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《婚姻之爱》 第258节





  天国中的天使中, 丈夫不会向世间时那样有时会受到妻子的拒绝, 妻子对爱的言论也与世间时不同.我没有被允许透露原因, 因为这样不妥。但这可以在接下来的章节中的第四段陈述中看到。

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Conjugial Love #258 (Chadwick (1996))

258. (xxii) The third accidental cause of coldness is the wife's giving notice of her love and talking about it.

Among the angels in heaven there is no refusal or repugnance on the part of wives, as there is in some cases on earth. Among the angels in heaven wives are willing to talk about love, and do not keep the same silence as some wives on earth. But I am unable, since it would not be proper for me, to disclose the reasons for these differences. Still reference may be made to the statements by the wives of angels, freely uttered in front of their husbands, which are recorded in the four accounts of experiences at the ends of chapters: the three wives in the court over which the golden rain was seen [155b (156), 208], and the seven who were sitting in the rose-garden [293-294]. These accounts are given so that everything may be revealed about conjugial love, the subject of this work both in general and in particular.

Conjugial Love #258 (Rogers (1995))

258. 22. Of these incidental reasons for coldness, a third is declaration by the wife of her love and discourse by her about it. Among angels in heaven husbands do not encounter refusal or resistance on the part of their wives as happens in some cases on earth. Among angels in heaven one also finds discourse by wives about love and not the same silence that one finds in some cases on earth. I am not permitted to present the reasons for these differences, however, because it would not be appropriate for me to do so. Nevertheless, they may be seen from the testimony of the wives of angels who freely confide these reasons to their husbands - testimony presented in four of the narrative accounts following the chapters, by the three wives in the hall on which I saw what seemed to be golden rain, 1and by the seven who were sitting in a rose garden. 2I have included these accounts in order to disclose everything connected with conjugial love, which is the subject we are considering here both in general and in particular.


1. See nos. 155[r] and 208.

2. See nos. 293 and 294.

Love in Marriage #258 (Gladish (1992))

258. 22. A third contingent cause of coldness is the wife being overassertive and lecturing about love. Among the angels in heaven, wives make no refusal and resistance as some wives on earth do, and angel wives in heaven talk about love instead of keeping quiet as some wives on earth do. I am not allowed to give the causes of these differences because it would not be proper for me to do it. But see the four stories that follow these chapters, where angel wives, who freely disclose the differences to their husbands, tell about them. They are the three wives in a house with a golden shower that I saw over it [nos. 155b, 208], and the seven sitting in a rose garden [nos. 293-94]. These stories are supplied to disclose everything about the love in marriage, which is the subject under consideration both in general and in particular.

Conjugial Love #258 (Acton (1953))

258. XXII. THAT OF THE ACCIDENTAL CAUSES OF COLD, THE THIRD IS AFFIRMATION BY THE WIFE AND TALK BY HER ABOUT LOVE. With angels in heaven, there is no refusal and resistance on the part of wives as there is with some wives on earth. Moreover, with angels in heaven, there is talk about love by wives and not such silence as obtains with some wives on earth. To present the causes of these diversities does not become me and so is not permissible; but in four Memorable Relations following the chapters, they may be seen as told by angelic wives who freely disclose them to their husbands--by the three wives in the hall over which was seen a golden shower [nos. 155 at the end, 208], and by the seven sitting in a rose garden [nos. 293-294]. These Relations are adduced to the end that everything pertaining to conjugial love may be disclosed, this love being the subject here treated of both in general and in detail.

Conjugial Love #258 (Wunsch (1937))

258. (xxii) Of accessory causes of cold a third is protestation and talk of love by the wife. With angels in heaven there is no refusal or repugnance on the part of wives as there is with some wives on earth. Among the angels in heaven wives also speak of their love and do not maintain the silence that some do on earth. But I may not give the reason for these differences; it would not become me. But see in four Memorabilia 1what was related by wives of angels, who freely divulge such things to their husbands: - by the three wives in the hall over which the golden rain appeared, and by the seven wives seated in the rose-garden. I offer these Memorabilia to the end that all facts about marital love, which we are considering both in general and in detail, may be disclosed.


1. Nn. 155, 208, 293-294.

Conjugial Love #258 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

258. (22) That of the adventitious causes of cold the third is affirmation by the wife, and talk by her about love. With the angels in heaven there is no refusing and repugnance on the part of wives, as there is with some on earth. With the angels in heaven there is also talk about love by the wives, and not such silence as there is with some on earth. But the reason of these differences I may not tell, as it would not be becoming of me. They may however be learned from the wives of the angels, who freely disclose them to their husbands, as told in four Relations following the chapters; by the three wives in a hall over which I saw the golden rain, 1and by the seven who were sitting in a rose garden; 2which Relations are presented, to the end that all things may be disclosed which relate to the conjugial love here treated of, both in general and in particular.


1. n. 155[2], 208.

2. n. 293, 294.

De Amore Conjugiali #258 (original Latin (1768))

258. XXII: Quod causarum accidentalium frigoris Tertia sit Affirmatio ab uxore, et sermocinatio de amore ab illa. Apud Angelos in coelo nulla est renuentia et repugnantia a parte uxorum, sicut est apud aliquas in terris; apud angelos in coelo etiam est sermocinatio de amore ab uxoribus, et non tale silentium, sicut est apud aliquas in terris; sed causas harum diversitatum, non licet, quia non decet me, proferre; at usque videantur ab angelorum uxoribus, quae libere propalant illas maritis suis, prolata in quatuor Memorabilibus post Capita, a tribus in Aula, super qua visa est Pluvia aurea, et a septem, quae sedebant in Roseto; quae Memorabilia adducta sunt, ob finem, ut aperiantur omnia, quae Amoris conjugialis sunt, de quo tam in genere quam in specie hic agitur.

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