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《婚姻之爱》 第224节








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Conjugial Love #224 (Chadwick (1996))

224. (xv) Where truly conjugial love exists, this sphere is received by the wife and is only received by the husband through the wife.

The fact that in the case of those who enjoy truly conjugial love this sphere is received by the husband solely through his wife is today a secret; yet it is not really a secret, because a husband when he gets engaged and is first married can be aware of it. Is he not then affected by any conjugial influence coming from his fiancee or bride, but not if it comes from any other of the female sex?

It is much the same with those who live together in truly conjugial love. Since everyone, man and woman alike, is enveloped in a sphere of life, densely in front and thinly at the back, it is plain why husbands who are deeply in love with their wives turn towards them and during the day smile kindly on them. Conversely those who do not love their wives turn away from them, and during the day withdraw their gaze when they see them. The way the conjugial sphere is received by the husband solely through his wife allows truly conjugial love to be recognised and distinguished from spurious, false or cold conjugial love.

Conjugial Love #224 (Rogers (1995))

224. 15. Where a truly conjugial love exists, this atmosphere is received by the wife, and by the husband solely through his wife. It is a secret unknown today that in the case of people who are in a state of truly conjugial love, this atmosphere is received by the husband solely through his wife. And yet it is not really a secret, because it is possible for a man about to be married or just recently married to be aware of it. Is he not then affected with a conjugial warmth by whatever emanates from his fiancee or new bride, and not at that time by anything emanating from others of her sex?

It is the same with people who live together in a state of truly conjugial love. Moreover, because everyone has an atmosphere of life surrounding him, both man and woman, heavily around the breast and lightly around the back, it is apparent why husbands who really love their wives turn towards them and daily look upon them with kindly countenance, and conversely, why those who do not love their wives turn away from them and daily regard them with averted gaze.

A husband's receiving the conjugial atmosphere solely through his wife is the mark by which truly conjugial love is recognized and differentiated from conjugial love that is illusory, feigned, or cold.

Love in Marriage #224 (Gladish (1992))

224. 15. Where there is real love in marriage the wife accepts this aura, and the husband accepts it only through his wife. It is unknown today that among those who have real married love the husband receives this sphere only through his wife, and yet it is no secret in its own right, because a bridegroom and newlywed can know it. Everything that comes from a bride or a new wife nurtures a love of marriage, does it not? But at that time what comes from others of her sex does not. It is like this with people who are living together in real married love. Besides, since both men and women are surrounded by the sphere of their life - thickly in front and thinly in back - we can see why husbands who love their wives well face their wives and look at them fondly during the day. On the other hand, men who do not love their wives turn away from them and look at them with narrowed eyes during the day.

You can tell real married love by the husband's accepting the sphere of marriage only through his wife, and this distinguishes it from counterfeit, false, or frigid married love.

Conjugial Love #224 (Acton (1953))

224. XV. THAT WHERE THERE IS LOVE TRULY CONJUGIAL, THIS SPHERE IS RECEIVED BY THE WIFE AND BY THE HUSBAND SOLELY THROUGH THE WIFE. That with those who are in love truly conjugial this sphere is received by the husband solely through the wife, is at this day an arcanum; yet in itself it is not an arcanum, it being possible for the bridegroom and the newly married husband to know it. Does not everything which proceeds from the bride and the newly married wife then affect him conjugially, and not what proceeds from others of the sex? It is the same with those who live together in love truly conjugial. And since the sphere of his life accompanies every one, both man and woman, densely at the breast and thinly at the back, it is evident whence it is that husbands who dearly love their wives turn themselves to them, and in the daytime look on them with favoring countenance; while those who do not love their wives turn themselves away from them and in the daytime look on them with averted gaze. It is by the reception of the conjugial sphere by the husband solely through the wife that love truly conjugial is recognized and distinguished from spurious, false, and frigid conjugial love.

Conjugial Love #224 (Wunsch (1937))

224. (xv) Where true marital love exists, this sphere is received by the wife, and by the husband through the wife alone. It is an arcanum today that with partners in true marital love, the husband receives this sphere solely through the wife; and yet it is not in itself an arcanum, for the bridegroom and the young husband should know it well. Is he not affected maritally only by what proceeds from the bride and new wife, but not at that time by anything proceeding from others of the sex? It continues so with those living together in true marital love. And as the sphere of life encompasses every one, both man and woman, densely on the breast and thinly at the back, it is plain why husbands who love their wives much, turn toward them and regard them fondly by day, and that those, on the other hand, who do not love their wives, turn away and regard their wives by day only with averted gaze. True marital love is known and distinguished from spurious, false and frigid marital love by the husband's receiving the marital sphere through his wife alone.

Conjugial Love #224 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

224. (15) That where there is love truly conjugial this sphere is received by the wife, and by the husband solely through the wife. That with those who are in love truly conjugial this sphere is received by the husband solely through the wife is at this day a secret; and yet in itself it is not secret, for the bridegroom and the newly married husband may know it. Does not everything that proceeds from the bride and the newly married wife conjugially affect, but not at that time what proceeds from others of the sex? It is the same with those who live together in love truly conjugial. And as a sphere of life surrounds everyone, the man as well as the woman, densely on the breast, and slightly at the back, it is evident whence it is that husbands who thoroughly love their wives turn towards them, and regard them during the day with favoring countenance; and why, on the contrary, those that do not love their wives turn away from them, and regard them by day with averted glance. By the reception of the conjugial sphere by the husband solely through the wife, love truly conjugial is known, and distinguished from spurious, false, and frigid conjugial love.

De Amore Conjugiali #224 (original Latin (1768))

224. XV. Quod ubi amor vere conjugialis est, haec Sphaera recipiatur ab uxore, et unice per uxorem a marito. Quod illa sphaera, apud illos qui in amore vere conjugiali sunt, recipiatur a marito unice per uxorem, est arcanum hodie, et tamen in se non arcanum est, quia Sponsus et Primitius maritus hoc potest scire; nonne quicquid procedit ex sponsa et primitia uxore conjugialiter afficit, non autem tunc quod procedit ex aliis e sexu: simile est cum illis qui in amore vere conjugiali convivunt: et quia sphaera vitae unumquemque, tam virum quam foeminam, circumstipat, dense a pectore, et rare a tergo, patet unde est, quod mariti, qui peramant suas uxores, convertant se ad illas, et interdiu vultu favente aspiciant illas; et vicissim illi qui non amant suas uxores, avertant se ab illis, ac interdiu acie retracta adspectent ad illas. Per receptionem Sphaerae conjugialis a marito unice per uxorem, cognoscitur et dignoscitur Amor vere conjugialis ab amore conjugiali spurio, falso, et frigido.

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