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《婚姻之爱》 第188节










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Conjugial Love #188 (Chadwick (1996))

188. (iv) Men can have their minds lifted into a higher degree of light, women into a higher degree of heat; a woman feels the delights of her heat in her husband's light.

The light into which men are lifted means intelligence and wisdom, because spiritual light radiated from the sun of the spiritual world (this sun being in essence love) acts equally or as one with intelligence and wisdom. The heat into which women are lifted means conjugial love, because spiritual heat radiated from the sun of the spiritual world is in essence love; and in women it becomes specialised into the love which links itself with intelligence and wisdom in men, what taken all together is called conjugial love.

[2] We speak of being lifted into a higher light and heat, because it is being lifted into the light and heat enjoyed by the angels of the higher heavens. There is also a real lifting, as from a cloud into clear air, and from the lower level of this to a higher one, and from this into the ether. So the lifting into a higher light in the case of men is lifting into higher intelligence, and from this into wisdom. Lifting into wisdom can proceed higher and higher. But in the case of women, lifting into a higher heat is into more chaste and pure conjugial love, and a constant striving towards marriage, something hidden in their inmost regions from creation.

[3] This process of lifting regarded in itself is an opening up of the mind. The human mind is divided into separate levels, as the world is into atmospheric levels; the lowest of these is that of water, the next higher that of air, higher still that of the ether, and there is a highest level above this. As a person's mind is opened up, it is lifted to similar levels, by wisdom in the case of men, by truly conjugial love in the case of women.

Conjugial Love #188 (Rogers (1995))

188. 4. In men the mind is elevated into a higher light, and in women the mind is elevated into a higher warmth; moreover, a woman feels the delights of her warmth in the light of a man. By the light into which men are elevated we mean intelligence and wisdom, because spiritual light, which emanates from the sun of the spiritual world (a sun which in its essence is love), goes together with these two as one and the same thing. Moreover, by the warmth into which women are elevated we mean conjugial love, because spiritual warmth, which emanates from the sun of that world, in its essence is love, and in women is love that unites itself with the intelligence and wisdom in men. Taken in its broadest terms, this is the definition of conjugial love, and when given a specific focus it becomes conjugial love.

[2] We call it an elevation into a higher light and warmth, because it is an elevation into the light and warmth in which angels of the higher heavens are. It is also an actual ascent, as though from a mist into open air, and from a lower region of the air into a higher one, and from this into the upper atmosphere. Therefore the elevation into a higher light in men is an elevation into higher intelligence and from this into wisdom, in which there is possible a still higher and higher ascent. And on the other hand, the elevation into a higher warmth in women is an elevation into a more and more chaste and pure conjugial love, and this continually towards the conjugial ideal which from creation is innate in their inmost beings.

[3] Regarded in themselves, these elevations are openings of the mind; for the human mind is divided into regions, as the world is in respect to its atmospheres (the lowest of which is the aqueous one, the next higher the aerial one, the next higher still the ethereal one, above which there is also a highest one). A person's mind is elevated into similar regions as it is opened - as it is opened in men by wisdom, and in women by truly conjugial love.

Love in Marriage #188 (Gladish (1992))

188. 4. Men's minds are raised into a higher light and women's are raised into a higher warmth, and a woman feels the pleasure of her warmth in the light of a man. The "light" that men are raised into means intelligence and wisdom, because spiritual light, which comes from the sun of the spiritual world, which essentially is love, acts together with intelligence and wisdom. And the warmth that women are raised into means the love of marriage, because spiritual warmth, which comes from that world's sun, is essentially love. And for women it is the love that joins them together with intelligence and wisdom in men - which is called the love of marriage in its entirety and becomes that love through fulfillment.

I spoke of elevation into higher light and warmth because it is elevation into the light and warmth that the angels of the higher heavens are in. And it actually is just like rising up from a cloud into the air, and from the lower level of air to a higher one, and from there into space. So for men, being raised into a higher light is being raised into higher intelligence, and from this into wisdom. And there is such a thing as being raised higher and higher into wisdom.

But for women, being raised into a higher warmth is being raised into more chaste and pure married love, always approaching the "marriage" lying hidden deep within them from creation.

Seen for what they are, these risings up are openings of the mind. For the human mind has different levels just as the world has levels of the atmosphere. The lowest is water, the higher is air, higher still is space, and above that is a highest one. The human mind is raised into regions like that as it is opened - in men through wisdom and in women through the real love in marriage.

Conjugial Love #188 (Acton (1953))

188. IV. THAT WITH MEN THERE IS ELEVATION OF THE MIND INTO SUPERIOR LIGHT, AND WITH WOMEN ELEVATION OF THE MIND INTO SUPERIOR HEAT; AND THAT WOMAN FEELS THE DELIGHTS OF HER HEAT IN THE LIGHT OF THE MAN. By the light into which men are elevated is meant intelligence and wisdom; for spiritual light, which proceeds from the sun of the spiritual world and which in its essence is wisdom, 1plays an equal part with these two, that is, acts as one with them. And by the heat into which women are elevated is meant conjugial love; for in its essence spiritual heat which proceeds from the sun of that world is love, and with women it is love conjoining itself with the intelligence and wisdom with men. In its complex, this love is called conjugial love and by determination it becomes that love.

