY CANNOT BE PREDICATED OF THOSE WHO ABSTAIN FROM ADULTERIES SOLELY ON ACCOUNT OF VARIOUS EXTERNAL REASONS. Many believe that mere abstinence from adulteries in bodily act is chastity, when yet this is not chastity unless at the same time the abstinence be in the spirit also. It is man's spirit--by which is here meant his mind as to its affections and thoughts--which makes what is chaste and unchaste; for it is from the spirit that these exist in the body, the body being altogether such as is the mind or spirit. Hence it follows that those who abstain from adulteries in bodily act and not from the spirit, are not chaste, as neither are those who abstain from them in spirit by reason of the body. There are many reasons which cause a man to desist from them in bodily act, and also in the spirit by reason of the body; yet he who does not desist from them in bodily act from the spirit is unchaste. For the Lord says, if any man has looked on another woman to lust after her, he has already committed adultery with her in his heart (Matthew 5:28).

[2] The reasons for abstinence from adulteries in bodily actions, cannot be enumerated, for they vary according to the state of the marriage and also according to the state of the body. There are those who abstain from them from fear of the civil law and its penalties; from fear of the loss of reputation and thence of honor; from fear of diseases therefrom; from fear of upbraidings by the wife at home, and so of an unquiet life; from fear of the vengeance of the husband or of relatives; and from fear of being beaten by the servants. Then there are those who abstain on account of poverty, or avarice, or weakness arising from disease, abuse, age, or impotence. Among these are also those who, being unable or not daring to commit adulteries in bodily act, condemn them in their spirit and so talk morally against them and in favor of marriages. But if they do not execrate adultery in their spirit and this from religion, they are still adulterers; for though not committing adulteries in bodily act, they yet commit them in spirit. Therefore, after death when they become spirits, they speak openly in favor of them. From this it is clear that even a wicked man can shun adulteries as hurtful, but that none but a Christian can shun them as sins. From the above, the truth of the proposition is now established, that chastity cannot be predicated of those who abstain from adulteries solely on account of various external reasons.

Conjugial Love #153 (Wunsch (1937))

153. (xi) Chastity cannot be predicated of those who refrain from adulteries for various external reasons only. Many think that merely refraining from adulteries in the body is chastity, when yet that is not chastity unless there is abstention in the spirit also. It is man's spirit, by which is meant here his mind as to affections and thoughts, which makes chaste and unchaste, and the one or the other is thence in the body, for the latter is altogether such as is the mind or spirit. Hence it follows that those who refrain from adulteries in the body and not in the spirit, and those who refrain from them in spirit on the body's account, are not chaste. Many reasons lead a man to refrain from adulteries in the body and at the same time in the spirit on the body's account; but still one who does not refrain from them in the body from the spirit is unchaste. For the Lord says,

That if one looks on the woman of another to lust after her, he has already committed adultery with her in his heart (Matthew 5:28). 1

[2] All the reasons for refraining from adulteries physically only cannot be recounted, for they vary with the states of marriage and also with the body's states. There are those who refrain from adultery for fear of the civil law and its penalties; for fear of losing reputation and honor; for fear of diseases; for fear of contentions at home from one's wife, and thus of intranquillity of life; for fear of the husband's vengeance or that of a kinsman; and for fear of floggings at the hands of servants. There are also those who refrain out of poverty, or avarice, or out of weakness arising from disease, abuse, age or impotence. Among these are also some who, not able or daring in body, therefore condemn adulteries in spirit; they speak with morality against them and in favor of marriages; but if they do not denounce adulteries in spirit and from religion, they are adulterers still, for though they do not commit them in the body, they still do so in spirit; wherefore, after death, when they become spirits, they speak openly in favor of them. From this it is plain that even the impious can shun adulteries as a damage, but no one but a Christian can shun them as sins. From this now the truth of the proposition is established that chastity cannot be predicated of those who refrain from adulteries for various external reasons only.


1. So Swedenborg regularly renders this verse (see also494). But the Greek texts read simply "on a woman;" in adding "of another," Swedenborg embodies in the verse a traditional Jewish and Christian understanding. The Schmidius Latin Bible used by him read so, obviously embodying an interpretation. His own view, advanced in this very paragraph, is that there may be adulterous love in matrimony; cf. Apocalypse Explained 988.

