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《婚姻之爱》 第166节






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Conjugial Love #166 (Chadwick (1996))

166. (viii) In order to effect that linking a wife is given the ability to perceive her husband's affections and to guide them with extreme caution.

The fact that wives know their husbands' affections and prudently guide them is one of the secrets of conjugial love which wives keep hidden. They know them by three senses, sight, hearing and touch, and control them without their husbands having any idea of this. Now since this is one of wives' secrets, it is not proper for me to give a circumstantial account of it; but since it is proper for wives to do so, I have appended four experiences at the end of chapters, in which these subjects are disclosed by the wives themselves. There are two from the three wives who live in the hall above which golden rain was seen falling [155b (156), 208]; and two from the seven wives who were sitting in the rose-garden [293-294]. If these are read, this secret will stand revealed.

Conjugial Love #166 (Rogers (1995))

166. 8. In order that this union may be achieved, a wife is given a perception of her husband's affections, and also the highest prudence in knowing how to moderate them. This, too, is one of the secrets of conjugial love which wives conceal within and keep to themselves - the fact that wives recognize their husbands' affections and discreetly moderate them. They recognize these affections through the three senses of sight, hearing and touch, and they moderate them without their husbands' being at all aware of it.

Now, because these are among things kept secret by wives, it is not appropriate for me to reveal them in their particulars. It is, however, appropriate for wives themselves, and therefore I have included at the end of several chapters four narrative accounts in which wives themselves reveal them. Two of the accounts come from the three wives living in the hall on which I saw what seemed to be golden rain falling. 1And the other two accounts come from seven wives sitting in a rose garden. 2If these accounts are read, this secret will be seen revealed.


1. See nos. 155[r], 208,


Love in Marriage #166 (Gladish (1992))

166. 8. For the sake of this union as a goal a wife has perception about her husband's feelings and also great cleverness in molding them. Wives know about their husbands' feelings and cleverly mold them. This, too, is among the secrets about married love that are hidden away inside of wives. They know about the feelings from the three senses of sight, hearing, and touch, and they mold them without their husbands' knowing a thing about it.

Now, these things are among the secrets of wives, so it would not do for me to expose them in detail. But it is appropriate for the wives to do it, so four stories, in which wives reveal these things, follow chapters 7, 9, and 12. Two stories are about the three wives living in the house with the appearance of golden rain falling above it, and two are about the seven wives sitting in the rose garden. If you read these stories you will see the secret uncovered.

Conjugial Love #166 (Acton (1953))

166. VIII. THAT WITH THIS CONJUNCTION AS AN END, THE WIFE IS GIVEN A PERCEPTION OF THE AFFECTIONS OF THE HUSBAND AND ALSO THE HIGHEST PRUDENCE IN MODERATING THEM. That wives know the affections of their husbands, and that they prudently moderate them, is also among the arcana of conjugial love stored up with wives. They know them by three senses, sight, hearing, and touch; and they moderate them all unknown to their husbands. Since these matters are among the arcana of wives, it does not become me to disclose them circumstantially; but for wives themselves to do so, is becoming. Therefore, at the end of the chapters follow four Memorable Relations in which these arcana are disclosed by them; two [nos. 156 e and 208 by the three wives dwelling in the hall upon which was seen falling a golden shower, as it were, and two (nos. 293, 294) by the seven wives sitting in a rose garden. If these are read, this arcanum will be seen unveiled.

Conjugial Love #166 (Wunsch (1937))

166. (viii) In the interests of this conjunction, the wife has been endowed with a perception of the husband's affections and with the highest prudence, too, in moderating them. It is another of the arcana of marital love hidden with wives that they know and prudently govern the affections of their husbands. They know them by three senses, sight, hearing, and touch, and moderate them while their husbands are quite unaware of the fact. But it does not become me to disclose in detail these things which are among the secrets of wives. It is becoming for them to do so, however, and there follow after the chapters four Memorabilia, in which, of their own accord, they disclose these things. Two 1of the Memorabilia are from the three wives who dwelt in the hall over which a golden rain seemed to be falling; and two 2from the seven wives seated in the rose-garden. If these are read, the present arcanum will stand disclosed.


1. 155, 208.

2. 293-294.

Conjugial Love #166 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

166. (8) That for the sake of this conjunction as an end to the wife is given a perception of the husband's affections, and also consummate prudence in moderating them. That wives cognize the affections of their husbands, and that they prudently moderate them, is also among the secrets of conjugial love stored up with wives. They cognize them by three senses, by sight, by hearing, and by touch; and they moderate them all unknown to their husbands. Now as these things are among the secrets of wives it is not proper for me to disclose them as to particulars. But since it is proper for wives themselves, therefore, four Relations follow after the chapters, in which they are disclosed by them, two from the three wives dwelling in a hall upon which as it were golden rain was seen falling; and two from the seven wives sitting in a garden of roses; which, if read, the secret will appear unveiled.

De Amore Conjugiali #166 (original Latin (1768))

166. VIII: Quod propter conjunctionem illam ut finem, Uxori sit data perceptio affectionum Mariti, et quoque summa prudentia moderandi illas. Quod Uxores cognoscant affectiones maritorum suorum, et quod prudenter moderentur illas, est quoque inter arcana amoris conjugialis apud uxores recondita; cognoscunt illas tribus sensibus, visu, auditu, et tactu, et moderantur illas in omni ignorantia maritorum suorum. Nunc quia illa inter arcana uxorum sunt, non decet me aperire illa quoad circumstantias, sed quia decet ipsas uxores, ideo sequuntur post capita quatuor Memorabilia, in quibus ab ipsis aperiuntur; duo ex Tribus uxoribus habitantibus in Aula, super qua visa est sicut Pluvia aurea cadens; et duo a Septem uxoribus sedentibus in Roseto; quae si leguntur, apparet hoc arcanum detectum.

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