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《婚姻之爱》 第213节







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Conjugial Love #213 (Chadwick (1996))

213. (iii) In the case of those who enjoy truly conjugial love the joy of living together increases, but in the case of those who do not, it decreases.

The reason why the joy of living together increases in the case of those who enjoy truly conjugial love is that they love each other with every sense. The wife sees nothing she loves more than her husband, and the husband nothing more than his wife. Nor, in fact, do they hear, smell or touch anything they love more. This is why they have such joy in sharing together their home, their bedroom and their bed. You husbands can confirm the truth of this from the delights experienced in the first days of marriage; the delights are then at their fullest, because then none of the whole female sex but the wife is loved. It is well known that the reverse happens in the case of those who have no conjugial love.

Conjugial Love #213 (Rogers (1995))

213. 3. In the case of people who are in a state of truly conjugial love, their happiness in living together increases, but with those who are not in a state of conjugial love, it decreases. Their happiness in living together increases in the case of those who are in a state of truly conjugial love, because they love each other with their every power of sensation. The wife sees nothing more lovable than her husband, and the husband nothing more lovable than her. Indeed, neither do they hear, smell or touch anything more lovable than each other. From this comes their happiness in living together and sharing house, bedroom, and bed.

You who are married men can confirm for yourselves that this is so from the first delights of marriage, which are then felt in their fullness; because at that time, of all the opposite sex, a husband loves his wife alone.

Everyone knows that the reverse is the case with those who do not possess any conjugial love.

Love in Marriage #213 (Gladish (1992))

213. 3. For people who have real married love the happiness of living together grows, but for those who do not, it shrinks. The reason the happiness of living together grows among those who have real married love is that they love each other with every sense. The wife does not see anyone more lovable than the man, and the man likewise. In fact, no one is more lovable to hear, smell, or touch. This is the source of their happiness in living together in house, bedroom, and bed. You husbands can confirm that this is so from the first joys of marriage, which are at their fullest, because then one loves his wife alone, of all women. We know that people who do not have any married love are the opposite.

Conjugial Love #213 (Acton (1953))

213. III. THAT WITH THOSE WHO ARE IN LOVE TRULY CONJUGIAL THE HAPPINESS OF COHABITATION INCREASES BUT WITH THOSE WHO ARE NOT IN CONJUGIAL LOVE IT DECREASES. That the happiness of cohabitation increases with those who are in love truly conjugial is because they love each other mutually with every sense. The wife sees nothing more lovable than the man, and the man nothing more lovable than the wife; yea, neither do they hear, smell, or touch anything more lovable. Hence the happiness of cohabitation that is theirs in house, chamber, and bed. You who are husbands can confirm this from the first delights of marriage, these being in their fullness because then, of all the sex, it is the wife alone who is loved. That the opposite is the case with those who are not in any conjugial love is well known.

Conjugial Love #213 (Wunsch (1937))

213. (iii) The joy of living together increases with those in true marital love, but decreases with those not in marital love. The joy of cohabiting increases with those in true marital love for the reason that they love each other mutually with every sense. The wife sees nothing more lovable than her husband, and the husband nothing more lovable than his wife; yes, they neither hear, smell nor touch anything more lovable. Hence their joy in living together in home, chamber and bed. Of this fact you husbands can convince yourselves by the first delights of marriage, in their plenitude at that time, when the wife alone of all the sex is loved. That the reverse befalls those not in marital love, is common knowledge.

Conjugial Love #213 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

213. (3) That with those who are in love truly conjugial, the happiness of dwelling together increases; but with those who are not in conjugial love it decreases. The reason why the happiness of dwelling together increases with those that are in love truly conjugial, is that they love each other mutually with every sense. The wife sees nothing more lovely than the man, and the man, nothing more lovely than the wife; yea, nothing more lovely do they hear, smell, and touch. Hence the happiness to them of dwelling together in house, in chamber, and in bed. That it is so you that are husbands can assure yourselves from the first delights of marriage, which are in their fulness because then the wife alone of all the sex is loved. That they have the opposite experience who are not in any conjugial love is known.

De Amore Conjugiali #213 (original Latin (1768))

213. III: Quod apud illos, qui in Amore vere conjugiali sunt, crescat faustitas cohabitationis; sed quod haec apud illos, qui non in Amore conjugiali sunt, decrescat. Quod faustitas cohabitationis crescat apud illos, qui in amore vere conjugiali sunt, est quia se mutuo amant omni sensu; uxor non videt amabilius quam virum, ac vir vicissim; imo nec audiunt, olfaciunt, et tangunt amabilius; inde illis faustitas cohabitationis in domo, cubiculo, et toro. Quod ita sit, potestis vos mariti vos confirmare, ex primis delitiis conjugii, quae in pleno suo sunt, quia tunc uxor sola ex omni sexu amatur. Quod contrarium sit illis, qui non in aliquo amore conjugiali sunt, notum est.

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