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《婚姻之爱》 第223节









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Conjugial Love #223 (Chadwick (1996))

223. (xiv) This sphere is received by the female sex, and by them it is transferred to the male sex[; but the reverse of this is not the case].

My experiences have allowed me to see evidence that there is no conjugial love present in the male sex, but it is only in the female sex, being transferred from this to the male (161 above). Reason can add a further proof: the male form is an intellectual one, woman is a voluntary form. An intellectual form cannot be warmed by conjugial heat by itself, but only from the linking heat of someone who has it implanted from creation. Consequently it cannot receive that love, except through having attached to it the voluntary form of a woman; this is also the form of love.

[2] The same point can be further proved by the marriage of good and truth; and in the natural man by the marriage of the heart and the lungs, since the heart corresponds to love and the lungs to understanding. But since most people lack any knowledge of these things, to use them as a proof would shed more obscurity than illumination. It is also due to the transfer of this sphere from the female to the male sex that the mind is fired by merely thinking about that sex. It follows that this too is the source of reproductive formation, and so arousal. For on earth, unless heat is added to light, nothing flourishes or is aroused to bear fruit.

Conjugial Love #223 (Rogers (1995))

223. 14. This atmosphere is received by the female sex and communicated through it to the male sex. The male sex does not have any conjugial love inherent in it, but conjugial love is inherent only in the female sex and is transmitted to the male sex from it. This is something I have seen attested from an experience I had, related above in no. 161. It is supported also by the following argument, that the masculine form is an intellect-oriented one and the feminine form a will-oriented one; and an intellect-oriented form does not have the capacity to develop a conjugial warmth on its own, but can do so only from the associated warmth of another in whom this has been implanted from creation. Consequently the masculine form cannot receive conjugial love except by having adjoined to it the will-oriented form of a woman, because this is at the same time a form of love.

[2] The same point could be further confirmed from the marriage between good and truth, and, to the natural man, from the marriage between the heart and the lungs, because the heart corresponds to love and the lungs to the intellect. However, because most people are without knowledge of these, any confirmation on the basis of them would do more to obscure than enlighten.

The communication of this atmosphere from the female sex to the male sex is what causes the masculine mind to be set on fire even at just the thought of the opposite sex. It follows that it is also what causes the formation of the procreative powers in him and thus his state of arousal. For unless warmth is added to light on earth, nothing flourishes or is aroused to produce any fruit there.

Love in Marriage #223 (Gladish (1992))

223. 14. The female sex receives this sphere and passes it on to the male sex. I have seen it shown by experience (see no. 161 above about this) that the masculine sex has no married love, but that it is only in the feminine sex and comes across to the masculine sex from there. The following explanation agrees with this. The masculine form is an intellectual form, and the feminine is a form of intent, and an intellectual form cannot become warm with the warmth of marriage by itself but needs the warmth of a union with someone whom it is implanted in by creation. For this reason masculine nature cannot receive the love in marriage except through a volitional feminine nature joined to itself, since this feminine nature is also a form of love.

This same thing could be more fully confirmed from the marriage of goodness and truth, and, for a worldly - minded person, from the marriage of the heart and lungs, since the heart corresponds to love and the lungs to intellect. But since not very many people know about these things, confirming it through them would darken the matter rather than throwing light on it.

It is due to this transfer of the marriage sphere from the feminine sex to the masculine that the mind is aroused just by the thought of the other sex. It follows that the propagating pattern, and thus the arousal pattern, comes from the same source, for if warmth does not join light in the world, nothing flourishes or is stimulated to bear fruit there.

Conjugial Love #223 (Acton (1953))

223. XIV. THAT THIS SPHERE IS RECEIVED BY THE FEMALE SEX, AND THROUGH THIS SEX IS TRANSFERRED INTO THE MALE SEX. That there is no conjugial love with the male sex and that it is with the female sex alone, and from this sex is transferred into the male, this I have seen attested by experience; see no. 161. In agreement with this experience is the following reason: The masculine is intellectual and the feminine voluntary, and an intellectual form cannot grow warm with conjugial heat from itself but only from the conjunctive heat of one in whom that heat has been implanted by creation. Consequently, it cannot receive that love except through the voluntary form of a female adjoined to itself, that form being a form of love.

