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《婚姻之爱》 第241节









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Conjugial Love #241 (Chadwick (1996))

241. (vi) The second of the inward reasons for coldness is acceptance of religion by one and not the other.

The reason is that their souls cannot fail to be out of harmony. For the soul of the one is open to receive conjugial love, while that of the other is shut for this purpose. It is shut in the case of the one who lacks religion, open for the one who has some religion. So at this level living together is quite impossible; and when conjugial love is banished thence, coldness arises, but this is in the case of the one who has no religion. There is no way this coldness can be dispelled, except by accepting a form of religion which matches the other's, if it is a true one. Otherwise the one without religion suffers a coldness which comes down from the soul into the body, even as far as the surface of the skin. This eventually makes him unable to look his partner in the eye, or to converse so that their breaths mix, and only in a voice which sounds remote; or to touch each other with the hand, and only with difficulty with the back. Not to mention the follies which this coldness allows to creep into the thoughts, which they do not reveal. This is why such marriages break up of their own accord. Moreover, it is well known that impious people have no respect for their partner; and all without religion are impious.

Conjugial Love #241 (Rogers (1995))

241. 6. Of these internal reasons for cold states, a second is one partner's having religion and not the other. The reason is that their souls cannot help but be discordant. For the soul of one is open to receiving conjugial love, while the soul of the other is closed to receiving it. It is closed in the one who is without religion, and open in the one who has religion. Consequently it is impossible for them to dwell together on that level; and when conjugial love is banished there, coldness develops - though only in the partner without religion.

This coldness is not dispelled except by that partner's acceptance of religion in harmony with the religion of the other, if the other's religion is true. Otherwise, in the partner who has no religion, coldness sets in, which descends from the soul into the body until it reaches the outer coverings of the skin. The result is that he finally cannot bear to look his partner directly in the face, or speak to her in such a manner as to breathe the same air, or address her in anything but a restrained tone of voice, or touch her with his hand, and scarcely even to feel her at his back. We refrain from mentioning in addition the insanities ensuing from that coldness which creep into the thoughts of people like this, insanities which they keep hidden.

This is the reason that marriages of this sort naturally disintegrate.

Besides, people know that an impious person has little regard for his married partner; and all who are without religion are impious.

Love in Marriage #241 (Gladish (1992))

241. 6. A second cause of coldness is that one has religion and the other does not. This is because the soul of one is open to receive married love, and the soul of the other is closed to it, so their souls have no alternative but discord. The soul of the one without religion is closed, the other's open. This means that their two souls cannot live with each other, and when married love is banished from the souls, coldness follows - but only for the partner who has no religion.

This coldness is dissipated only by accepting a religion compatible with the other partner's religion - providing that this is a true religion. Otherwise a coldness descends on the soul of the partner without religion, working down into his body and all the way out to his skin.

As a final effect of this coldness, the unreligious partner cannot bear to look the other straight in the eye, or speak sharing the same breath except in a reluctant tone of voice, or touch the other person with his hand - hardly with his back - not to mention the insanities from that coldness that creep into his private thoughts.

This is why marriages of that kind are self - dissolving. Besides, an un - pious person has a low opinion of his partner, as everyone knows, and no one without religion is pious.

Conjugial Love #241 (Acton (1953))

241. VI. THAT OF THE INTERNAL CAUSES OF COLD, THE SECOND IS THAT THE ONE HAS RELIGION AND THE OTHER HAS NOT. The reason is because their souls cannot but be discordant, the soul of the one being open for the reception of conjugial love, and that of the other closed to the reception of that love. It is closed with the one who has no religion and open with the one who has religion. Hence no cohabitation is possible in the soul, and when conjugial love is banished therefrom, cold ensues--but this only with the partner who has no religion. This cold is not dissipated except by the reception of a religion congruous with that of the other, if the latter is true religion. Otherwise, with the partner who has no religion, there comes a cold which descends from the soul into the body even to the cuticles. As the final effect of this cold, that partner cannot bear to look the other directly in the face, or to address that other with any feeling of breathing the same air, that is, save with a restrained tone of voice, or to touch that other with the hand, and scarcely with the back, to say nothing of the insanities which from that cold creep into the thoughts and which they do not divulge. This is the reason why such marriages are dissolved of themselves. Moreover, it is well known that an impious man holds his partner in low esteem; and all who are without religion are impious.

Conjugial Love #241 (Wunsch (1937))

241. (vi) The second of the internal causes of cold is that one partner has religion, and the other has not. Their souls cannot but be discordant then. For the one partner's soul is open to the reception of marital love, but the other's is closed to the reception of that love - it is closed with the one who has no religion, and open with the one who has religion. Hence there can be no living together in soul. But when marital love is in exile from the soul, cold comes, that is, it does in the partner who has no religion. This cold is dissipated only by the reception of a religion agreeing with that of the other, if the latter is true. Else with the partner who has no religion a cold ensues, which descends from the soul into the body even to the skin, until finally he cannot look his partner in the face or speak sympathetically or except under his breath, or touch her with the hand and scarcely with the back, to say nothing of the insanities which steal from that cold into thoughts which remain unspoken. For this reason such marriages dissolve of themselves. It is known, moreover, that an impious man despises his partner; and all who are without religion are impious.

Conjugial Love #241 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

241. (6) That the second of the internal causes of cold is, that one has religion and not the other. The reason is that their souls cannot but be discordant, for the soul of one is open for the reception of conjugial love, but the other is closed to the reception of that love. It is closed with the one who has not religion, and open with the one who has religion. Hence in the soul there can be no cohabitation, and when conjugial love is banished thence, cold ensues, but this with the consort who has no religion. This cold is not dissipated except by the reception of a religion congruous with that of the other, if this be true. Otherwise, with the married partner who has no religion there comes a cold which descends from the soul into the body, even to the cuticles, by the effect of which at length the one cannot bear to look the other directly in the face, nor to speak in a communion of respiration, or in any but a subdued tone of voice, nor to touch the other with the hand, and scarcely with the back, to say nothing of the insanities that from this cold creep into the thoughts which they do not divulge, which is the reason why such marriages are of themselves dissolved. Besides, it is known that an impious person holds the married partner in slight esteem, and all are impious who are without religion.

De Amore Conjugiali #241 (original Latin (1768))

241. VI: Quod causarum internarum frigorum Secunda sit, quod uni sit Religio, et non alteri, est causa, quia animae illorum non possunt non discordare; est enim unius anima aperta pro receptione amoris conjugialis, altera autem pro receptione illius amoris occlusa; occlusa est apud quem non religio est, et aperta apud quem religio est; inde nulla dabilis est cohabitatio ibi; et cum inde exulat amor conjugialis, fit frigus, sed hoc apud conjugem nullius religionis: hoc frigus non dissipatur, nisi quam per receptionem religionis congruae cum alterius, si haec vera est. Alioquin apud conjugem, cui nulla religio est, fit frigus, quod ab anima descendit in corpus usque in cuticulas, ex quo tandem non sustinet conjugem intueri facie directa, nec alloqui in communione respirationum, nec nisi voce soni retracti, nec tangere manu, et vix tergo: ut taceantur insaniae, quae ex frigore illo subrepunt in cogitationes, quas non propalant: quae causa est, quod talia conjugia a semetipsis solvantur: praeterea, quod impius vilipendat conjugem, notum est, et omnes qui absque religione sunt, impii sunt.

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