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《婚姻之爱》 第225节








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Conjugial Love #225 (Chadwick (1996))

225. (xvi) Where conjugial love does not exist, this sphere is certainly received by the wife, but not by the husband through her.

This conjugial sphere which affects the universe is of Divine origin; as it develops among angels it is celestial and spiritual, among human beings natural, among animals and birds animal, among insects bodily, among plants lifeless. Moreover, it is varied in each creature it affects, depending on their forms.

Now since this sphere is directly received by the female sex and indirectly by the male sex, being received in accordance with their forms, it follows that this sphere, although holy in origin, can be turned into an unholy one when it is received by creatures, in fact, it can even be transformed into its opposite. Its opposite is called meretricious in the case of women of this type and scortatory in the case of men of this type; and since both of these groups are in hell, that is the source of that sphere. But this too exhibits great variety, and so it is of many kinds. A man attracts and drags with him the kind which matches him, is in keeping with his character and corresponds. These facts allow it to be established that a man who does not love his wife receives this sphere from some source other than his wife. Still it may happen that it is also breathed into him by his wife without his being aware of it, even to the point of making him warm.

Conjugial Love #225 (Rogers (1995))

225. 16. Where the love is not conjugial, this atmosphere is indeed received by the wife, but not by the husband through her. This conjugial atmosphere that flows into the universe is, in its origin, Divine. As it descends, it becomes, with angels in heaven, celestial and spiritual; with people, natural; with beasts and birds, animal; with worms, merely carnal; and in the case of plant forms, mechanical. In addition, in individual recipients it is also modified according to their particular forms.

Now because this atmosphere is received directly by the female sex and indirectly by the male sex, and because it is received in accordance with particular forms, it follows that, although in its origin this atmosphere is holy, in its recipients it can be turned into an atmosphere that is not holy, even indeed into one that is opposite in character. The atmosphere opposite to it in such recipients is called wanton in the case of women and licentious in the case of men; and since men and women like that are in hell, that is the atmosphere that emanates from there. At the same time, that atmosphere also exhibits considerable diversity, and there are consequently many varieties of it. However, a man attracts and admits the type that accords with him and which is compatible with and matches the kind of person he is.

It can be seen in consequence that a man who does not love his wife receives this atmosphere from some other source than his wife. Still, it is possible for it to be inspired by the wife as well, but without his knowledge, and at times when he feels warmer towards her.

Love in Marriage #225 (Gladish (1992))

225. 16. Where there is love that is not the love of marriage, the wife does accept the aura of marriage, but the husband does not accept it through her. This sphere of marriage flowing into the universe is Divine in its source, and on its way through heaven among the angels it is heavenly and spiritual. It is worldly among people, animal among animals and birds, merely bodily among worms, and it is without life in plants. Beyond this, it varies in specific creatures according to their makeup.

Now, since the feminine sex accepts the sphere directly and the masculine sex indirectly, and since they accept it according to their makeup, the sphere, which is holy in its source, can be turned into something unholy in those who receive it. In fact, it can even be turned around into its opposite. This opposite sphere is called meretricious in women of this kind and adulterous in men of this kind, and since these women and men are in hell, that is where the sphere comes from. But this sphere, too, varies widely, so there are many different kinds of it, and a man attracts and chooses the kind that agrees with him, conforms with his natural bent, and suits him.

We may conclude from this that a man who does not love his wife gets that sphere from some source other than his wife. It can still happen that his wife also inspires the sphere without his knowing it, when he is aroused.

Conjugial Love #225 (Acton (1953))

225. XVI. THAT WHERE THERE IS NO CONJUGIAL LOVE, THIS SPHERE IS INDEED RECEIVED BY THE WIFE BUT NOT BY THE HUSBAND THROUGH HER. In its origin, this conjugial sphere inflowing into the universe is Divine; in its progress in heaven with the angels it is celestial and spiritual; with men it is natural, with beasts and birds animal, with worms merely corporeal, and with plants it is devoid of life. Moreover, it varies in individual subjects according to their forms. Now because this sphere, which in itself is holy, is received by the female sex immediately and by the male sex mediately; and because it is received according to forms; it follows that in its subjects it may be turned into a sphere which is not holy, and may even be turned into the opposite sphere. In such subjects, this opposite sphere with women is called meretricious, and with men scortatory; and since such men and women are in hell, this sphere is from hell. This sphere also is of great variety, and so is of many kinds; and that kind is attracted and drawn in by the male which is congruous with him, conforming with his genius and corresponding to it. From this it can be evident that a man who does not love his wife receives that sphere from another source than his wife. Yet on occasions it is also inspired by the wife but unknown to the man, and when he grows warm.