[2] It is said elevation into superior light and superior heat because the elevation is into the light and heat in which are the angels of the higher heavens. Moreover, it is an actual elevation, as from a mist into the air, and from a lower region of the latter into a higher, and from this into the ether. Therefore, with men, elevation into superior light is elevation into superior intelligence, and from this into wisdom, there being also an ever higher elevation into the latter. But the elevation into superior heat with women is elevation into a more chaste and purer conjugial love, and ever upwards towards that conjugial which from creation is latent in their inmost being.

[3] Regarded in themselves, these elevations are openings of the mind; for the human mind is distinguished into regions just as the world is distinguished into regions in respect to its atmospheres, the lowest of which is aqueous, the higher, aerial, and the still higher, ethereal, above which, moreover, is the highest. Into like regions is the human mind elevated as that mind is opened--with men by wisdom and with women by love truly conjugial.


1. The Latin text is qui [sol]... est amor, but the context shows that this should be quae [lux]... est sapientia in apposition to qui [calor]...est amor.

Conjugial Love #188 (Wunsch (1937))

188. (iv) In men there is an elevation of the mind into higher light, and in women an elevation of the mind into higher heat; the woman feels the delights of this heat in the man's light. By the light into which men are raised, intelligence and wisdom are meant, for spiritual light, proceeding from the sun of the spiritual world (this sun in its essence is love), acts identically or unitedly with intelligence and wisdom. By the heat into which women are raised, marital love is meant; for spiritual heat, proceeding from that same sun, in its essence is love, and in women a love uniting itself to intelligence and wisdom in men, comprehensively called marital love, and by determination becoming such love.

[2] We say elevation into higher light and heat, because it is elevation into the light and heat in which the angels of the higher heavens are. It is also actual elevation, as from a cloud into the air, from a lower to a higher region of the air, or from the air into the ether. Hence elevation into higher light in the case of men is elevation into superior intelligence, and from this into wisdom; into this there is higher and higher elevation, too. But elevation in women into higher heat is into a purer and more chaste marital love, and steadily towards the marital which lies hidden in inmosts from creation.

[3] Regarded in themselves, these elevations are openings of the mind. For the human mind is distinguished into regions as the world is into regions which are atmospheres - the lowest aqueous, a higher one of air, and a still higher of ether, above which there is also a highest. Into similar regions the mind is raised as it is opened, in men by wisdom, and in women by true marital love.

Conjugial Love #188 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

188. (4) That with men there is elevation of the mind into superior light; and with women there is elevation of the mind into superior heat; and that the woman feels the delights of her heat in the man's light. By the light into which men are elevated, intelligence and wisdom are meant; because the spiritual light that proceeds from the sun of the spiritual world - which sun in its essence is love - acts with these two as equal, or as one. And by the heat into which women are elevated is meant conjugial love; because the spiritual heat which proceeds from the sun of that world in its essence is love, and with women it is love conjoining itself with the intelligence and wisdom with men, which in its complex is called conjugial love, and by determination becomes that love. It is said to be elevation into superior light and heat, because the elevation is into the light and heat in which the angels of the higher heavens are; and it is also an actual elevation, as from a mist into the air, and from a lower to a higher region of the air, and thence into the ether. Wherefore, with men the elevation into superior light is elevation into superior intelligence, and from this into wisdom, in which also there is elevation, higher and higher. But with women the elevation into superior heat is into more chaste and pure conjugial love, and perpetually towards the conjugial which by creation is latent in their inmosts. Regarded in themselves these elevations are openings of the mind; for the human mind is distinguished into regions, as the world is in regions in respect to the atmospheres, of which the lowest is aqueous, the higher is aerial, and a still higher ethereal, above which there is yet the highest. Into like regions the human mind is elevated, as it is opened, with men by wisdom, with women by love truly conjugial.

De Amore Conjugiali #188 (original Latin (1768))

188. IV. Quod apud Viros sit elevatio mentis in superiorem lucem, et quod apud Foeminas sit elevatio mentis in superiorem calorem; et quod Foemina sentiat delitias sui caloris in luce viri. Per lucem, in quam elevantur viri, intelligitur intelligentia et sapientia, quia Lux spiritualis, quae procedit e Sole Mundi spiritualis, qui in sua essentia est Amor, aequum seu unum agit cum duabus illis; et per calorem, in quem foeminae elevantur, intelligitur amor conjugialis, quia Calor spiritualis, qui procedit ab illius Mundi Sole, in sua essentia est amor, et apud foeminas amor conjungens se cum intelligentia et sapientia apud viros, qui in suo complexu vocatur Amor conjugialis, et per determinationem fit ille amor.

[2] Dicitur elevatio in superiorem lucem et calorem, quia est elevatio in lucem et calorem, in quibus sunt angeli coelorum superiorum; est quoque actualis elevatio sicut a nimbo in aerem, et ex hujus regione inferiore in superiorem, et ab hac in aetherem; quare elevatio in lucem superiorem apud viros, est elevatio in intelligentiam superiorem, et ab hac in sapientiam; in quam etiam datur elevatio superior et superior; at elevatio in calorem superiorem apud foeminas, est in Amorem conjugialem castiorem et puriorem, ac jugi ad conjugiale, quod a creatione in intimis latet.

[3] Elevationes illae in se spectatae, sunt aperitiones mentis; est enim Mens humana in Regiones distincta, sicut Mundus est in Regiones quoad Athmosphaeras, quarum infima est aquea, superior est aerea, adhuc superior est aetherea, supra quam etiam datur suprema; in similes regiones elevatur Mens hominis, sicut haec aperitur, apud viros per sapientiam, et apud foeminas per amorem vere conjugialem.

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