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《婚姻之爱》 第212节






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Conjugial Love #212 (Chadwick (1996))

212. The reverse happens in the case of those whose lack of any love of wisdom means that they have no conjugial love either. These people do not contract marriages except with the intention of indulging their lasciviousness, an intention which contains within it a love of folly. For every intention is in essence a love, and lasciviousness is in its spiritual origin folly. We mean by folly the raving of a mind deranged by false ideas; and the worst form of raving is that of a mind deranged by true ideas which have been falsified, to such a point that they are believed to be wisdom. In the spiritual world a clear proof and convincing argument is offered to show that these people are opponents of conjugial love. For there at the first sniff of conjugial love they take refuge in caves and shut themselves in; if the gates are opened, they rave like the demented in the world.

Conjugial Love #212 (Rogers (1995))

212. The opposite happens in the case of people who are not in any state of conjugial love owing to a lack of any love of wisdom in them. People like this do not enter into marriages except with the purpose of indulging their lascivious lusts, and this purpose has in it a love of thinking insanely. For every purpose regarded in its essence is love, and lasciviousness in its spiritual origin is a form of insanity. By insanity we mean a derangement of the mind resulting from falsities, and the derangement is pronounced when it is a derangement of mind resulting from falsifications of truths, even to the point that the falsifications are believed to be matters of wisdom.

Clear confirmation and proof that people like this are opposed to conjugial love appears in the spiritual world. There, at the first scent of conjugial love, they flee into caverns and shut the doors; and if these are opened, they go insane like madmen in the world.

Love in Marriage #212 (Gladish (1992))

212. The opposite happens to people who do not have married love because they do not have love of being wise. They enter marriages only for the sake of sex - a purpose that has an inherent love of being foolish. Actually every purpose, in its own right, is a love, and at its spiritual source lasciviousness is folly. Folly means mental derangement due to untruths, and the worst folly is folly due to making truths false to the point where they are thought to be wisdom. In the spiritual world there is clear evidence or proof that people who do this are against married love. They flee into caverns there and shut the doors at the first whiff of married love, and if the doors are opened they rave like the insane people in our world.

Conjugial Love #212 (Acton (1953))

212. The contrary is the case with those who, by reason of not being in any love of wisdom, are not in any conjugial love. These enter into marriages only with the end of indulging in lasciviousness, and within that end is also the love of being insane; for, viewed in itself, every end is a love, and lasciviousness in its spiritual origin is insanity. By insanity is meant delirium of mind from truth falsified; and pre-eminent delirium is that delirium of mind which arises from truths so falsified that the falsifications are believed to be wisdom. In the spiritual world there is manifest confirmation or proof that such men are opposed to conjugial love. There, at the first scent of conjugial love, they flee into caverns and shut the doors; and if these are opened, they rave like maniacs in the world.

Conjugial Love #212 (Wunsch (1937))

212. On the other hand, the faculty of growing wise decreases with those who are not in marital love. These enter marriage with the end (among others) of being lascivious, but in that end there is a love of being insane; for any end regarded in itself is a love, and lasciviousness in its spiritual origin is insanity. By insanity we mean derangement of the mind by falsities; the outstanding derangement is from truths falsified until they are believed to be wisdom. The spiritual world affords obvious confirmation and proof that such men are averse to marital love; there, at the first scent of marital love, such men flee into caverns, shut the doors, and if these are opened, rave like the demented on earth.

Conjugial Love #212 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

212. The opposite takes place with those who having no love of wisdom are not in any conjugial love. They do not enter into marriages except for a lascivious end, and in that end there inheres also the love of being insane. For every end viewed in itself is a love, and lasciviousness in its spiritual origin is insanity. By insanity is meant derangement of mind from falsities; and the chief derangement is derangement of mind from truths falsified until they are believed to be wisdom. That such are opposed to conjugial love, there is manifest confirmation or demonstration in the spiritual world. There, at the first scent of conjugial love they flee into caverns and shut the doors; and if they are opened they rage as maniacs do in the world.

De Amore Conjugiali #212 (original Latin (1768))

212. Contrarium fit apud illos, qui non in aliquo amore conjugiali ex non aliquo amore sapientiae sunt; hi non ineunt conjugia nisi etiam fine lasciviendi, et huic fini etiam inest amor insaniendi; omnis enim finis in se spectatus est amor, ac lascivia in origine sua spirituali est insania; per insaniam intelligitur deliratio mentis ex falsis, ac deliratio eminens est deliratio mentis ex falsificatis veris, usque dum haec creduntur sapientia: quod hi contra amorem conjugialem sint, manifesta confirmatio seu evictio datur in Mundo spirituali; ibi illi ad primum olfactum amoris conjugialis aufugiunt in cavernas, et occludunt januas; et si hae aperiuntur, insaniunt sicut amentes in Mundo.

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