Conjugial Love #225 (Wunsch (1937))

225. (xvi) Where the love is not marital, this sphere is received by the wife, of course, but not by the husband through her. The marital sphere which flows into the universe is Divine in its origin, celestial and spiritual in its progress in heaven with the angels, natural with men, animal with beasts and birds, merely physical with insects, devoid of life with plants; and it also varies in the several objects according to their form. Now inasmuch as this sphere is received directly by the feminine sex and mediately by the masculine, and because it is received according to forms, it follows that, holy as it is in its origin, it can be turned in its subjects into the non-holy, yes, into its very opposite. Then in women the sphere opposed to it is called meretricious, and in men scortatory, and as both these men and women are in hell, the sphere is thence. But this sphere, too, has much variety, and hence there are several kinds of it, and a man draws to him and subtracts the kind which is like him and of the same nature as he, and correspondent. From this it is plain that the man who does not love his wife receives this sphere from elsewhere than from his wife: it is also inspired by the wife still, but in the man's unawareness, and when he grows warm.

Conjugial Love #225 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

225. (16) That where there is no conjugial love this sphere is received by the wife indeed, but not by the husband through her. This conjugial sphere flowing into the universe in its origin is Divine; in its progress in heaven with the angels it is celestial and spiritual; with men it is natural; with beasts and birds, animal; with worms, merely corporeal; with plants it is devoid of life; and besides it varies in the individual subjects according to their forms. Now, as this sphere is received immediately by the female sex and by the male sex mediately, and as it is received according to forms, it follows of course that the sphere, which is holy in its origin, may be changed into one not holy in the subjects, yea, even be inverted into the opposite. The sphere opposite to it with such women is called meretricious, with such men scortatory; and as these are both in hell the sphere is from thence. But this sphere also is of great variety, and hence there are many kinds of it; and such kind is attracted and derived to a man as is congruous to him, and in conformity with and correspondent to his genius. From these considerations it is evident that a man who does not love his wife receives the sphere from elsewhere than from his wife. Yet the fact is that it is nevertheless also inspired by the wife, but unknown to the man, and while he is growing warm.

De Amore Conjugiali #225 (original Latin (1768))

225. XVI: Quod ubi amor non conjugialis est, Sphaera illa recipiatur quidem ab uxore, sed non a marito per illam. Sphaera haec conjugialis influens in Universum, est in origine sua Divina, in progressu in Coelo apud Angelos est illa coelestis et spiritualis, apud homines naturalis, apud bestias et aves animalis, apud vermes mere corporea, apud vegetabilia est illa vitae expers; et praeterea in singulis subjectis variatur secundum illorum formas. Nunc quia illa Sphaera immediate recipitur a Sexu foeminino, et mediate a Sexu masculino, et quia recipitur secundum formas, consequitur, quod Sphaera illa, quae sancta est in origine sua, verti possit in non sanctam in subjectis, imo etiam inverti in oppositam; Sphaera ei opposita vocatur meretricia apud foeminas tales, et scortatoria apud viros tales; et quia hi et illae in Inferno sunt, est haec Sphaera 1inde; sed haec Sphaera etiam multae varietatis est, et inde plures ejus Species sunt, at talis species attrahitur et subtrahitur a viro qualis ei congruit, et ejus genio conformis est, et correspondet. Ex his constare potest, quod vir qui non amat uxorem, sphaeram illam aliunde recipiat quam ab uxore: fit usque quod illa etiam inspiretur ab uxore, sed viro inscio, et dum calescit.


1. Prima editio: Spaera

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