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《婚姻之爱》 第242节







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Conjugial Love #242 (Chadwick (1996))

242. (vii) The third of the inward reasons for coldness is each partner having a different religious belief.

The reason is that in their case good cannot be linked to its corresponding truth; for the wife is the good of her husband's truth, and he is the truth of his wife's good, as was shown above. As a result it is impossible for their two souls to become one. This shuts off the source from which that love flows; and when this happens, they are reduced to the state of marriage below this. This is between good and a truth other than its own, or between truth and a form of good other than its own, so that no harmonious love can exist between them. As a result coldness begins to affect the partner whose religious belief is false, and this becomes more intense as the breach with the other develops.

I was once wandering through the streets of a large city to look for somewhere to live, and I went into a house, where there lived a couple who were of different religions. Then, though I knew nothing of this, angels spoke to me and said, 'We cannot stay with you in that house, because the couple there are not in agreement on religion.' They could tell this from the lack of inward unity between their souls.

Conjugial Love #242 (Rogers (1995))

242. 7. Of these internal reasons for cold states, a third is one partner's having one religion and the other partner another. The reason is that in their case good cannot be joined together with its corresponding truth - for a wife in form is the good of her husband's truth, and he the truth of his wife's goodness, as we have previously shown. 1Consequently, it is impossible in their case for their two souls to become one soul. The wellspring of conjugial love is therefore shut off; and when this is shut off, they come into a conjugial relationship that has its seat on a lower level. This relationship is one of good with another truth than its own, or of truth with another good than its own; and between the two there cannot be any concordant love. The result is that coldness develops in the partner who is caught up in falsities of religion, and this coldness increases as he grows apart from the other.

(In a great city I once wandered the streets in order to find lodging, and I entered a house where partners of different religions were staying. I was unaware of it, but angels then spoke to me, saying, "We cannot remain with you in this house, because it has partners with discordant religions living in it." This they perceived from the inward lack of union between their souls.)


1. See, for example, nos. 21[2], 32, 33, 44[9], 61, 66, 75[5], 76[5], 88, 89, 90, 91, 100, 115[5], 122, 159, 193.

Love in Marriage #242 (Gladish (1992))

242. 7. A third cause of inner coldness is that the partners have two different religions. Here is why. In this kind of partnership good cannot be linked to the truth that corresponds to it. As we have said, the good of a husband's truth is a wife, and the truth of a wife's good is a husband. So two souls with different religions cannot make one soul. The fountain of that love is closed, which makes them enter a married state on a lower level - a marriage of good with a truth other than its own or of truth with a good other than its own. There is no agreement of love between these. So the coldness begins with the partner who has accepted falsities from his religion, and it builds up as he goes a different direction from the other.

Once I was going through the streets of a big city, looking for a place to stay. I went into a house where married partners of different religions lived. I did not know this yet, but the angels spoke up and said, "We can't stay with you in this house, because the partners there have religions that don't agree with each other."

They could tell this from the lack of togetherness within the people's souls.

Conjugial Love #242 (Acton (1953))

242. VII. THAT OF THE INTERNAL CAUSES OF COLD, THE THIRD IS THAT THE ONE HAS ONE RELIGION AND THE OTHER ANOTHER. The reason is because with such partners, good cannot be conjoined with its corresponding truth; for, as shown above, the wife is the good of the husband's truth, and he is the truth of the wife's good. Hence, from the two souls there cannot be made one soul; consequently, the fountain from which that love springs is closed, and with this closed they come into a conjugial which has a lower seat, being the conjugial of good with another truth than its own, or of truth with another good, and between these there is no concordant love. Thence with the partner who is in falsities of religion begins cold, and this is intensified as the one departs farther away from the other.

Once when going through the streets of a great city, seeking a place of abode, I entered a house where dwelt married partners who were of diverse religions. While I was still unaware of this, angels addressed me and said, "We cannot stay with you in this house because the partners there are in discordant religions." They perceived this from the internal disunion of their souls.

Conjugial Love #242 (Wunsch (1937))

242. (vii) The third of the internal causes of cold is that one partner has one religion and the other another. The reason is that in their case good cannot be conjoined with its corresponding truth, for the wife is the good of the husband's truth, and he the truth of the wife's good (as was shown above). Hence one soul cannot be made of the two souls. Hence the springs of marital love are closed, and when they are, a marital tendency seated lower is entered on, namely, of good with another truth, or of truth with a good other than its own, between which there can be no harmonious love. Then cold begins with the partner in falsities of religion and intensifies as he differs from the other partner. I was roaming the streets of a great city once, looking for a place to lodge, and entered a house where lived partners of disagreeing religion. The angels addressed me, who was ignorant of the situation, saying, "We cannot remain with you in that house, for the partners there are in disagreeing religion." They perceived the fact from the internal disunion of their souls.

Conjugial Love #242 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

242. (7) That the third of the internal causes of cold is, that one is of one religion and the other of another. The reason is that with them good cannot be conjoined with its correspondent truth. For a wife is the good of the husband's truth and he is the truth of the wife's good, as has been shown above. Hence from the two souls there cannot come to be one soul, consequently the fountain of that love is closed, which being closed they come into a conjugial which has a lower seat, that is, of good with another truth or truth with another good than its own, between which there is not any concordant love. Hence cold begins with the married partner who is in falsities of religion, which is increased as he or she advances in difference from the other. I was once wandering through the streets of a great city seeking a place of lodging; and I entered a house where dwelt married partners who were of different religions. While I was ignorant of the fact the angels spoke to me and said, 'We cannot stay with you in this house, because the married partners there are in discordant religion.' They perceived this from the internal disunion of their souls.

De Amore Conjugiali #242 (original Latin (1768))

242. VII: Quod causarum internarum frigorum Tertia sit, quod alia religio sit uni, et alia alteri. Causa est, quia apud illos non potest bonum cum suo correspondente vero conjungi, uxor enim est bonum veri mariti, et hic est verum boni uxoris, ut supra ostensum est; inde non potest ex duabus animabus fieri una anima; inde scaturigo illius amoris clauditur, qua clausa venitur in conjugiale, quod infra sedet, quod est boni cum alio vero, seu veri cum alio bono quam suo, inter quae non datur amor concors; inde apud conjugem, qui in falsis religionis est, inceptat frigus, quod intenditur sicut abit in diversum ab altero. Quondam in Urbe magna pervagatus plateas fine inquirendi 1habitationem, ac intravi domum, ubi conjuges diversae religionis commorabantur; tunc me de eo nescium alloquuti angeli, dicebant, "non possumus tecum in domo illa manere, quia conjuges ibi in discordi religione sunt;" hoc percipiebant ex disunione interna animarum illorum.


1. Prima editio: inqvirendi

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