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《婚姻之爱》 第259节






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Conjugial Love #259 (Chadwick (1996))

259. (xxiii) The fourth accidental reason for coldness is when the husband thinks day and night about his wife being willing, and conversely when the wife thinks about her husband being unwilling.

The second is a reason for the cessation of love among wives, and the first is a reason for coldness among men; these statements require no comment. A man who, on seeing his wife by day or lying by her side at night, thinks of her as desiring or being willing, experiences extreme coldness; and on the other hand a wife, who thinks of her husband as being able but unwilling, loses her love. These facts are well known to husbands who take an interest in the secrets of conjugial love. These facts are also reported so as to make this work complete, and to make a full list of the delights of wisdom concerning conjugial love.

Conjugial Love #259 (Rogers (1995))

259. 23. Of these incidental reasons for coldness, a fourth is the man's thinking of his wife day and night that she wants to, and conversely the wife's thinking of her husband that he does not want to. Except to observe that the first is a reason for coldness in men, and that the second is a reason for love's ceasing in wives, we pass this by without discussion. For among the things known to husbands who explore secrets relating to conjugial love is the fact that a man is chilled to the bone if, at the sight of his wife by day or at her side by night, he thinks of her that she has the desire or wants to, and conversely, that a wife loses her love for her husband if she thinks of him that he is able and does not want to.

We include these observations as well in order to make this work complete and not omit anything from our treatment of the delights of wisdom relating to conjugial love.

Love in Marriage #259 (Gladish (1992))

259. 23. A fourth contingent cause of coldness is the man's thinking day and night that his wife is willing, while the wife, on her part, thinks that the man is not. I pass on without comment on the fact that the one thing makes husbands cold and the other makes wives stop loving. Husbands who study the secrets of married love know that if a man thinks his wife desires or wants him whenever he sees her by day or lies beside her at night, it chills him to his fingers and toes. And on the other hand, if a wife thinks her husband is able and not willing, she loses her love. This is added to make the book complete and cover the whole subject of the delights of wisdom about love in marriage.

Conjugial Love #259 (Acton (1953))

259. XXIII. THAT OF THE ACCIDENTAL CAUSES OF COLD, THE FOURTH IS THE MAN'S THOUGHT OF THE WIFE DAY AND NIGHT, THAT SHE IS DESIROUS; AND ON THE OTHER HAND, THE WIFE'S THOUGHT OF THE MAN, THAT HE IS NOT WILLING. That this is a cause of cessation of love with wives, and that it is a cause of cold with men, is passed by without comment; for it is among the things well known to husbands who study the arcana of conjugial love, that if a man at the sight of his wife by day, or by her side at night, thinks of her that she desires or wishes, he is chilled to the extreme; and on the other hand, that if a wife thinks of the man that he is able and not willing, she loses her love. The above is adduced here to the end that this work may be perfected and [its first Part], The Delights of Wisdom from Conjugial Love, be comprehensive.

Conjugial Love #259 (Wunsch (1937))

259. (xxiii) Of accessory causes of cold a fourth is the man's thinking day and night about his wife that she is willing; and the wife's thought in turn about the man that he is not willing. That the one is a cause of waning love in wives and the other a cause of cold in men, we leave without comment. Husbands who study the secrets of marital love are aware that a man is chilled to the extremities if he thinks at sight of his wife during the day or at her side at night that she desires or wants, and in turn the wife loses her love if she thinks of the man that he can but is unwilling. These facts also are cited to the end that this work on "Marital Love: Its Wise Delights" may be complete and comprehensive.

Conjugial Love #259 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

259. (23) That of the adventitious causes of cold the fourth is, the thought of the man by day and by night about the wife that she is willing, and on the other hand the thought of the wife about the man that he is not willing. That this is a cause of cessation of love with wives, and that it is a cause of cold with men, is passed by without observation; for it is among the things known to husbands, who study the secrets of conjugial love, that if a man at the sight of his wife by day or by her side at night thinks that she desires or wishes, he would be chilled to the extremities; and on the other hand, that if a wife thinks of the man that he can and does not wish, she loses her love. These facts are adduced to the end that this work may be perfected, and the delights of wisdom pertaining to conjugial love be made complete.

De Amore Conjugiali #259 (original Latin (1768))

259. XXIII: Quod causarum accidentalium 1frigoris Quarta sit cogitatio viri interdiu et noctu de Uxore quod velit, et vicissim cogitatio uxoris de viro quod non velit. Quod hoc sit causa cessantis amoris apud uxores, et quod illud sit causa frigoris apud viros, praeteritur absque commentatione. Nam quod Vir, si de uxore sua ad conspectum ejus interdiu et ad latus ejus noctu cogitat, quod illa cupiat aut velit, infrigeretur ad extrema; et vicissim Uxor si de viro cogitet, quod possit et non velit, amorem suum amittat, sunt inter cognita maritis, qui arcanis de amore conjugiali student. Haec allata sunt etiam ob finem, ut perficiatur hoc Opus, et compleantur Delitiae sapientiae de Amore conjugiali.


1. Prima editio: accidentaliun

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