[2] This could be more fully confirmed from the marriage of good and truth, and, for the natural man, from the marriage of the heart and lungs, inasmuch as the heart corresponds to love and the lungs to understanding. But since most men are deficient in the science of these organs, confirmation by them might obscure rather than enlighten. It is from the transfer of this sphere from the female sex into the male that the mind is enkindled even at the mere thought of the sex; consequently, thence also comes propagative formation, and thus excitation; for on earth, unless heat is added to light, nothing flourishes and nothing is aroused for the production of fruit.

Conjugial Love #223 (Wunsch (1937))

223. (xiv) This sphere is received by the feminine sex and transmitted by it to the masculine sex. I saw it attested by experience (161 above) that there is no marital love with the male sex, but only with the female sex, by whom it is transmitted to the male. Therewith this consideration also agrees: the masculine form is an intellectual form, and the feminine a volitional, and an intellectual form cannot grow warm with marital heat of itself, but from the adjoined heat of one in whom that warmth is implanted by creation; hence it cannot receive that love except through the volitional form of a woman adjoined to it, for this is the form of love. The same point could be more fully enforced from the marriage of good and truth, and also, in the eyes of a natural man, from the marriage of heart and lungs, for the heart corresponds to love and the lungs correspond to the understanding; but as most men lack knowledge of these subjects, confirmation by means of them would obscure rather than enlighten. Because of the transmission of this sphere from the feminine to the masculine sex, the mind is enkindled simply by the thought of the sex; thence too, it must follow, is propagative formation and so excitation. For unless heat joins light on earth, nothing blooms or is excited to produce any fruit.

Conjugial Love #223 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

223. (14) That this sphere is received by the female sex, and through this is transferred into the male sex. That there is no conjugial love with the male sex, but that it is solely with the female sex and from this sex is transferred into the male, I have seen attested by experience; of which above at n. 161, wherewith the following reason also accords; That the masculine is an intellectual form and the feminine a volitional form, and an intellectual form cannot of itself grow warm with conjugial heat, but from the conjunctive heat of one in whom it is implanted by creation. Therefore, it cannot receive that love except through the volitional form of a female adjoined to itself, because this also is a form of love. This same might be more fully confirmed from the marriage of good and truth; and before the natural man from the marriage of the heart and lungs, because the heart corresponds to love, and the lungs to wisdom. But as very many are deficient in knowledge of these things, confirmation by them might rather darken than illustrate. It is from the passing over of this sphere from the female to the male sex that the mind is enkindled even by the mere thought of the sex. That thence also is propagative formation, and thus excitation, follows. For on the earth unless heat is added to light nothing flourishes, or is incited to cause any fructification there.

De Amore Conjugiali #223 (original Latin (1768))

223. XIV: Quod haec Sphaera recipiatur a Sexu foeminino, et per hunc transferatur in Sexum masculinum. Quod apud Sexum masculinum non sit aliquis Amor conjugialis, sed quod solum est apud Sexum foemininum, et ab hoc transferatur in masculinum, vidi testatum ab experientia, de qua supra 161: cui etiam adstipulatur haec ratio, 1quod Forma masculina sit forma intellectualis, ac foemina sit Forma voluntaria; et forma intellectualis non potest calescere calore conjugiali a se, sed a calore conjunctivo alicujus, cui ille a creatione implantatus est; proinde non potest recipere illum amorem, nisi per formam sibi adjunctam voluntariam foeminae, quia haec etiam est forma amoris.

[2] Idem hoc amplius posset confirmari ex Conjugio boni et veri; et coram naturali homine ex Conjugio cordis et pulmonis, quia Cor correspondet amori, et pulmo intellectui; sed quia plerisque deficit horum scientia, confirmatio per haec plus inumbraret quam illustraret. Ex translatione hujus Sphaerae a Sexu foeminino in masculinum, est, quod Mens etiam incendatur a sola cogitatione de sexu; quod etiam inde sit formatio propagativa et sic excitatio, sequitur; nam nisi accedat calor ad lucem in terris, nihil viget et excitatur ad fructificandum aliquid ibi.


1. Prima editio: ratio;

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