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《婚姻之爱》 第189节








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Conjugial Love #189 (Chadwick (1996))

189. We speak of a woman feeling the delights of her heat in her husband's light. But this means that a woman feels the delights of her love in her husband's wisdom, because wisdom serves to receive it, and where love finds something to match itself, it experiences its pleasure and delights. It does not mean that heat takes pleasure with light outside the forms, but inside them. There spiritual heat takes all the more pleasure with spiritual light, because these forms derive their life from wisdom and love, and so are capable of receiving them.

This can up to a point be illustrated from the play, as it is called, of heat with light in vegetation. Outwardly it is merely a simple combination of heat and light; but inwardly it is like them playing with each other, because heat and light are there in forms capable of receiving them; for heat and light pass through astonishingly circuitous paths, and in the inmost regions yearn to produce benefits; they also spread their charms widely into the air, which is filled with fragrance. There is an even more delightful play of spiritual heat with spiritual light in human forms; here the heat is conjugial love and the light is wisdom.

Conjugial Love #189 (Rogers (1995))

189. We say that a woman feels the delights of her warmth in the light of a man; but what we mean is that a woman feels the delights of her warmth in the wisdom of a man, because wisdom is what receives it, and love has its pleasures and delights when it finds this reception in something corresponding to itself. This does not mean, however, that warmth has pleasure with its light apart from forms, but in them. And all the more does spiritual warmth have pleasure with spiritual light in them, because it is from wisdom and love that these forms are alive and thus responsive.

This can be illustrated to some extent by the so-called interplays of warmth with light in plants. Apart from these forms there is only a simple conjunction of warmth and light, but in them there is an interplay, so to speak, between the two, because there they are in forms or recipient vessels. For they penetrate the plant forms through marvelous little winding ways, and in the inmost parts work to produce fruits of use, and they also give off their pleasant exhalations into the surrounding air, which they fill with fragrance.

Even more striking still is the delightful interplay of spiritual warmth with spiritual light in human forms, where the warmth is conjugial love and the light is wisdom.

Love in Marriage #189 (Gladish (1992))

189. We say that in man's light a woman feels the delight of her warmth, but this means she feels the delights of her love in a man's wisdom, because wisdom is the container, and where love encounters something analogous to itself, that is where it has its joys and delights. But this does not mean that warmth is delighted with its light outside of any forms, but in forms. And spiritual warmth has more delight with spiritual light, because these forms are alive with wisdom and love and therefore receptive.

This can be illustrated to some extent by warmth and light playing, so to speak, in plants. Outside them is just a plain combination of heat and light, but in them it is a kind of play between heat and light, because there they are in forms or containers. For they go through them in marvelous winding paths, and deep inside there they aspire to produce fruit, and their pleasures breathe out onto the air all around, besides. They fill the air with fragrance. And the game of spiritual warmth with spiritual light is still more lively in human forms, where the warmth is the love in marriage and the light is wisdom.

Conjugial Love #189 (Acton (1953))

189. It is said that woman feels the delights of her heat in the light of the man; but this is to be understood thus: woman feels the delights of her love in the man's wisdom because this is its receptacle, and where love finds this receptacle corresponding to itself, it is in its joys and delights. This does not mean that heat is delighted with its light outside forms, but within them; and within these forms, spiritual heat is the more delighted with spiritual light as the forms are living from wisdom and love, and so are receptive. This can be illustrated in some measure by the sports, so called, of heat with light in vegetable forms. Outside these forms there is but the simple conjunction of heat and light, but within them, heat and light are as though sporting with each other; for there they are in forms or receptacles, passing through them by marvelous windings; and in the inmost forms they breathe the fruits of use. Moreover, they breathe out their pleasures into the air round about, which they fill with fragrance. Far more living is the delectation of spiritual heat with spiritual light in human forms, wherein the heat is conjugial love and the light wisdom.

Conjugial Love #189 (Wunsch (1937))

189. We have said that a woman feels the delights of her heat in the man's light. What is meant is that the woman feels the delights of her love in the man's wisdom. His wisdom is a receptacle, and love, as it finds what corresponds with it, is in its joys and delights. We do not mean that heat is delighted with its light outside of forms, but inside them. Spiritual heat is the more delighted with spiritual light because the forms of love and wisdom in this instance are vital and therefore sensitive. This may be illustrated measurably by the disporting, so to say, of heat with light in plants. Outside the plants there is mere coexistence of heat and light, but within the plants a kind of game between them, because they are in forms and receptacles, where they pass through marvellous labyrinths, inmostly aspire after fruitfulness, and also exhale their pleasures widely on the air, filling it with fragrance. With an even greater animation does spiritual heat delight in spiritual light within the forms of human life, in which the heat is marital love, and the light is wisdom.

Conjugial Love #189 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

189. It is said that the woman feels the delights of her heat in the man's light; but this is to be thus understood: That the woman feels the delights of her love in the man's wisdom; because this is its receptacle, and where the love finds this correspondent to itself it is in its joys and delights. But it is not meant that the heat is delighted with its light outside of forms, but within them; and spiritual heat is the more delighted with spiritual light in them because these forms from wisdom and love are living, and thus susceptible. This may in some measure be illustrated by the sports, so-called, of heat with light in vegetable forms: Outside of them there is but the simple conjunction of heat and light; but within them they as it were play with each other, because there they are in forms or receptacles; for by wonderful meanderings they pass through them, and in the inmosts there they breathe towards the uses of fruit; and breathe forth their amenities also widely into the air, which they fill with fragrance. And yet more living does the delight of spiritual heat with spiritual light become in human forms, wherein the heat is conjugial love and the light is wisdom.

De Amore Conjugiali #189 (original Latin (1768))

189. Dicitur, quod Foemina sentiat delitias sui caloris in luce viri, sed hoc ita intelligitur, quod foemina delitias sui amoris in sapientia viri, quia haec est receptaculum, et amor ubi hoc invenit sibi correspondens, in jucunditatibus et delitiis suis est; sed non intelligitur, quod calor cum luce sua delitietur extra formas, sed intra illas; ac calor spiritualis cum luce spirituali inibi eo plus, quia formae illae ex sapientia et amore sunt vitales, et sic susceptibiles. Hoc aliquatenus potest illustrari ex ludis ita dictis caloris cum luce in Vegetabilibus; extra illa est modo simplex conjunctio caloris et lucis, at intra illa est sicut ludus inter se, quia sunt ibi in formis seu receptaculis, transeunt enim illa per mirabiles maeandros, ac in intimis ibi spirant usus fructus, et quoque amaenitates suas exspirant late in aerem, quem implent fragrantia: et plus adhuc ad vivum deliciatio caloris spiritualis cum luce spirituali fit in formis humanis, in quibus calor ille est amor conjugialis, et lux illa est sapientia.

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