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《婚姻之爱》 第154节





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Conjugial Love #154 (Chadwick (1996))

154. (xii) Chastity cannot be attributed to those who believe marriages to be unchaste.

Such people do not know what chastity is, or even that it exists, like those spoken of above in 152, and like those who equate chastity with celibacy, the subject to be dealt with next.

Conjugial Love #154 (Rogers (1995))

154. 12. Chastity cannot be ascribed to people who believe that marriages are unchaste. People like this neither know what chastity is, nor that it is possible, like the people dealt with above in no. 152, and like those who place chastity only in celibacy, spoken of next.

Love in Marriage #154 (Gladish (1992))

154a. 12. "Chastity" does not apply to those who think marriages are unchaste. These people do not know what chastity is nor that it exists - like those mentioned above (no. 152a) and like those who think only celibacy is chaste, discussed in the next article.

Conjugial Love #154 (Acton (1953))

154. XII. THAT CHASTITY CANNOT BE PREDICATED OF THOSE WHO BELIEVE MARRIAGES TO BE UNCHASTE. Such men do not know what chastity is, or even that it is, as neither do those spoken of in no. 152 above, nor those now to be spoken of, who make chastity to consist only in celibacy.

Conjugial Love #154 (Wunsch (1937))

154. (xii) Chastity cannot be predicated of those who believe that marriages are unchaste. These know neither what chastity is nor that it exists, like those of whom above (152), and like those who place chastity in celibacy only, of whom in what now follows.

Conjugial Love #154 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

154 (1). (12) That chastity cannot be predicated of those who believe marriages to be unchaste. Like those of whom we have spoken above (n. 152), neither do these know what chastity is, nor that there is chastity; and like those who make chastity to consist only in celibacy, of whom below.

De Amore Conjugiali #154 (original Latin (1768))

154. XII: Quod Castitas non possit praedicari de illis, qui credunt Conjugia esse incasta. Hi nec sciunt quid Castitas, nec quod sit, sicut illi, de quibus supra, 152; et sicut illi, qui castitatem modo ponunt in Coelibatu, de quibus sequitur.

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