Conjugial Love #153 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

153 (1). (11) That chastity cannot be predicated of those who abstain from adulteries for various external reasons only. Many believe that mere abstinence from adulteries with the body is chastity, when in truth it is not chastity unless it be at the same time with the spirit also. The spirit of man, by which here is meant his mind as to affections and thoughts, makes him chaste or unchaste; for from thence he is so in the body. This, in fact, is altogether such as is the mind or spirit. Whence it follows that they are not chaste who abstain from adulteries with the body and not from the spirit; neither are they who abstain from them in the spirit from the body. There are many reasons which cause a man to abstain from them in the body; and also in the spirit from the body; but whoever does not desist from them in the body from the spirit is unchaste. For the Lord says:

If anyone looketh on the woman of another so that he lust after her, he hath committed adultery with her already in his heart (Matthew 5:28).

The reasons for abstinence from adulteries with the body only cannot all be enumerated; for they vary according to the states of marriage and also according to the states of the body. For example, there are those who abstain from them for fear of the civil law and its penalties; for fear of the loss of reputation, and thence of honor; for fear of diseases therefrom; for fear of quarrels with the wife at home and hence of disquietude of life; for fear of the vengeance of the husband, or of relatives; and for fear of flogging by the servants. Then there are those who abstain on account of poverty; or of avarice; or of imbecility, arising from disease, or from abuse, or from age, or from impotence. Among them are those also, who because they cannot or dare not commit adulteries with the body, therefore, condemn them in spirit, and so talk morally against them and in favor of marriages. But if they do not in spirit, and the spirit does not from religion execrate adulteries, they are yet adulterers; for, though not with the body, yet with the spirit they commit them. And therefore, after death, when they become spirits, they openly speak in favor of them. From this it is plain that even the impious can shun adulteries as hurtful; but that none but a Christian can shun them as sins. Now, from these things, the truth of the proposition is established, that chastity cannot be predicated of those who abstain from adulteries merely for various external reasons.

De Amore Conjugiali #153 (original Latin (1768))

153. XI: Quod Castitas non praedicari possit de illis, qui solum propter varias causas externas ab adulteriis abstinent. Multi credunt, quod modo abstinentia ab adulteriis corpore sit castitas, cum tamen illa non est castitas, nisi illa etiam simul sit spiritu; spiritus hominis, per quem hic intelligitur Mens ejus quoad affectiones et cogitationes, facit castum et incastum, inde enim est in corpore; hoc enim prorsus tale est, qualis est mens seu spiritus: inde sequitur, quod qui abstinent ab adulteriis corpore et non ex spiritu, nec qui abstinent ab illis spiritu ex corpore, non sint casti: dantur multae causae, quae faciunt ut homo desistat ab illis corpore, et quoque spiritu ex corpore, at usque qui non desistit ab illis corpore ex spiritu, incastus est; nam dicit Dominus, quod si quis aspexerit mulierem alienam, ita ut concupiscat eam, jam adulterium cum illa commiserit in corde suo, Matth. 5:28.

[2] Omnes causae abstinentiae ab adulteriis solum corpore non recenseri possunt, nam sunt variae secundum status Conjugii, et quoque secundum status corporis; sunt enim qui ab illis abstinent, ex timore legis civilis et ejus poenarum; ex timore jacturae famae et inde honoris; ex timore morborum ex illis; ex timore jurgiorum domi ab uxore, et inde intranquillitatis vitae; ex timore vindictae a marito aut affine; exque timore verberum a famulis; tum qui abstinent ex egestate, aut ex avaritia, 1aut ex imbecillitate oriunda vel ex morbo, vel ex abusu, vel ex aetate, vel ex impotentia: inter hos etiam sunt, qui quia non possunt aut non audent corpore, ideo etiam damnant adulteria spiritu; et sic moraliter contra illa et pro conjugiis loquuntur; at hi si non spiritu, et spiritus ex religione, devovent 2adulteria, usque adulteri sunt, nam tametsi non corpore, usque spiritu committunt illa; quare post mortem, cum fiunt spiritus, aperte loquuntur pro illis. Ex his patet, quod etiam impius possit fugere adulteria ut damna, sed quod fugere illa ut peccata, non possit nisi Christianus. Ex his nunc constat veritas propositionis, quod Castitas non praedicari possit de illis, qui solum propter varias causas externas abstinent ab adulteriis.


1. Prima editio: avartia,

2. Prima editio: devovet

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