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《婚姻之爱》 第165节


  165、妻子与丈夫理性智慧的联结是从内进行的,这是因为理性智慧是男人的理解力所特有的,能攀升到女人所无法享有的光中。这就是为何女人不用理性智慧说话的原因;当男人们讨论这类问题时,她们会保持沉默,只是倾听。尽管如此,妻子们仍从内拥有理性事物,这从她们的倾听明显看出来,因为她们从内在辨出并支持从丈夫那里所听到,或曾听到的观点。妻子与男人道德智慧的联结是从外进行的,这是因为,这类智慧的美德大部分类似于女人当中的相似美德,它们源于男人的理智意愿(the intellectual will),妻子的意愿便与这男人的理智意愿联结并形成一个婚姻。由于妻子了解丈夫里面的这些美德,甚至比丈夫本人还清楚,所以我们说,妻子与丈夫道德智慧的联结是从外进行的。




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Conjugial Love #165 (Chadwick (1996))

165. The reason why the wife's linking with her husband's rational wisdom is from within is that this wisdom belongs properly to men's intellect, and it climbs up into a light not enjoyed by women. This is why women do not use it to speak, but in company with men, when such matters are discussed, they keep quiet and only listen. Still the way they listen makes it plain that these matters are present in the wives from within; they recognise inwardly and support the views they hear or have heard from their husbands.

The reason why a wife's linking with men's moral wisdom is from outside is that the virtues of that wisdom are for the most part akin to similar ones among women, and derive from the man's intellectual will, with which the wife's will unites and makes a marriage. Since the wife knows these virtues in her husband, even better than he does in himself, we say that the wife's link with them is from outside.

Conjugial Love #165 (Rogers (1995))

165. We say that a wife's union with her husband's intellectual wisdom exists inwardly, because this wisdom is characteristic of the intellect of men, and it ascends into a light in which women are not. That is why women do not speak from it, but in gatherings of men where matters like this are being discussed, they keep silent and only listen. Nevertheless, wives still have these things in them inwardly, as is apparent from the fact that they do listen, inwardly recognizing and concurring with those things which they hear and have heard from their husbands.

On the other hand, a wife's union with men's moral wisdom exists outwardly, because the virtues of this wisdom are akin for the most part to similar virtues in women, and they spring from the husband's intellectual will, with which the wife's will unites and forms a marriage. And because a wife recognizes these virtues in her husband better than he recognizes them in himself, we say that a wife's union with them exists outwardly.

Love in Marriage #165 (Gladish (1992))

165. A wife's connection with her husband's rational wisdom is an inward one. This is because rational wisdom belongs only to men's intellect, and it climbs into a light that women are not in.

This is the reason why women do not speak in the terms of rational wisdom but hold their peace and just pay attention in the company of men when things like that are being discussed. Still, it is obvious that wives inwardly participate in these things, because they do pay attention and inwardly recognize and agree with things they hear and have heard from their husbands.

Wives' connection with their husbands' moral wisdom, however, is an outward one. This is because women share most of the virtues of moral wisdom, and the virtues come from the will of a man's intellect, with which a wife's will unites and makes a marriage.

I said that the wife's connection with these virtues is from the outside, because a wife knows more about them in a man than the man knows about them in himself.

Conjugial Love #165 (Acton (1953))

165. That the conjunction of the wife with the rational wisdom of the man is from within, is because this wisdom is proper to the understanding of men and climbs into a light in which women are not. This is the reason why women do not speak from it, and when in the company of men where such matters are discussed, they are silent and simply listen. That nevertheless these rational things are with wives from within, is manifest from their listening, in that they inwardly recognize and favor what they hear and have heard from their husbands.

That the conjunction of the wife with the moral wisdom of the men is from without, is because the virtues of that wisdom are for the most part akin to the like virtues with women and partake of the intellectual will of the man, with which the will of the wife unites itself and makes a marriage. And because the wife knows these virtues in a man better than the man knows them in himself, it is said that the wife's conjunction with them is from without.

Conjugial Love #165 (Wunsch (1937))

165. The wife's conjunction with a man's rational wisdom is from within, inasmuch as this wisdom is proper to masculine understanding, and rises into a light in which women are not. Women therefore do not speak from this wisdom, but are silent and only listen when such matters are discussed in a company of men. Yet such matters are with wives from within, as is plain from their attention; inwardly they recognize them and favor what they hear and have heard from their husbands. But the wife's conjunction with men's moral wisdom is from without, for the virtues of moral wisdom are for the most part akin to like virtues with women and are derived from the intellectual will of the man, with which the wife's will unites and forms a marriage. The wife's conjunction with the man's moral virtues is said to be from without for the further reason that she is better acquainted with those virtues in the man than is the man himself.

Conjugial Love #165 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

165. The conjunction of the wife with the rational wisdom of the man is from within, because this wisdom is peculiar to the understanding of men, and ascends into a light in which women are not, which is the reason why women do not speak from this wisdom, but in the company of men when such matters are discussed are silent and only listen. That nevertheless these things are with wives, from within, is manifest from their listening, and from the fact that inwardly they recognize them and favor what they hear and have heard from their husbands.

And that the conjunction of a wife with the moral wisdom of men is from without, is because the virtues of this wisdom for the most part are akin to similar virtues with women, and partake of the intellectual will of the man, wherewith the will of the wife unites itself and forms a marriage. And because the wife knows these virtues with a man better than the man knows them with himself, it is said that the conjunction of the wife with them is from without.

De Amore Conjugiali #165 (original Latin (1768))

165. Quod Conjunctio uxoris cum Sapientia rationali viri sit ab intra, est quia haec Sapientia est propria Intellectus virorum, et scandit in lucem, in qua foeminae non sunt; quae causa est quod foeminae non loquantur ex illa, sed in consortiis virorum, in quibus similia ventilantur, taceant, et modo auscultent: quod tamen usque sint apud uxores ab intra, patet ex auscultatione, quod intus recognoscant illa, et faveant illis, quae audiunt et audiverant ex maritis. Quod autem conjunctio uxoris cum Sapientia virorum morali sit ab extra, est quia Virtutes illius sapientiae quoad plurimam partem sunt affines similibus apud foeminas, et trahunt ex Voluntate intellectuali viri, cum qua Voluntas uxoris se unit, et facit conjugium; et quia uxor cognoscit illas apud virum, plus quam vir illas apud se, dicitur quod conjunctio uxoris cum illis sit ab extra.

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