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《婚姻之爱》 第162节





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Conjugial Love #162 (Chadwick (1996))

162. (vi) That linking takes place by stages from the first days of a marriage, and in the case of those who enjoy truly conjugial love it becomes deeper and deeper for ever.

The first heat of marriage does not make a link, for it derives from sexual love, which is bodily and in that way affects the spirit. Whatever in the spirit is of bodily origin does not last long; but love which is of spiritual origin in the body does last. The love of the spirit, and love of spiritual origin in the body, is instilled into the souls and minds of married couples together with friendship and trust. When these two are combined with the first love of marriage, this becomes conjugial love, opening their hearts and breathing into them the sweetness of love; and it does so more and more deeply as friendship and trust attach themselves to the earliest love, and the love pervades them and they pervade the love.

Conjugial Love #162 (Rogers (1995))

162. 6. This union takes place gradually from the first days of marriage, and in people who are in a state of truly conjugial love, it becomes deeper and deeper to eternity. The first heat in marriage does not join two people together, because it draws its character from a love for the opposite sex, which is a love belonging to the body and on that account to the spirit. And whatever is in the spirit as a result of the body does not last long. But love that is in the body as a result of the spirit does last. Love belonging to the spirit, and to the body as a result of the spirit, is insinuated into the souls and minds of married partners together with friendship and mutual trust. When friendship and mutual trust join together with the first love in marriage, conjugial love results, which opens the partners' hearts and inspires in them the sweet enjoyments of love, and this more and more deeply as friendship and trust are added to the original love, and as that original love enters into this friendship and trust and they into it.

Love in Marriage #162 (Gladish (1992))

162. 6. This conjunction takes place steadily from the first days of marriage, and among those who have a real married love, it becomes deeper and deeper forever. The first warmth of marriage does not unite, for it comes out of sexual love, which is bodily and in that way spiritual. Anything in your spirit that comes from your body does not last long. But bodily love that comes from your spirit does last. Spiritual love, and bodily love that comes from spiritual, enters the married partners' souls and minds together with friendship and trust. When these two join with the first love of marriage it becomes married love, which opens up their hearts and breathes the sweetness of love into them - more and more deeply as the two join themselves to the first love. It enters them, and they enter it.

Conjugial Love #162 (Acton (1953))

162. VI. THAT FROM THE FIRST DAYS OF MARRIAGE THIS CONJUNCTION IS EFFECTED SUCCESSIVELY, AND WITH THOSE WHO ARE IN LOVE TRULY CONJUGIAL, MORE AND MORE DEEPLY TO ETERNITY. The first heat of marriage does not conjoin, for it partakes of love of the sex which is a love belonging to the body and thence to the spirit, and what is in the spirit from the body does not stay long, while love which is in the body from the spirit does. Love which belongs to the spirit and from the spirit to the body is insinuated into the souls and minds of married partners together with friendship and confidence. When these two conjoin themselves with the first love of marriage, that love becomes conjugial; and this opens the breasts and breathes into them the sweets of love, doing this more and more deeply as friendship and confidence adjoin themselves to the primitive love, and the latter enters into them and they into it.

Conjugial Love #162 (Wunsch (1937))

162. (vi) This conjunction is effected gradually from the first days of marriage, and with those in true marital love, more and more profoundly to eternity. The first heat of marriage does not conjoin, for it is derived from sexual love, which is of the body and thence of the spirit. What is from the body in the spirit does not last long, but love which is from the spirit in the body, endures. Love which is of the spirit and of the body from the spirit, is insinuated into the souls and minds of the partners, together with friendship and trust. When friendship and trust are joined to the first love of marriage, marital love comes to be, which opens the bosoms and inspires in them the sweetnesses of love; and this, more and more profoundly, as friendship and trust join the first love, and it enters them and they enter it.

Conjugial Love #162 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

162. (6) That this conjunction is effected successively from the first days of marriage; and that with those who are in love truly conjugial it is effected more and more inwardly to eternity. The first heat of marriage does not conjoin, for it draws from the love of the sex, which is of the body and thence of the spirit; and what is from the body in the spirit does not long endure. But love which is from the spirit in the body is enduring. Love that is of the spirit, and of the body from the spirit, is insinuated into the souls and minds of married partners, together with friendship and confidence. When these two conjoin themselves with the first love of marriage it becomes conjugial love, which opens the hearts, and breathes into them the sweets of love; and this more and more inwardly as the two adjoin themselves to the primitive love and that enters into them; and the reverse.

De Amore Conjugiali #162 (original Latin (1768))

162. VI: Quod Conjunctio illa fiat a primis diebus conjugii successive; et quod apud illos, qui in Amore vere conjugiali sunt, penitius et penitius in aeternum. Primus calor conjugii non conjungit, trahit enim ex amore sexus, qui est corporis et inde spiritus; et quod ex corpore in spiritu est, hoc non moratur diu; sed amor qui est ex spiritu in corpore, moratur: amor spiritus, et e spiritu corporis, insinuatur animabus et mentibus conjugum una cum amicitia et confidentia; cum hae duae cum amore primo conjugii se conjungunt, fit Amor conjugialis, qui aperit pectora, et inspirat illis amoris dulcedines; et hoc penitius et penitius, sicut illae duae primitivo amori se adjungunt, et ille intrat in has, et vicissim.

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