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《婚姻之爱》 第251节






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Conjugial Love #251 (Chadwick (1996))

251. (xv) There are also several reasons for separation.

Separation may be from bed or from home. There are many reasons for separation from bed, and as many for separation from home. Here we deal only with legitimate separations. Since the reasons for separation are the same as those for having a concubine, the reader is referred to the relevant chapter [XX] in the second part of this work, to see them set out in order. The reasons for legitimate separation are as follows.

Conjugial Love #251 (Rogers (1995))

251. 15. There are several reasons also for separation. Separations can be separations from the bed or separations from the house. Reasons for separations from the bed are many, likewise for separations from the house. We concern ourselves here, however, with legitimate ones.

(Since reasons for separation coincide with grounds for taking a mistress, to which we devote a chapter in the second part of this work, 1the reader is therefore referred to that section to see the grounds in their own sequential development.)

Legitimate reasons for separation are as follows:


1. See "Taking a Mistress," nos. 462 ff.

Love in Marriage #251 (Gladish (1992))

251. 15. There are also several causes of separation. There is separation from bed and separation from the house. Separation from bed has many causes, and so does separation from the house.

Here we are dealing with legitimate causes. The reasons for separation coincide with the reasons for having a mistress, and they have their own chapter in Part 2 of this book, so the reader is referred to that chapter (Chapter 20) to see the reasons in their due order. The legitimate causes of separation are below.

Conjugial Love #251 (Acton (1953))

251. XV. THAT THERE ARE ALSO SEVERAL CAUSES OF SEPARATION. There is separation from the bed and separation from the house. The causes of separation from the bed are many, and so likewise of separation from the house; here, however, it is legitimate causes that are treated of. Because causes of separation coincide with causes of concubinage, which are treated of in their own chapter in the next Part of this work, the reader is referred to that chapter, that he may see the causes in their order. The legitimate causes of separation are those which follow.

Conjugial Love #251 (Wunsch (1937))

251. (xv) There are also some causes of separation. There are separations from the bed and separations from the house; the causes of either sort of separation are many; but we treat here of legitimate 1causes. Since the causes of separation coincide with the causes of concubinage, of which we treat in a chapter of Part II, the reader is referred to that chapter, 2to see the causes in their order. The following are legitimate causes of separation.


1. For the meaning with which this word is used see252; at470 the word is differently used, and there "just" is used with the meaning of "legitimate" here.

2. Chap. XIX.

Conjugial Love #251 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

251. (15) That the causes of separation are also several. There are separations from bed and separations from the house. The causes of separations from bed are numerous. Equally so are those of separations from the house. But here legitimate causes are treated of. As the causes of separation coincide with the causes of concubinage, to be treated of in their own chapter in the following part of this work, the reader is referred to that, to the end that he may see the causes in their order. The legitimate causes of separation are those that follow.

De Amore Conjugiali #251 (original Latin (1768))

251. XV: Quod Causae separationum etiam sint aliquae. Dantur Separationes a toro, et Separationes a domo; causae separationum a toro sunt plures, pariter separationum 1a domo; sed hic de legitimis agitur. Quoniam Causae separationis coincidunt cum causis Concubinatus, de quibus in sequente Parte hujus Operis in suo Capite, ideo remittitur illuc Lector, ut videat causas in suo ordine. Causae legitimae separationis sunt quae sequuntur.


1. Prima editio: separationes

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