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《婚姻之爱》 第164节







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Conjugial Love #164 (Chadwick (1996))

164. Men's moral wisdom includes all the moral virtues which concern and enter into the way we live. There are too spiritual virtues which arise from love to God and love towards the neighbour, and these flow together to make those loves. The virtues relating to men's moral wisdom have a number of different names: temperance, sobriety, uprightness, good will, friendship, modesty, sincerity, duty, politeness, as well as assiduity, industry, skill, quickness, munificence, liberality, generosity, vigour, intrepidity, prudence, and many more. The spiritual virtues men possess are a love of religion, charity, truth, faith, conscience, innocence, and many more. Both these classes of virtues can in general be ascribed to love and zeal for religion, for the public good, for one's country, for one's fellow citizens, for one's parents, for one's wife and children. In all these justice and judgment play the leading part; justice is a matter of moral wisdom, judgment of rational wisdom.

Conjugial Love #164 (Rogers (1995))

164. Elements having to do with moral wisdom in men, on the other hand, are all moral virtues which have regard to the way they live and which enter into their manner of life. And they include as well spiritual virtues which spring from love toward God and love for the neighbor, and which flow together into those loves.

Virtues which have to do with men's moral wisdom likewise have various names, and they are called temperance, sobriety, integrity, kindliness, friendliness, modesty, honesty, helpfulness, courteousness; also diligence, industriousness, skillfulness, alacrity, generosity, liberality, magnanimity, energy, courage, prudence - not to mention many others. Spiritual virtues in men are love of religion, charity, truthfulness, faith, conscience, innocence, as well as many more.

These virtues, both moral and spiritual, can be attributed in general to a man's love and zeal for religion, for the public good, for his country, for his fellow citizens, for his parents, for his wife, and for his children. In all of these justice and judgment prevail. Justice has to do with moral wisdom, and judgment has to do with intellectual wisdom.

Love in Marriage #164 (Gladish (1992))

164. On the other hand, having to do with men's moral wisdom are all the moral virtues that have respect to life and go into it, and also the spiritual virtues that spring from love to the Lord and love for your neighbor and that converge in these loves.

The virtues that have to do with men's moral wisdom also have various names and are called temperance, sobriety, honesty, kindliness, friendliness, modesty, sincerity, courtesy, civility, and also earnestness, industry, alertness, lavish giving, eagerness, liberality, generosity, energy, courage, prudence, and many more.

Spiritual virtues that men have are love of religion, charity, truth, faith, conscience, innocence, and many others.

In general all these different virtues relate to love and zeal for religion, for the public good, for the country, for the populace, for parents, for wife, and for children. Justice and judgment dominate in all of these virtues. Justice is involved in moral wisdom, and judgment in rational wisdom.

Conjugial Love #164 (Acton (1953))

164. The things with man which pertain to moral wisdom are all the moral virtues which have regard to life and enter into it; also all the spiritual virtues which flow from love to God and love towards the neighbor, and which together flow into the moral virtues. 1The virtues which pertain to the moral wisdom of men are likewise of various names and are called temperance, sobriety, probity, benevolence, friendship, modesty, sincerity, readiness to serve, courtesy; also assiduity, industry, alertness, alacrity, munificence, liberality, generosity, earnestness, intrepidity, prudence, besides many other virtues. The spiritual virtues with men are love of religion, charity, truth, faith, conscience, innocence, and many others. These and the former virtues may in general be referred to love and zeal for religion, for the public good, for country, for fellow- citizens, for parents, for the married partner, and for the children. In all these virtues, justice and judgment are dominant, justice pertaining to moral wisdom and judgment to rational wisdom.


1. The Latin is in illos, that is, into those loves; but both the construction and the sense indicate that illos is a misprint for illas (into the former, that is, into the moral virtues).

Conjugial Love #164 (Wunsch (1937))

164. But to man's moral wisdom belong all moral virtues, which concern life and enter into living; also spiritual virtues, which issue from and contribute to love for God and love to the neighbor. The virtues which pertain to men's moral wisdom are also variously named, and are called temperance, sobriety, uprightness, benevolence, friendliness, modesty, sincerity, dutifulness, civility, also earnestness, industry, alertness, alacrity, bounty, liberalness, generosity, activity, courage, prudence; besides more. Spiritual virtues with men are love of religion, charity, truth, faith, conscience, innocence, besides more. The latter and the former virtues may be referred in general to love and zeal for religion, for the public good, for one's country, for one's fellow-citizens, for one's parents, for one's married partner and for one's children. In all these, righteousness and judgment rule; righteousness being of moral wisdom, judgment of rational.

Conjugial Love #164 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

164. But to moral wisdom with men pertain all moral virtues, which look to the life and enter into it; and also all spiritual virtues, which flow forth from love to God and love towards the neighbor and flow together into them. The virtues which pertain to the moral wisdom of men are likewise of various name, and are called temperance, sobriety, probity, benevolence, friendship, modesty, sincerity, obligingness, civility; and also assiduity, industry, alertness, alacrity, munificence, liberality, generosity, earnestness, intrepidity, prudence, and other names. Spiritual virtues with men are the love of religion, charity, truth, faith, conscience, innocence, and many others. These virtues and the former may in general be referred to love and zeal for religion, for the public good, for country, for fellow-citizens, for parents, for wife, and for children. In all these justice and judgment dominate; justice is of moral wisdom, and judgment is of rational wisdom.

De Amore Conjugiali #164 (original Latin (1768))

164. Sapientiae autem moralis apud viros sunt omnes 1Virtutes morales, quae spectant vitam, ac intrant illam; et quoque sunt Virtutes spirituales, quae ex Amore in Deum et ex Amore erga proximum effluunt, et in illos confluunt. Virtutes, quae ad Sapientiam moralem virorum pertinent, sunt etiam varii nominis, et vocantur Temperantia, Sobrietas, Probitas, Benevolentia, Amicitia, Modestia, Sinceritas, Officiositas, Civilitas, tum Sedulitas, Industria, Solertia, Alacritas, 2Munificentia, Liberalitas, Generositas, Strenuitas, Intrepiditas, Prudentia; praeter plures. Virtutes spirituales apud viros, sunt Amor religionis, Charitas, Veritas, Fides, Conscientia, Innocentia, praeter plures. Hae Virtutes et illae in genere referri possunt ad amorem et zelum pro Religione, pro Bono publico, pro Patria, pro Civibus, pro Parentibus, pro Conjuge, et pro Liberis. In his omnibus dominantur Justitia et Judicium; Justitia est Sapientiae moralis, et Judicium est Sapientiae rationalis.


1. Prima editio: omes

2. Prima editio: Alacritas;

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