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《婚姻之爱》 第215节







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Conjugial Love #215 (Chadwick (1996))

215. (v) Those who enjoy truly conjugial love continually want to be a single person, but those who do not, want to be two people.

Conjugial love is in essence nothing but two people wishing to be one, that is, wishing their two lives to be one. That wish is the permanent effort of that love, from which all its results follow. Effort is the essence of movement, and a wish is a lively effort on a person's part; this has been established by the investigations of philosophers and is obvious to those who study the matter with discernment. Hence it follows that those who enjoy truly conjugial love are continually making this effort, that is, wishing to be a single person. Those who do not enjoy truly conjugial love know full well themselves that the reverse is true of them. The disunion of their souls and minds makes them continually think of themselves as two. That too is why they do not understand the meaning of the Lord's words, that they are no longer two, but one flesh (Matthew 19:6).

Conjugial Love #215 (Rogers (1995))

215. 5. People who are in a state of truly conjugial love continually wish to be one person, but those who are not in a state of conjugial love want to be two separate individuals. Conjugial love in its essence is nothing else but the wish of two to be one, or, in other words, a will on their part that their two lives become one life. To carry out that will is the constant endeavor of this love, and all that it does flows from it. It has been established from the investigations of philosophers, and it is also evident to people of educated reason who reflect, that effort is the very essence of motion, and that will in the human being is a living effort. It follows from this that people who are in a state of truly conjugial love continually have within them an effort, or will, to be one person.

That the opposite is the case with those who are not in a state of conjugial love, they themselves very well know. For they constantly think of themselves as two separate individuals, owing to a lack of union between their souls and minds, and they therefore do not see what is meant by the Lord's words, that "they are no longer two but one flesh" (Matthew 19:6).

Love in Marriage #215 (Gladish (1992))

215. 5. People who have real married love constantly want to be one person, but those who do not have married love want to be two. Essentially, married love is nothing but two people wanting to be one.

That is, they want two lives to become one life. This wish is their love's constant effort - the wellspring of all its actions.

Investigations by philosophers confirm that effort is precisely the essence of motion, and an intention is a living effort in a person. This is clear, too, to people who think about it with skilled reason. So it follows that people who have real married love always make an effort - in other words want - to be one person.

People who do not have married love are just the opposite, as they well know. They do not grasp what the Lord's words mean - that they are no longer two, but one flesh (Matthew 19:6)because, due to the separation of their souls and minds, they always think that they are two people.

Conjugial Love #215 (Acton (1953))

215. V. THAT THOSE WHO ARE IN LOVE TRULY CONJUGIAL CONTINUALLY WILL TO BE ONE MAN, BUT THOSE WHO ARE NOT IN CONJUGIAL LOVE WILL TO BE TWO. In its essence, conjugial love is nothing else than the willing of two to be a one, that is, their will that the two lives shall become one life. This will is the love's perpetual conatus from which flow all its effects. That conatus is the very essence of motion; and that with man, will is living conatus, is confirmed by the researches of philosophers, and, moreover, is evident to those who contemplate matters from a cultivated reason. It follows from this that those who are in love truly conjugial are in the continual conatus, that is, the continual will to be one man. That the contrary is the case with those who are not in conjugial love, they themselves well know. Therefore, from the disunion of their souls and minds, such persons do not comprehend what is meant by the Lord's words, They are no longer two but one flesh. Matthew 19:6.

Conjugial Love #215 (Wunsch (1937))

215. (v) Those in true marital love continually wish to be one human being, while those not in marital love wish to be two. Marital love in its essence is nothing else than the wish to be one; that is, the partners desire their two lives to be made one life. This desire is the perpetual endeavor of this love, from which all its effects flow. Investigations by philosophers establish the fact that effort is the very essence of motion, and in the human being the will is living effort; the fact is also plain from the observations of purified reason. It follows that those in true marital love continually endeavor, that is, will to be one human being. Those not in marital love well know that the contrary is the case with them, for they continually deem themselves two from disunion of their souls and minds, and therefore they cannot grasp, either, what is meant by the Lord's words, "they are no longer two, but one flesh" (Matthew 19:6).

Conjugial Love #215 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

215. (5) That they who are in love truly conjugial continually desire to be one man (Latin: homo); but they that are not in conjugial love will to be two. In its essence conjugial love is nothing else than that two will to be one, that is, will that two lives shall become one life. This will is the perpetual effort of that love, from which flow all things that it effectuates. That effort is the very essence of motion, and that will with man is living effort, is confirmed by the researches of philosophers, and is evident also to observers of cultivated reason. It follows from this that they who are in love truly conjugial continually endeavor, that is, will to be one man. That the opposite is the case with those who are not in conjugial love they themselves well know - these because they continually regard themselves as two, from the disunion of souls and minds, do not therefore, apprehend what is meant by the Lord's words:

They are no more twain but one flesh (Matthew. six. 6).

De Amore Conjugiali #215 (original Latin (1768))

215. V: Quod illi, qui in Amore vere conjugiali sunt, continue velint unus homo esse; sed quod illi qui non in amore conjugiali sunt, velint duo esse. Amor conjugialis in sua essentia non aliud est, quam quod duo velint esse unum, hoc est, quod velint, ut duae vitae fiant una vita; illa voluntas est perpetuus conatus illius amoris, ex quo fluunt omnes effectuationes ejus: quod conatus sit ipsa essentia motus, et quod voluntas sit conatus vivus apud hominem, a scrutiniis philosophorum in confirmato est, et quoque contemplatoribus ex ratione elimata, patet; inde consequitur, quod illi, qui in amore vere conjugiali sunt, continue conentur, hoc est, velint unus homo esse. Quod contrarium sit apud illos, qui non in amore conjugiali sunt, probe sciunt ipsi; qui quia continue se cogitant duos ex disunione animarum et mentium, ideo nec capiunt, quid intelligitur per Domini verba, quod non amplius duo sint, sed una caro, Matth. 19:6.

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